
Itachi Uchiha awakening on Mogar (Supreme Magus SI)

Itachi Uchiha, the terminator of his clan, finds himself living in a new world. Whether it is reincarnation or taking over the body of someone else will only become clear as he navigates this unfamiliar life. This world is one of wonder, filled with griffons, dragons, phoenixes, and magic. What will happen when a ninja who brought peace to the entire Ninja World suddenly loses his purpose? How will he adapt to a place where mythical creatures soar the skies and magic is a reality? What will he feel when confronted with talking legacies and ancient secrets? As Itachi embarks on this new life, he grapples with his past and the weight of his actions. Will he find happiness in this fantastical world, or will he continue to live in guilt over his former life? Follow Itachi’s journey of self-discovery, redemption, and the search for peace in a realm unlike any he has ever known. Credits: All rights of Supreme Magus are held by Legion20. All rights of Naruto characters are held by Masashi Kishimoto. Image is copied and can be changed if requested.

sam0304 · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Entry in White Griffon Academy

The White Griffon Academy, one of the six great academies in the Griffon Kingdom, specializes in Healing magic. Its entrance exam requires applicants to demonstrate their proficiency in magic before the Headmaster and faculty heads, including chore magic and spells from tier 1-3 for those seeking to enter the 4th year and skip the beginner years. The first three years focus on the basics of magic, including accuracy in hand signs, accents, and various academic subjects such as etiquette, history, geography, and more, preparing students for Royal Court life. They also learn horseback riding, swordsmanship, and playing instruments to meet their parents' expectations at social events.

The academic year is divided into three trimesters. After the first trimester, students can venture into the forest surrounding the academy on weekends to collect herbs and materials for points, offering practical experience but with minimal safety measures aside from a panic button. Encounters with 5th years, bounty hunters, unfriendly magical beasts, and adventurers are possible, and while groups are not mandatory, 5-man groups are highly recommended, with an entry fee of 200 points.

Specializations are introduced in the 4th and 5th years, with required courses like Theory of Combat Magic. Most students achieve one specialization, while good and great mages achieve two, and three or more indicate a polymath genius. The secret Mage Assassin specialization is taught on the hidden seventh floor of the academy. The 4th year Forgemastering course focuses on making basic enchanted items, emphasizing theory due to the volatility of high-density mana. Only those who pass the 4th year tests learn to add multiple properties to items in the 5th year, where students are also taught to embed mana crystals and infuse multiple enchantments into items. The 5th year concludes with a ceremonial graduation tournament to showcase students' battle prowess.

Itachi joined the academy a few days ago, unaware of the bullying commoners face from nobles. He found a dormitory and began adjusting to his new environment.

The academy had various specilizations

Forgemaster: The art of enchanting items with magic and altering the properties of materials.

Alchemist: The art of creating magic consumables.

Healer: The practice of recovering injuries, lost limbs, lost organs, and revitalization.

Warden: The art of creating magical formations or arrays, which can also be used for domestic construction.

War Mage: A mage that specializes in battlefield tactics, useful for sieges.

Battle Mage: A versatile mage who acts like an elite soldier, skilled in multiple areas.

Mage Knight: Specializes in defense, acting as a bodyguard.A New Beginning

Itachi, aiming to leave his war-torn past behind, chose specializations that he believed would match his skills and allow him to avoid conflict. He selected Forgemastering, Warden, and Healer, hoping to find peace in these disciplines after a lifetime of battle.

Itachi's hair had transformed into a blackish-blonde shade, and he maintained his previous long ponytail hairstyle. As he entered the classroom, his striking looks drew attention, but the class was distracted by something more pressing.

Itachi noticed Lith being surrounded and bullied by a group of girls who mocked his commoner upbringing. The scene was all too familiar, reminding Itachi of his own experiences with arrogance and cruelty. Despite feeling a pang of empathy, he saw Lith's hidden smirk and realized Lith was in control. Deciding not to intervene, Itachi sat in a corner, observing.

The classroom buzzed with the energy of new beginnings and underlying tensions. Itachi's entry did not go unnoticed, but Lith's situation had captivated most of the students.

Lith remained calm under the girls' taunts, his eyes showing a hidden confidence. One of the girls, a redhead, sneered at him.

"Look at you, thinking you belong here. A commoner like you should know their place," she said, her voice dripping with disdain.

Lith smirked, replying with a hint of sarcasm, "And where would that be, exactly? Enlighten me."

Another girl chimed in, "At the back of the class, away from us nobles. We don't need your kind tainting our space."

Itachi watched the exchange, recognizing the strategy behind Lith's composed demeanor. It was a tactic he had used many times before: letting the others fall in their trap.

As the confrontation continued, Itachi's thoughts drifted to his past. He had seen too much war and suffering. The specializations he chose—Forgemastering, Warden, and Healer—reflected his desire to build and heal rather than destroy.

"It's time to forge a new path," Itachi thought. "One where I can find peace and perhaps even redemption."

The time spent here and the chatter of children with instances of forming groups reminded Samuel of life back in Konoha and the Ninja Academy.

Though at the same time it bought out the regrets and broken promises to Izumi, Sasuke, his father amongst others.

The bullying scene was causing quite commotion and the way the girls were ganging up on Lith reminded him of arrogance of Uchiha clan members believing themselves to be Superior just due to having a Kekkei genkai [are DNA anomalies that allow their wielders to use unique techniques].

The nobles here without these special talents considered themselves superior made itachi realize about "

Strip the proud nobility of their bloated estates, reduce them to a level with plain republicans, send forth to labor, and teach their children to enter the workshops or handle the plow, and you will thus humble proud traitors.


The situation truly proved that arrogance is not a problem that has solution and can be resolved.

Just then he heard the footsteps of professor entering.