
Itachi Uchiha, now all hope is on you...

After defeating Kaguya, Sasuke plans to stage a revolution. He kills Naruto and then exterminates the five Kage who were in the tsukuyomi. He then becomes Hogake through force, keeping the world in awe with his rinnegan. Itachi wants to be resurrected to stop Sasuke, but Rikudo comes up with a better idea. Transporting Itachi back to the time when he first awakened Mangekyo at age 13. From that point on, he prepares for the finals by honing himself. Itachi in doing so tries not to break too much, the timeline...

uchiha_izuna97 · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Chapter 34

The Hokage residence was the same as always. The same spacious hallways. And offices that had a comfortable view from the window. In the most important office, which was in the center and at the height of the Hokage residences. There now sat the Third Hokage himself in his chair. Sorting through papers and distributing them in the proper order. Most of the papers were information about the remodeling of his main office. But he was most interested in the case of Orochimaru's spy trying to steal the Second Hokage's scroll. The scroll had been created by the First Hokage, but over time it had been improved by the Second Hokage. Now he sat down for a while and tossed the papers aside, pulling out his tobacco. Inhaling the smoke, he thought for a moment.


POV Hokage


I'm sitting in my chair right now and I've only finished half of my papers. I've already spent hours on them. I think it's easier to create clones, but that's for later. I wonder what Itachi experienced in the first version of time, what I was doing then, whether I thought the same as I do now, although he said nothing has changed, so it's easier for me to keep doing what I'm doing now without thinking about time. Otherwise I might change everything without knowing it. I guess that the spy is Mizuki, because I've known him for a long time and understand how he thinks, his look sometimes reminds me of Orochimaru. The ones he meets must be low level shinobi. Orochimaru wouldn't risk the best fighters, much less send them to Konoha. Interrupted by a knock on the door, I answer it:


-Come in- Having said that I see Danzo walk in, his usual smile.


-Good to see you Hiruzen - he began with a slight smile, and looking towards my tobacco added -smoking a lot is bad for you, you know, don't leave this world before me, because smoke shortens people's lives by a couple of years.


-But I've been pulling my own tobacco for years, and look at me now, I'm alive," I said with a smile, and continued, "So what's your reason for coming to Danzo?


-I ordered the ANBU men to keep an eye on all the Jonin and Chunin, one of the ANBU men came in to tell me that he noticed Orochimaru's cursed seal in his right forearm, should I have him arrested?" asked Danzo.


-No, we need to find out who he's sending the scroll to if he can steal it, but we don't want to spook him yet, let him continue his surveillance, and after he helps Iruka take the Genin final exam, he'll come up with a plan to steal the scroll, and I'll send a squad of Chunin after him in the meantime.


-What about the Jonins? I thought you were sending them to find the shinobi who would be waiting for Mizuki," Danzo decided to ask me.


-I'll send Itachi for them," I said confidently, and Danzo immediately calmed down, and then I decided to continue, "I'm sure he can handle them without a sharingan, I'll also add Izumo and Kotetsu to him, they may be Chunin, but they're very skilled and talented, they didn't become Jonin by choice, because as you know they wanted a normal life, that's why they became sentries," I finished my speech.


-Okay, Hiruzen, I understand you, and so it will be, and in general, have a good day friend and do not miss you, and if you want I can replace you, because I understand how tedious these papers can be, - folded his hands on his chest with a smile added Danzo.


I was glad to see my friend with an honest answer again, the last time I saw him so positive, when we were 11 years old, I also knew that Shisui didn't hypnotize him, but instead revealed his true face, his last gift to Konoha, Itachi often started to talk like that when I start talking about it, although I'm sure he'll be able to fix it soon, I doubt Shisui succumbed to his cursed blood, but he has his own obscure reason to kill Itachi, if you believe the words of the Akatsuki Leader, but now I decided to put my thoughts aside, and turning my gaze to Danzo with a smile tossing away the tobacco added:


-No, you don't have to," I replied to my friend with a smile, "I already have all the paperwork almost finished, and if there are any more I think I'll create a couple of shadow-clones to finish it for me while I'm resting at home.


-I'm sure if I were the Hokage, I wouldn't have thought of it, maybe that's why the other one chose you to be the Third Hokage," Danzo said with a smile.


-I wouldn't say that, the other wouldn't do anything if he wasn't completely sure, I'm sure he chose me because he knew that I wouldn't hesitate to give my life for Konoha, and he gave you a chance to live a full and free life, so that you could help me carry the load, and also improve the village in your own way, - With a smile I took back my tobacco and inhaled the smoke, I noticed that Danzo was calm, my words must have calmed him down a lot, he even forgot about the traitor Mizuki for a while, I decided to add - I must admit it's not that easy, if you were Hokage you'd ask me to replace you Heh... - I finished my speech with a puff of smoke.


-You always talked about will-fire and emotion, but if it weren't for Shisui's koto-amatsukami, I wouldn't have realized it," Danzo said sadly, and I thought back to a year ago, when I sent Fu Yamanaka to monitor Danzo's mind, While he was asleep he went into his mind and found out everything, that's when I found out that Itachi's theory was true, secondly I talked to Danzo about it, but he still couldn't discuss it, that's why I had to call some ANBU, to give him their chakra to dispel the technique, but it worked, and Danzo was free to discuss it in his office when three ANBU shinobi were able to dispel the powerful koto-amatsukami technique, While I was thinking my thoughts were interrupted by Danzo - but now I understand your thinking and your goal, I will also improve Konoha and even die for it if necessary, - Danzo finished his speech, it made me smile and Danzo also added - well then, I see you have a lot of things to do, good luck Hiruzen.


-Good luck, see you around Heh," I said with a smile, he nodded and walked out of my office.


I sat still and inhaled the tobacco smoke and was glad that Danzo had found himself, now all that was left was to finish a little of his work and call someone to send for Itachi, not forgetting to add Izumo and Kotetsu, but in the meantime I decided to keep looking at the papers that the ANBU intelligence had given me, and I saw that Orochimaru had sent his squad, called the sound-four, to intercept the scroll of the second Hokage, and take it to Orochimaru, and I chuckled, because I knew it wasn't enough to even surprise Itachi, I could have sent him on the mission, I was about to call one of the ANBU for Itachi, but for a moment I looked out the window and saw Itachi walking towards me, as if he knew, he was wearing his black cloak, his castle was dark blue, and I saw Izumo and Kotetsu running after him, and then I thought maybe it was fate., they came to me, all the people I wanted to call, no more and no less, but I don't think it matters now, I wait for them to come in, a couple minutes later they knock on my office and I answer:


-Come in- Having said that I inhaled from the tobacco to the side and waited for them to come in, Itachi came across from me and started:


-You said you were summoning all the shinobi, but for what purpose? - He asked with a questioning look, and I put the tobacco aside and began:


I told them the purpose and nature of the missions, and even that I was planning to send only them instead of the jonin.... I told them the purpose of the mission and the nature of the mission, and even that I was planning to send only them instead of the jonin... I told them that they were calling themselves the sound quadruped, and that the three of them, Itachi and his partners Izumo and Kotetsu, would be going on this mission, because they hadn't been on a mission for a long time, so they could use a warm-up, and if Itachi were to help them, he would always know when to help them:


-I see... The mission will be accomplished," he replied confidently, Izumo and Kotetsu added a smile for his full confidence, and could safely rely on him to successfully complete the missions.


Later they came out of my office and I was finishing my work and went to another office where there was a gathering of all the Jonin and Chunin, there was also once a gathering of the leaders of their clans, now it was empty, and I was just glad and took out my scroll and called up my crystal ball and watched the many, In the village the first thing I focused on was Itachi, I saw him explaining his mastery of the hiraishin technique, it was enlightening, I was happy to hear that he had mastered it, the second Hokage would be proud to see that, I smiled slightly as I knew his potential was great, I wouldn't be surprised if he could even develop it to the level of blue lightning in a year, although I've seen enough, the seal I put on his shoulder works well, although Itachi is aware of that, there's not much you can hide from him, even as a human even he still seems more than human, now I looked at Naruto, I know what it is, the chakra of the nine-tailed man, it's because of this power that my wife died, she was one of the victims when the nine-tailed man attacked, although it's not clear how she got another type of wound., from the footprints there was no trace of the nine-tails, it feels like she was killed by a shinobi who can pass through walls, knocking out her vigilance, and piercing her, although everyone thought her death was an accident during the nine-tails attack, but I don't think so....


Now, I'm focusing on the ninetail's chakra and watching Naruto, I see him at the academy trying to make a shadow clone and it's coming out like a bag, you're using your chakra wrong as always Naruto, you're pouring too much chakra into it, you're putting physical strength into it, you need to control chakra with your mind, not your body, synchronization is not your style, but unlike you, Itachi got it right on the first try, then I watch as Iruka rejects Naruto, but Mizuki tries to back him up and say he did it and it's better than nothing, but Iruka insists it's not a clone, and Naruto fails... Although I recognize that look, Mizuki knew Naruto wouldn't give up anyway, but he decided to appear good in front of him in order to manipulate him, I think I figured out how you want to steal the scroll Mizuki, tonight I'll send you some chunins...


And now I'm leaving this empty office, and heading home, as all work for the day is now over....




Now I'm back at my residence and sitting at the Hokage's desk, I'm well rested at home, I even had some hot tea with cactus and aloe vera honey that Itachi had recommended to me over the years, I must admit he has exquisitely excellent taste, it really helps, and even relaxes the nerves... after a hard day, I took out my crystal ball from my scroll from the mountain mieboku, I kept watching Izumo and Kotetsu, concentrating on their chakra, the ball showed me a picture of them, I saw them start to defeat the sound four, but I didn't see Itachi near them, they must have split up, but I see they are doing well without him, But if they are in trouble I'm sure Izumo will use his hiraishin mark left to him by Itachi and call Itachi himself, I keep watching them through my orb and I see that they were able to defeat them all, but the sound four didn't just give up, they activate the second level cursed seal, Izumo and Kotetsu nodded to each other and created a mass cloning, and yet their clones were quickly dispersed by Kidomaru's golden arrows, and the fusion of Ukon and Sakon's bodies, and the other clones were paralyzed by Tayui's flute genjutsu, and the paralyzed were finished off by Jirobo, and when the original Izumo and Kotetsu were left, they just stood there doing nothing, and they were surrounded, but the four decided to take it slow so they put their weapons away, and started avoiding them in taijutsu, but Izumo and Kotetsu just smiled as if that's what they wanted, suddenly someone throws a kunai with hiraishina written on it into a tree, and Itachi appears in it, and shows off his skills saving his comrades, the fight was not equal for them, but Itachi didn't even use sharingan, apparently he was practicing Heh... I saw him defeating everyone and extending his hands to Izumo and Kotetsu, their mission is accomplished I guess.


Now I switched to watching Naruto and Iruka, the crystal ball showed me this moment when Mizuki throws her giant shuriken towards the lying Naruto, and Iruka sets his back up protecting him, and translating his gaze to Naruto speak:


-Naruto... - Naruto looks at his wounded sensei and listens, frightened and surprised at the same time -remember that day when you were kidnapped by three mist nukenin and Itachi and Shisui went to rescue you?


-Yes Iruka sensei I remember, you tried to protect me from them, but there were many of them and so you couldn't-" Naruto replies trying to calm his voice,


-Before that, you were chasing Kiba and a couple of his friends trying to play the demon fox, and when you met me you told me you were playing a trick on them, and when you saw my understanding look you took it as contempt, so you ran off into the woods, and when I caught up with you I wanted to tell you that it wasn't contempt, it was pity, because I know what it was like for you to live alone and sad, you didn't deserve to live like that, the fourth one shouldn't have sealed the nine-tails in you... - Iruka finished his speech and let out a tear as he looked at Naruto sadly.


-Oh oh oh oh oh oh how cute, can you two just finish talking already so I can kill you!", Mizuki said with a crooked smile.


Naruto gets to his feet in response, and disappears, Mizuki was surprised that it was his shadow-clone all along, and then the original Naruto appears holding the scroll of the second Hokage, and Naruto clenched his teeth to speak.


-If you touch my sensei, I'll kill you!" Naruto said shortly, and folded the seals to create more than 50 clones, and they all attacked Mizuki, beating him up and knocking him out.


I continued to watch Naruto defend his teacher, closing my eyes as if I was there myself, and I could hear their conversation in person, and I see Iruka give him his armband and tell him that he passed the exam surpassing everyone else who passed today and became a Genin, Naruto.... I'm sure you have a long way to go, but I don't know the answer to that, I'm sure Itachi knows what you're going to be like, it's not for nothing that he looks at you like you're the Hokage....


Itachi came to my office with Izumo and Kotetsu, they told me that the mission was accomplished, but I told them that I knew about it beforehand, because I was watching them with my crystal ball, from the mountain-myeboku later after they left I went to my house and first of all, fell asleep.




It's the next day at the Hokage's post, I'm sitting in my chair waiting for Naruto to arrive so I can personally give him the rank of Genin, but in order for his passport to be filled out well, I need an accurate portrait of him, just so he doesn't screw up his picture.


While I was thinking about him, Naruto himself walks in the door and starts:


-Hey! Good morning grandpa!, I brought my passport to be officially Genin!, this is the first step to being Hokage myself, so get ready to vacate your post haha! - Naruto began with his trademark smile.


-Ehhh... With that kind of attitude and disrespect, you won't become one anytime soon!, better take Itachi's example!" I closed my eyes and folded my elbows on the table, crossing my fingers.


-I haven't seen him much this year, but I'm sure he knows what a cool Hokage I'm going to be, hah!" Naruto answered me without lowering his smile.


-Well... I think time will tell," I added with a smile, and continued, "but now for business, give me your passport.


He came to my chair, I gave him, registration number ninja 102607, although when I saw his portrait there, I was a little disappointed, because he smeared with flour, covered his face with it and drew himself some red lines, I refused to accept this picture of him, told him to reshoot himself, and he in turn behaved glumly glaring at me, then folding the seal said "Technique: Harem" I still smiling decided to play along, pretended to be surprised, and strained his nose to bleed and fell off the chair, because I knew that he can sometimes be a strong bore if something does not go according to his plan, then getting up I say that I can not still accept this portrait, and he glumly leaves the office, but before leaving another boy comes in, Naruto looks at this boy questioningly, but when this boy got to his feet I saw my grandson Konohomaru again, even though I knew he was the one running in my direction before, sometimes he is just as avid as Naruto, I see him turn his gaze to Naruto and start:


-Why are you looking at me loser," he says defiantly to Konohomaru looking in Naruto's direction, and Naruto responds by taking him by the scruff of the neck and speaking.


-Who are you calling a loser dattabayo!" Naruto said to him with an angry look, and they even amused me as I watched two of the most stubborn people in my life cross paths.


Then Ebisu walks into the office and starts:


-What are you doing!, stop it it's the grandson of the third Hokage," after Ebisu's words, Naruto looked at Konohomaru in surprise.


-What, you're afraid of my grandfather?", huh, Konohamaru answers him cheekily.


-IF HE WAS YOUR GRANDMOTHER! DATTABAYO!," Naruto slapped Konohamaru on the back of the head and added, "GET IT! - and Ebisu fainted from what he saw, and I watched with a smile.


Then I see that Konohamaru was happy to find someone who treated him as an equal, even though he was my grandson, he ran after Naruto out of my office, and I got up from my chair and walked over to Ebisu to wake him up.




A couple hours later, I keep watching Konoha through my crystal ball from the mountain-myeboku, I decided to switch to Naruto, and I saw him training Konohamaru on transformation techniques, they were near the women's bathhouse, I'm glad they became friends, but suddenly Naruto started:


-Remember, to become a beautiful girl you must first peep at naked girls got it- Naruto said slyly and Konohamaru nodded with a sly smile following his mentor's advice, they started to watch the girls through the walkway, but their happiness was interrupted by one Shinobi in a Chunin outfit who was passing by.


-You perverts, respect the privacy of the girls- -when they both turned around they saw a guy with shaggy hair, dark blonde in color, dressed naturally in Chunin's outfit, I think I recognized him, he was in the same class as Itachi, his name is Kamano Saisu.


-We just, we just- - Naruto began to stammer.


-We just noticed the march and decided to look through the hole to see what was in there," Konohamaru said confidently.


-I don't believe you, read the sign on top of the sign that says women's bath, I expected more from the grandson of the third Hokage- Kamano folded his arms across his chest and looked at them with a look that reminded me of an angry Iruka.


-My name is Naruto Uzumaki, tomorrow I will officially become Genin, and I used to watch naked girls to perfect my jutsu, which I called "Harem Technique", but I'm not a pervert databayo! - When he finished his speech, Kamano chuckled slightly at his words, reminding him of himself, because when he was a boy he was like Naruto himself.


-You know, I like you, for I was once like you myself, and by your look now I believe your words, good luck with your databayo training," Kamano replied, taking his habit of the word databayo, and Naruto only smiled and nodded, and Kamano went on his way.


I kept watching Naruto and Konohamaru, they did a long training session, but Konohamaru didn't have the same technique as Naruto, he sat down on a log and said looking at Naruto that he wanted everyone to look at him not as my grandson, but as a person, Naruto replied that if he wanted to become Hokage he would have to defeat him, they wanted to start training, but Ebisu who had been watching them all day decided to intervene and wanted to take Konohamaru away for better training, but Konohamaru refused, he folded his seal and demonstrated his technique, Ebisu opened his mouth, but he didn't break, when he came to his senses he kept walking towards him, but Naruto created many shadow clones, and Ebisu only smiled slightly, because he knew he was on a team, with Maito Gai and Genmo Shiranui, and the leader of his team back when he was Genin was Chouzy Akimichi, He was also good at taijutsu, almost like Gai, and Naruto couldn't surprise him, until Naruto's clones formed a transformation seal and turned into beautiful naked girls Ebisu fainted with a smile, and I stopped looking at my ball, because maybe even I would be surprised by this technique heh.




Many hours had passed since then, I was almost done with the paperwork and I was replaced by Shikaku Nara, taking on the most difficult ones, with his mindset he was an excellent strategist, and I'm sure he would have won all the wars, it's people like him who should be Hokage, but although his intelligence is inferior to Itachi Uchiha, if Itachi became Hokage, then maybe Konoha would be resistant to any level of onslaught, by the way.... what about Itachi, how did he spend his day?


Taking out my crystal ball again, I watch him and see him eating dango with Kamano Saisu, I'm glad he's got everything under control, I hope he doesn't break anything in time, I don't know much about it, but one thing I'm sure of is that Itachi Uchiha, unlike me, never gets his hopes up, he's always sure of himself, I guess when I finish my security check of Konoha, through my mountain-myeboku ball, I'll probably go to bed, because the work is done.


End of the Hokage's POV


Itachi now had his hands on the rooftop rods of the Hokage residences. He had a good day with his childhood friend and saw the sunset, in which he remembered Izumi... He also knew that the renovation of the top floor of the Hokage buildings was about to begin. where Tsunade would sit and become the fifth Hokage. He was sad that the third would not live to see that day. After all, he would die during Orochimaru's attack, or would he? While the protagonist had not yet decided whether to change this event or not. He also knew that in the first timeline. When the Jonins were searching for the sound four, they escaped when they smelled their chakra. The battle then ended before it even began, for the sound-four knew that they could not fight the quarter-jonins of Konoha. Even with Kimimaru, the chance would be very slim. After all, Konoha's Shinobi were definitely not the weakest Shinobi. Thinking about all of this Itachi decided to head towards his home. Putting his hiraishin seal there he was there in just two seconds. And went to bed. Before going to sleep, he thought about tomorrow and the assignment of teams. That's how Team 7 would come to be.

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