
Itachi Uchiha, now all hope is on you...

After defeating Kaguya, Sasuke plans to stage a revolution. He kills Naruto and then exterminates the five Kage who were in the tsukuyomi. He then becomes Hogake through force, keeping the world in awe with his rinnegan. Itachi wants to be resurrected to stop Sasuke, but Rikudo comes up with a better idea. Transporting Itachi back to the time when he first awakened Mangekyo at age 13. From that point on, he prepares for the finals by honing himself. Itachi in doing so tries not to break too much, the timeline...

uchiha_izuna97 · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Chapter 20

Itachi woke up Kisame when it was already 9:30, he woke up and got dressed, washed his face and even put on his black cloak, they both left the hotel and wanted to go to Konoha to report the successful mission, but Itachi wanted to find Karin first, and since he didn't know her mother's name it made it a little harder for him to find her, and when he left his hotel, which Itachi paid for, and heard the loud sound of the rebels attacking the edge of the village he realized that this would make it even harder for him to find Karin, Kisame was surprised and reached for the hilt of his katana and wished he had a Samehada sword, the Samehada is a living sword that can absorb the chakra of opponents, and now it is in Fuguki's possession, and he is in Akatsuki, so it won't be easy to get it, but Kisame was not discouraged because he still had his katana.


-Do you think this is the beginning of the storm? - Kisame began, remembering Itachi's words about the calm before the storm.


-Itachi replied in a serious tone, and added, "Be prepared for anything, because our opponents are not just rebels, they are Shinobi rebels.


-Hehehehe, I won't be bored," Kisame said, smiling.


-Now because of the temporary food supply crisis, some people are blaming the heads of the grass village, and because of that and they have become rebels and will attack, so our enemies are still them- Itachi detailed Itachi to keep Kisame informed.


-What do you say Itachi-san, do you think we should stay and help the village?", Kisame inquired.


-I think we're going to stay here for a while, and I have a personal matter to attend to, I'll meet you at the gate later- -Itachi began to take the form of ravens, which flew in different directions, and Kisame realized that he had originally gone to look for his target, and left him a clone, and now he was still standing on the threshold of the hotel, and moved towards the battlefield, with a smile.


-Well, whatever you say Itachi-san- -said Kisame in a hollow voice, and jogging to the site of his field-fighting and amusement.


Itachi created a lot of shadow clones, and preferably looked for red-haired women and girls, since he assumed that since Karin was red-haired, her mother must be, but he still asked the houses, "Do you have a daughter named Karin?", and they said no, or just nodded in the other direction, Itachi mostly searched the village centers for herbs, and he was pretty sure Karin was in this village, because her mother had moved here after the destruction of the Uzumaki clan, and her name was still unknown to him, he could only guess what she looked like, but he knew what she looked like, Karin herself, who was now only 8 years old, she was the same age as Sakura, Itachi kept searching....




Kisame was in the center of the battle, and when he came to the border of the village, he saw the Shinobi of the village of grass, surrounded by rebels who had managed to hire on their side and thugs, who were in a shirtless and with only eyes they were like pirates, Chunin and Jonin they were six and they were going back to the village for reinforcements, until suddenly saw on the way back Kisame himself in a black cloak, and began.


-Whose side are you on?" one of the Shinobi of the grass village said, raising an eyebrow questioningly.


-Relax," Kisame reassured them with a smile and continued, "I'm on your side, go back to the village for help and I'll deal with them.


-But, there are more than 15 rebels and also 5 Nukenin thugs, are you sure you can handle it? - replied the same shinobi.


-Together 20?, heheh, well thanks for the information but although I'll deal with them run - finished the last phrase with a serious look, and those nodded and retreated.


Kisame walked closer to his opponents and a thug, almost his height, came out to him at a distance of 5 meters in front of him and inquired.


-You're either brave or a fool?, if you want we can finish you off quickly without ceremony hahaha," the thug began.


-And that's the smartest thing you've come up with? And who are you calling a fool, now don't wait for mercy -After the last sentence Kisame smiled and drew his katana, and the thug signaled and sent five men to meet Kisame.


And the five were coming towards him and he folded the seals and struck the ground and said "Water Element: five sharks clashing" and from the ground he summoned water, and from the water five sharks began to form, which were directed towards them and the five opponents were completely stunned, and then passed out, as Kisame added a lot of chakra to them, in order to make the noise-sound stronger, and the impact thereby also, chakra for him was not a problem he had plenty of it, his volume of chakra surpassing even the mizukage.


-That's it? I was hoping to have some fun," Kisame said smiling and then changed to a sad look at the end, causing the thug to look nervous.


-You think you're so tough huh?" the thug answered him, and Kisame nodded with a smile, and he answered him, -Well now you're going to have to deal with me you unfinished shark!


He beckoned for all his 14 henchmen to come at him, and he himself was in front, with the sword he had taken from the dead grass Jonin, which was lying on the ground, and Kisame, in the meantime, folded the seals and created multiple water clones, and created four clones that stood on equal footing with him, and the five Kisames folded the seals, and said "Water Element: Water Projectile Technique" and a two-story tsunami surrounded all the opponents, and everyone was confused for a while, but that's what Hoshigake wanted, to take care of them all one by one, and his clones fought against the rest of the survivors, while Kisame headed towards the leader of the thugs, who had time to apply the earth style and make a water projectile shield.


And as soon as he reached him, he collided with his sword, so much so that sparks even lit up between the swords, and Kisame was much physically stronger than his opponent, and with a sharp movement to the left side, the thug who did not expect this sharply pointed his sword to the right side, as Kisame pushed his sword to his left side, and when the sword was not pointed towards Kisame, the hoshigake took advantage of this and hit him with his fist, and kicked him so that he flew 8 meters away and even dropped his sword, and meanwhile he felt one of his clones being defeated, but he also knew that the water clone had killed three enemies, and while he was thinking about it, he noticed that the thug was taking some forbidden pills that made his body stronger and much faster, and gave him a headache as a side effect, but the side effect would only work after an hour... and now he was coming at Kisame with incredible speed, but he had time to block it, so it didn't do much damage, but Kisame still flew 2 meters away.


-Well well well, I see someone managed to take their vitamins," Kisame said with a smile.


-That's right and the fight is just beginning, hahaha," he said as he swooped towards him again.


Kisame realized his actions and reactions, and so he decided to fight using taijutsu against him, and they begin to fight, the thug strikes him with his left foot on his side, and then with his right hand on his jaw, and finally kicks him so that Kisame flies into a tree, and crashes backwards into the ground.


-Hehehehehe, that's what I wanted," Kisame replies, as he really wanted that, he stands up and takes off his black cloak, and takes off his shirt, and says, "Now that I've taken your blows I realize what your strength level is, and how strong your opponent is is how strong I am," his smile made the thug wince a little.


Kisame watched as another one of his water clones was destroyed, but he also managed to kill five criminals, and he was left with only two water clones, and the third was himself, and he also left his cloak near the tree where the thug had thrown him, and was left with a bare torso, and was walking at an incredible speed towards his opponent, and his speed and strength increased, and the thug didn't even realize he had two punches to the stomach with his fist, and when he wanted to block, Kisame grabbed his head with both hands, and pulled him towards him, kicked him in the solar plexus so hard that he didn't think twice, and he pulled out his katana, and chopped his head off, and he was sad that the fun was over quickly, and meanwhile he realized that both of his clones had been defeated, but had managed to take out three of his opponents, and only three were left alive, and Kisame looked at them with a smile as he went to their side, and they took a fighting stance and prepared for him, Kisame was getting closer to them and was walking towards them slowly, but suddenly, someone in a black cloak came out of a bush, and Kisame realized that it was Itachi's clone, and the opponents were heading towards Itachi, and he was using the fire style and saying, "Fire element: Phoenix Sage Flame Technique" and together a huge fireball, there's a lot of fire like balls flying towards them, and the thug's henchmen dodge them, but one does get caught in the flames, and he tries to put it out, Itachi takes advantage of this and pulls out a kunai from his pouch and forcefully throws it at his face, killing him, and the two try to attack him, but a clone emerges from Itachi's back, or rather a shadow clone of his crow clone, and throws five shurikens at his opponent, who dies a quick death, When they hit the pain points and one also hit his face, and the third Itachi is already fighting in taijutsu style, he tries to hit him to make him disappear, but Itachi easily dodges all his attacks and responds with a lightning fast kick to his knee, causing him to fall, and intercepts his arm, Itachi decided to save his chakra, so he dealt with all of them without sharingan, and Kisame, who was watching Itachi all this time, starts clapping with a smile, and walks towards Itachi and starts:


-I didn't expect to see you Itachi-san-" stopping clapping but continuing to smile Kisame said.


-I just thought you might need some help, so I created a raven clone, and gave you some shuriken and kunai to help you. - Itachi replies to Kisame's words.


-But I had everything under control, and what business did you want to stay here? -When your previous clone vanished, he didn't say what his purpose was. - Kisame asked


-Maybe you could have been surrounded by more people so more people came up," Kisame hummed with a smile and Itachi continued, "and my goal is to find Karin Uzumaki, and take her to Konoha to safety.


-For what purpose do you need this Karin, by any chance your lost lover?", Kisame replied sarcastically and added his usual smile.


-Don't be ridiculous, she's just a girl and she's about 8 years old- -After Itachi's words, Kisame felt uncomfortable and he removed his smile and continued to listen- -And she's one of the last of the Uzumaki clan, and I don't want an innocent girl to go through a war, or worse, lose her mother in it.


-If you say so, then so be it, and I felt sorry for Karin after what you said," Kisame said sentimentally.


-By the way, put on your cloak, or you'll lose it, or something will fly away from you -Itachi said with a smile on his face, and continued -and by the way, if you stain this cloak with blood, it's not absorbed into it, so don't think about it, and it also washes out quickly, and the colors won't wash off, because it's not a simple silk, but half of aluminum.


-Thanks for the advice Itachi-san waiting for you then at night and the gate of this village -Itachi gave him all his things, namely all the kunai and shurikens that were in the pouch, since he is going to disappear and things left to his friend-partner and turned into a flock of crows and they flew in different directions.


After Itachi's raven-clone disappeared, Kisame took back his cloak in his hands, and noticed the reinforcements coming in, those Shinobi he had saved and with them were 20 other people, they said "You really took care of everyone heh," and then the leader turned to Kisame and asked "what did you leave us?". Kisame put on his black cloak, and walked towards the village of his hotel, and turned his face back towards them for a moment and replied with a smile "Only the bodies left, Heh..."




After the crow-clone disappeared Itachi realized that Kisame was fine, and then he canceled the multiple cloning technique, and realized that they weren't in the center of the village, and he thought, what the hell, he couldn't have changed the timeline like that.... and then he remembered what he'd read in Karin's file, that her mom had died when she was a donor at the hospital, and now it was the beginning of this rebel revolution, and the hospital was full of wounded, and she must be there now, and Itachi may not have known what she looked like or what her name was, but he knew she was from the Uzumaki clan, and her daughter's name was Karin, and he headed towards the hospital, and he decided to scatter all the clones because he was saving his chakra supply, and while he was getting to the hospital he thought that if he didn't transfer his powers to Sasuke in this second timeline, he would not be able to use his own, amaterasu or the highest level of genjutsu, for only Indra, the son of the sage, possessed the amaterasu technique, and there may have been uchiha who were also able to use the power of space in its purest form to create black flames, but Itachi was sure they were few, Since this ability was as rare as Kamui, in the first timeline when Sasuke had used Amaterasu, he had even improved it a bit, using one eye to summon the black flame and the other to control its form so that it could serve as a shield and also as an attack, Itachi knew that he could also improve, but he also realized that he didn't have a chance to train, because he didn't want to risk his eyesight, so he only used tsukuyomi rarely, and amaterasu only in extreme situations, and his eyesight was excellent for 8 years, and Sasuke when he awakened Mangekyo had already gone blind for a year, and only Itachi's eye transplant helped, but Itachi also thought if he took the pills that the thug who fought Kisame took, he could use the chakra from those pills, and train on amaterasu flame techniques, and these pills would temporarily replace natural chakra, and his eyes would not be damaged because they would be soaked in the synthetic chakra of these pills, and he would have plenty of time to perfect amaterasu, and manipulate it by creating molds with the other eye, and even in missions he can participate in with these pills, but there will still be side effects from them, since Itachi knew the names of the pills and the instructions, but the good news is that it's just a headache.


Itachi was able to get to the same hospital after he finished thinking about it, and when he got to the hospital he saw a lot of wounded people, and strong Jonin were lying there with their hands on the wounded places and irienins were treating them, and he also noticed how Chunin were lying there with broken legs and ribs, but the strongest group of enemies was in the west, but Kisame had already dealt with them, so there were not many wounded from that side, even the reinforcements were clean in every way, and as he passed by the wards he noticed a few shinobi coming out of one ward healthy, and as Itachi entered that ward he noticed a woman with red hair covering her arm with a sweater to hide the bites, and Itachi was 80 percent sure it was Karin's mother, so he went over to her and started:


-Hello- -Itachi began politely.


-Hello are you injured too?" she replied, and asked with a raised eyebrow.


-No, I'm fine -she sighed that she wouldn't have to let herself be bitten again, and continued listening to Itachi -I'm a Shinobi from Konoha, and I'd like to suggest that you and your daughter also go to Konoha -this suggestion made her smile for a moment, but she made a serious face for a moment, as life has taught her that a catch is often....


-Interesting offer, but why would you help me and my daughter Karin?" she asked, raising her other eyebrow as she was half pleased.


-When I first came to this village, I learned that here are some of the last survivors of the Uzumaki clan, and learning about it, I also realized that you have a daughter, and I do not want her to grow up in a place where there will be wars for another 6 years at least, and so I wanted to offer you to come with me in the direction of Konoha, I will arrange with the Hokage you will have a good place to live - after my words, she smiled almost crying as if it was a good sign for her, and a reward for kindness.


-I agree thank you, and what's your name?" she said happily, and then decided to ask the name and the answer was "Itachi Uchiha" and she realized that he was telling the truth about the good life of Konoha, because she knew who he was, and heard that he was the main hero of Konoha, and he would really keep his word - very nice to meet you, and my name is Mira Uzumaki.


Then some wounded Chunin entered the room, but before leaving Itachi said:


-Now you're still an irienin, but tonight you can already pack for Konoha- Itachi said comfortingly, and she told which way their house was, and it wasn't in the center of the grass village, but on the edge for tourists.


Itachi nodded and left the room, and went to their house to pack their things for a better life for her daughter, and headed towards the edge of the grass village, and while he was getting there he noticed that it was slowly getting darker, he knew that war was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but considering that he had spent the day thinking about it, the time passed quickly for him, it was like he was meditating as he walked, and when he got to their house he knocked.


Itachi's POV


The door was opened to me by Karin, and I saw in her only a child who had seen little yet of the cruelty of this world, and seeing her questioningly frightened look, I turned my visage into a smile, and sitting down on one knee began:


-Hello my name is Itachi, your mom sent me here for you-" I said without lowering my smile.


-What happened to mom, where is she? -She started to worry about her, and so she looked at me with a frightened face, waiting for a comforting answer, but I guessed what she was thinking and answered.


-Your mom is fine, and she sent me here to pack up your and her things, and you'll move to Konoha away from this war," she continued to listen to me, and I continued, "and there the sun always shines and you'll meet a lot of good friends.


-Konoha... but mom said it was a faraway place, and expensive to get home"-she answered dubiously, and lowered her eyes to the floor sadly, and I took my index finger and poked her nose, surprised.


-Don't worry I'll take care of everything, and the hokage is my friend by the way- after that she took her nose with her hands, I wanted to poke her again but she took it with both hands and started laughing and I smiled too.


The sunset was coming to an end and I started packing, and Karin helped me by pointing with her finger, and I gathered all their things, took out my scroll and put all the things in it, and when I left the cabin, I took Karin's hand so she wouldn't get lost, and the sunset was over and the sky was dark blue, although I was happy about that since it's my favorite color.... as I was walking with Karin, I started to say how beautiful Konoha was, and that there were lakes, Sakura trees that adorned the Konoha Hospital, and even roofs that you could easily jump over, and even the castle-kikyo which was my favorite place, she was listening smiling and looking forward to moving there.


When we got to the hospital, we saw Karin's mother coming out, and Karin let go of my hand and ran to her mom and hugged her.... I was just admiring the scene, and when I got to the hospital, her mother asked where the things were, and I said they were in the scroll, and she sighed that I had found a better solution, and I walked towards my hotel, but before I could get there, Kisame came to me, in the center of the village in a black cloak.


-Kisame I thought we agreed to meet at the gate," I told him, and I even noticed that Karin looked at him scared, I realized it when she snuggled up behind my cloak.


-Somebody had to pack, I packed both of our things by the way, and here's your scroll Itachi-san- -he threw the scroll to me and I caught it, nodding with a smile that at least it was a time saver.


As I was walking alongside Itachi, Mira Uzumaki and her daughter were behind me, and she was still holding her mother's hand as well, and in the middle of the street of the village across the street, the head of the village herself meets us with several Shinobi, and begins:


-My name is Kazuya and the Kusagakure Shinobi owe you a lot, you were able to stop our village's strongest nukenin and thugs, tell me what you want and you'll get it," said the head of the village, looking at me and Kisame like a hero.


-We want to take these two from the Uzumaki clan, and that's all we want- -After that sentence of mine, he nodded.


And it felt good that everything was going smoothly, first of all I didn't have to carry my things, because I had a scroll for storing weapons, and I didn't have to collect my things, because Kisame had collected them, and even the head of the village came up to me and volunteered, everything was going according to plan, and we started to walk on, and the head of the village passed us by, but suddenly a shinobi with a grass village protector on his forehead stood in front of me, in a dark brown kimono, and his gray hair was combed back, and I remembered who he was, when I read Karin's file I saw that he was the one who forced her mother to constantly be a donor, which caused her to die, and then took Karin into that role, and rumor has it he was killed when the village was attacked, but in this temporary one I'm not going to let him do that, standing across from me in my path he started:


-Mira, where are you going? -Mira was behind everyone and wanted to answer, but I interrupted by answering first.


-She and her daughter are coming with me to Konoha-" I said coldly, as I didn't like his looks and mannerisms.


-Kazuya and will you let them take two of our best weapons, useful items?" he said folding his arms on his chest, and turned to the village leader who hadn't gotten far enough away from Mira yet, and I looked at him with indifference after his words.


-That price they helped us, let them go Zosui- said the village leader and Zosui was not happy and insisted.


-You're a fool Kazuya, I knew you were a bad leader, they're not going anywhere! - He said with his hands off his chest, as if to order the leader, and he wanted to tell his guards to shut that Zosui up, but I started first.


-"People like you can't see beyond your own nose... you're just a pawn lost in this world, clinging to every loaf of bread, looking at other living people as if they were things - when I said that, I couldn't stop looking at him as if he were nothing, and I think I hurt him with it.


-Who are you anyway to judge me and my methods! or do you want to be arrested?" he said applying a baleful look.


After his harsh words, Karin came to me and hid behind my cloak, looking at him with one eye, because she knew how he was when he was angry, and I ruffled her hair and said with a smile:


-Don't worry everything will be fine- -saying this, I poked my index finger up to her nose again and she responded by smiling at me.


I activated the sharingan and looked into his eyes and he fell into paralysis and the village leader stood with his arms folded across his chest and looked at him like he deserved it, and the head of the village named Kazuya looked like the fourth Hokage, only with dark hair, and in a manner he was good enough to let them go willingly, and when I approached this paralyzed Zosui, I stopped a meter away from him, and when I got inside his head I said this, "You will live and wake up every morning thinking about how low and insignificant you are" and I didn't even have to use mangekyo, his will was weak and I didn't kill him because I didn't want to change much else, and when he fell to his knees he knew that every morning he would think about how cruel he was, and until he was truly reformed he would never get that genjutsu off, and he fell to his knee and passed out, and the head ordered him to be taken to a cell for defying his orders, and the head apologized for him, and we nodded with a smile and added that things happen, and walked towards the exit of the village.




It was still over 5 hours to Konoha, and once we left the village and entered the forest where we were jumping over trees, about 3 hours had passed since then, but suddenly Karin got tired of jumping as her legs cramped up a bit, her mother stopped to check on her.


-Karin are you alright daughter?" the worried mother asked her daughter.


-Yes mom I'm fine," she said trying to stand up again, and suddenly gritted her teeth at the pain that her leg was hurting.


-I can see things are bad, so maybe we should stay here tonight," Kisame said.


-Bad idea... A large-scale war will start tomorrow and a large force will move toward Kusagakura, so it's better not to wait until morning," I answered confidently, as I knew what would happen tomorrow.


-Itachi-san, but what about my daughter? Her leg hurts," Karin's mother asked, and she called me with the suffix san, too.


-She'll have to be carried on her back, so she'll rest and maybe get some sleep," I said smiling and looking at Karin, and she smiled back.


-If you say so, Itachi-san," Kisame said and smiled, and looking at Karin he continued, "Come here, I won't bite," he said smiling with all his sharp teeth, and held out both hands to her, and she looked at him fearfully, but I could understand that,


-Kisame... - I put my hands on my partner's shoulders and continued, "I think it would be better if she was on my back," I finished with a smile, and he took the hint.


I walk over to Karin, and adjust her blouse, and tuck her neck to keep her warm, and poke my finger up her nose again.


-Aw, that hurts," she said, and then folded her arms over her piles and pouted her lips, averting her gaze.


-Huh, you know, it doesn't hurt at all," I replied, shaking off her hair and then added, "But this one does hurt.


This time I poked her forehead with two fingers, and she smiled, and her mom and Kisame smiled at this pleasant picture, and then I turned my back to her, put her on my back, and grabbed her legs so she wouldn't fall, and she snuggled against my stomach, probably afraid of falling, and we continued on our way.




It had been an hour since I'd sat her on her back, and in that time she'd managed to fall asleep like a baby, and I'd walked ahead and heard Kisame and Mira start a conversation.


-May I ask you a question Kisame-san- -Karin's mother began.


-Please just call me Kisame-" he said this adding a polite smile.


-Good Kisame," she said just as politely, and continued, "I have a question, and why are you helping us?


-Well, I have two reasons for that," he said, shifting his gaze forward, and continued, "the first is Itachi-san, as his partner I share his interests and help those he wants to save too, sharing his interests....


-What's the second reason?" asked Mira looking at Kisame.


-When I first became a Genin, and became a team of three, our sensei was a Genin named Masimo Uzumaki, and he always supported me and said that I had great strength hidden in me, and that's why I respected everyone from his clan after him, and when he died I was sad that the team was gone, but at least his memory will always be with me, that's the second reason....


She smiled when he finished speaking, and I thought that Kisame had grown to respect a lot of things lately, and had become comfortable calling his teammates friends, maybe I had changed him too much, to a more open side, he had even refused Tobi's offer when he wanted tsukuyomi, and he had used my words, which pleased me, in the first timeline he even wanted to cut off Naruto's leg when we came for him, even though he was from the Uzumaki clan, he was previously fanatically devoted to this Tobi, maybe he was just bluffing about his legs, or maybe he really wanted to, until I interrupted him, and while I was thinking about it, I see Kisame walking towards me on the same level as me, and asks:


-By the way Itachi-san, how did you know that the war would be today, and it was today that you decided to take this girl away and even decided to skip the overnight stay, as if you knew what was coming- -Kisame asked me all this and I answered calmly.


-I always try to think five steps ahead, and so I sent the raven clones for the sake of reconnaissance, and I decided to save the girl, because I knew that the war would be long according to my calculations, and I didn't want her to suffer, she reminded me of my little sister, who is in Konoha - I said remembering Sakura.


-Sis? I thought you had a brother Itachi-san," he said with a smile as he looked at me.


-I don't have a brother... - I said coldly, and I think he realized what I meant, and he looked forward without dropping his smile.


I activated my sharingan and saw the edge of Konoha, and I realized I was getting close, and I could see the gates, and I saw Izumo and Kotetsu playing poker again, and this time Kotetsu was getting better at it, although I could see Izumo was giving in to him because he was feeling sorry for him, Heh, and we got to the gates of Konoha, and we're walking towards the Hokage's residence, and Mira starts looking around at how beautiful it is, and now it's night and the stars are twinkling brighter, and when we get to the Hokage's building, we go straight into the Hokage's office, and luckily the third Hokage was still awake and sitting in his chair waiting for us to come back.


-Itachi, I always knew you could be counted on, and the Tsuchikage is very pleased with your success in saving their village," the Third Hokage began.


-Don't Hokage-sama, because I didn't catch Deidara-" I said with a feeling of guilt, suddenly I had done wrong to let him go, and the third only grinned in response.


-Don't be modest, I'm sure you've done everything right, the main thing is that he won't attack Iwagakuru, I'm sure you'll be called the main hero there too, -said the third with a smile.


-By the way, I have a favor to ask of you," I said as I looked at the girl on my back and her mother, and the Hokage also looked at her and I continued, "This is Mira Uzumaki and her daughter Karin Uzumaki, they are the last of their clan, and there is a war going on in the grass village, and I want you to give them a place to live," he looked sadly at the little girl on my back and then smiled as he said.


-Of course I'll give them a home, and by the way we have one available, Hayate has vacated his home because he has moved to the ANBU root as the leader of his team." After the third Hokage said that, I was surprised that Hayate had moved to Danzo's ANBU squad, and continued to listen to him, "As you know Itachi, Danzo has become emotional and kind as I always wanted him to be, and we decided to merge the root ANBU with my Hokage's ANBU, and we decided to create an improved headquarters where all ANBU members will be present, and they will even live there at will.


-Thank you for your support sandaime-sama, I don't even know how to thank you-" Karin's mom said smiling.


-No need to thank you, now that you and your daughter are residents of Konoha, I'm happy to help anyone who is in it- -he finishes taking the tobacco, and inhaling the smoke and exhaling, folds the seals, and summons a pair of ANBU, and continues looking at her side- -these two will take you to my house for now, I have plenty of room, and tomorrow you can move your things there.


I gently push Karin's shoulder to wake her up, and when she opens her eyes I say:


-Wake up Karin, we've already reached Konoha, when they escort you out you'll go back to sleep- -and as she stood up on the ground I poked my finger up her nose again and she responded with a smile, and hugged me.


-Come on dear, these good people will take us to a good home," said Mira turning to her daughter.


The end of Itachi's POV


Itachi gave them a scroll with their belongings and they walked out the door and followed the two ANBU's and then the Hokage continued.


-Thank you for your assistance to Hoshigake Kisame, it has proven to be quite valuable- said the third addressing Kisame.


-It's always a pleasure to be of service to Hokage-sama,‖ Kisame said with a smile.


And Kakashi walks into the office, wearing a Jonin outfit, and asks:


-Have you called the Hokage-sama?" Kakashi begins, looking at the third man and shifting his gaze to Itachi and Kisame in black cloaks, and adding, "It's good to see you Itachi, and nice to meet you Kisame Hoshigake.


-Well, this is the copy-ninja himself, Hatake Kakashi, heheh, nice to meet you too," he said smiling, trying to be polite and Kakashi smiling back, closing his eye.


-Kakashi I called you because it's necessary, and I don't think you'll like this offer... - The third said looking at Kakashi and closed his eyes.


Kakashi listened carefully about what the third one had to say, and who knows what kind of adventure Kakashi was having, maybe he was having his day, and now his good day might be cut short by temporarily hard news.