
Itachi Uchiha awakening on Mogar (Supreme Magus SI)

Itachi Uchiha, the terminator of his clan, finds himself living in a new world. Whether it is reincarnation or taking over the body of someone else will only become clear as he navigates this unfamiliar life. This world is one of wonder, filled with griffons, dragons, phoenixes, and magic. What will happen when a ninja who brought peace to the entire Ninja World suddenly loses his purpose? How will he adapt to a place where mythical creatures soar the skies and magic is a reality? What will he feel when confronted with talking legacies and ancient secrets? As Itachi embarks on this new life, he grapples with his past and the weight of his actions. Will he find happiness in this fantastical world, or will he continue to live in guilt over his former life? Follow Itachi’s journey of self-discovery, redemption, and the search for peace in a realm unlike any he has ever known. Credits: All rights of Supreme Magus are held by Legion20. All rights of Naruto characters are held by Masashi Kishimoto. Image is copied and can be changed if requested.

sam0304 · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Chapter 16: Night of Revelation

Night had draped its veil over the peaceful village of Canra, casting everything into darkness save for the flickering torches that dotted the streets. Samuel, on his nightly vigil, sensed a disturbance—an eerie silence that belied the usual tranquility of the orphanage where he and his companions resided.

His heart quickened as he neared the orphanage grounds, the echoes of his footsteps mingling with the distant sounds of revelry from the Spring festival. Suddenly, a muffled cry pierced the stillness, pulling Samuel towards the source like a moth to flame.

There, amidst the shadows, he found the unthinkable—a group of armed men, their faces twisted with malice, dragging Lyla away. Ray, Baron Williams' son, stood at the forefront, a sneer of satisfaction marring his features as he detailed his vile intentions to his captive.

"I hope you enjoy your last moments of freedom," Ray taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "Tonight, you'll learn the price of defying me."

Lyla, bound and defiant, spat in his face—a gesture of courage that only stoked Ray's fury. "You'll regret this," she vowed, her voice trembling but resolute.

Samuel watched in horror and fury, his mind racing with a plan. Drawing upon skills honed in another life, he moved with the precision of a seasoned assassin. From his belt, he withdrew knives, treating them not as mere tools but as extensions of his will.

With a flick of his wrist, Samuel hurled a knife-turned-shuriken towards the nearest soldier. The blade struck true, embedding itself in the man's shoulder with a grunt of pain. Before the others could react, Samuel swiftly closed the distance, a steel wire gleaming in his hand.

In a fluid motion, he looped the wire around another soldier's neck, pulling tight with lethal intent. The soldier gasped, clawing at the wire in a desperate attempt to free himself, but it was too late. Samuel's eyes narrowed with determination as he delivered swift justice, severing the man's life with a single decisive slice.

Chaos erupted as the remaining soldiers turned towards Samuel, their weapons drawn in a frenzy of panic and rage. Undeterred, Samuel's hands moved with deadly precision. Two knives flew from his grasp, propelled by his mana infused strength. One soldier fell, the blade piercing his heart, while the other stumbled, clutching at his throat where Samuel's second knife had found its mark.

Only one soldier remained, his eyes wide with fear and disbelief. Samuel advanced with silent menace, his presence like a specter of death in the moonlit night. With a final stroke, he dispatched the soldier with a clean slice across the throat, ending the threat once and for all.

In the midst of the chaos, Baron Williams' son, Ray, desperate and enraged, seized Lyla as a hostage. "Back off!" he snarled, his voice thick with fear and fury. "Or she dies!"

Samuel, now embracing the power he somehow knew lay dormant within him—a power reminiscent of the Sharingan from his past life—focused his energy. With a whispered incantation, he summoned a new magic, a fusion of light and spirit, casting it with the speed of thought.

The Body Flicker Technique propelled him forward, a blur of motion. In an instant, he closed the distance, his knife glinting in the torchlight. With a deft movement, he severed the hold on Lyla, freeing her from Ray's grasp.

A surge of world energy enveloped Samuel, swirling around him like a shimmering funnel. Silver light cascaded from above, black energy surged from below, and within, a mixture of green hues danced in harmony. His mana core, once bright red, now glowed with an intense orange hue, a testament to his growth and awakening power.

Unbeknownst to Samuel, his actions reverberated far beyond the village of Canra. In the heart of the Empire, a dragon stirred in its lair, sensing the surge of power. In the vast Blood Desert, a phoenix took flight, drawn by the resonance of spirit. And within the halls of the Griffon Kingdom, a royal griffon sensed a shift in the balance of magic, its keen eyes narrowing with interest.

As Samuel stood amidst the aftermath of battle, his breath ragged and heart pounding, he knew that this night had forever altered his path. The innocence of childhood had given way to the harsh realities of survival and responsibility.

Breathing heavily, Samuel stood amidst the aftermath of his swift and decisive action. The air was thick with the metallic tang of blood, a stark reminder of the brutality he had just witnessed and meted out. Yet, in his heart, there was no regret—only a grim acceptance of the path fate had set before him.

Turning to Lyla, he found her unconscious but unharmed, her breathing steady despite the ordeal. Gently, he checked her bindings, ensuring they were secure yet not constricting. As he knelt beside her, a surge of power coursed through him—a sensation akin to the Sharingan from his past life, awakening within him in this new world of magic and mystery.

Above, the canopy of stars seemed to shimmer with approval, as if bearing witness to Samuel's resolve and newfound strength. In the distance, the festivities continued, oblivious to the drama that had unfolded in the shadows.

Samuel knew that this night had irrevocably changed him. The innocence of childhood had been shattered by the harsh realities of betrayal and violence. Yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope remained—a determination to protect those he cared for and to unravel the mysteries of his own burgeoning power.

As he lifted Lyla gently into his arms, Samuel's gaze hardened with resolve. The road ahead was fraught with peril, but he would not falter. For in the heart of Canra, a guardian had risen—a guardian who would defy the darkness and stand as a beacon of courage and justice.