
It Turns Out My GirlFriend Has Cyberpsychosis

Melissa Laurie, currently a Senior Police Inspector for the Night City Police Department's Anti-Terrorism Unit, has a criminal history that includes: first-degree murder, hostage-taking, attempted murder, severe bodily harm, possession of military-grade drugs, assault and murder of corporate representatives, assault on NCPD officers, grand theft, assault on public officials, illegal entry into corporate areas, and defamation of corporations. Roqi looked at the highly confidential information obtained from the NCPD database, and couldn't help but feel upset. "So, this is the woman who's been bothering you?" V covered her forehead with her hand. "Amigo, your romantic luck is... quite unique," said Jackie, frightened. This insane woman, who couldn't be defeated even by all the cyberpsychos in Night City, wants to skip work and come to my house. Would it be more peaceful to just get killed by a shark right now? Arasaka Corporation seeks the secret of immortality through the Relic, while military technology covertly excavates artifacts in the Gulf of Mexico. Kang Tao starts marketing cutting-edge intelligent security robots that seem to be ahead of their time. Everything starts to deviate from the storyline of "Cyberpunk 2077." At the forefront of this era, what will be the fate of Roqi, V, and Jackie?

Gothic_Temptation · SF
66 Chs

Chapter 30

"You are my eyes" - is not enough to describe the situation.

"You are me, and I am you" - is more fitting.

But now, Rogue has put the Relic into the PDA and transferred it to his brain through the "unknown system."

Even Old Vic, the top-tier ripperdoc in Night City, has no idea what will happen.

In the world, there is only one experimental Relic, with Johnny Silverhand's personality inside, making it a truly unique existence.

Probably even the experts who developed the Relic wouldn't dare to say what has happened.

[That's right!]

Upon thinking of this, Rogue suddenly remembered something he had forgotten.

He opened the PDA and found the photos he took last night.

They were taken from the computer in the Tavini suite of the Konpeki Plaza, where Yorinobu Arasaka stayed.

He had even forgotten to contact Moore first, let alone these photos. If it weren't for discussing the matter with Johnny, he would have realized it much later and hit his thigh in regret.

The first letter.

[Clouds Time

Sender: Angelica Milioti, Clouds

Recipient: Yorinobu Arasaka

Dear Mr. Arasaka,

As always, thank you for using our services...]

No useful information, skipped.

It was Yorinobu Arasaka who ordered the Clouds service and chose his old acquaintance, Evelyn Parker.

It is probably similar to service messages sent by establishments after consumption, with no value.

The second letter.

[Relic - Urgent!

Sender: Anders Hellman

Recipient: Yorinobu Arasaka

Please forgive me, but the situation is really urgent. The biochip must be returned to the lab immediately. Otherwise, I cannot be responsible for its status or functionality. I guess you must have been misled, but let me make it clear: the Relic is not suitable for use in its current state. I will continue to contact you through all possible means. I'm more than willing to explain the situation to you, even if it's just over the phone.

Sincerely, Anders Hellman]

"Oh shit, that's it."

Rogue whistled.

[Anders Hellman? Yorinobu Arasaka? Saburo Arasaka's son!?] Johnny's surprised voice came through, [What kind of drama is this?]

However, Rogue didn't answer his question and looked dumbfounded instead.


What the FUCK!?

[You can see the photos on it???]

Rogue looked at the PDA in his hand, and there were no traces of Johnny Silverhand's presence.

[Shit... I seem to be able to enter a place I can't describe, like being melted and then stuffed into a jar of jam and mixed.] Johnny Silverhand said while exploring, [Oh... Is this your PDA? I can see all the data in it.]

Hearing this, Rogue's face turned ugly at a speed of 114514 meters per second.

[That thing called study material, don't...]

[Ah~~~ too late.] Johnny Silverhand uttered the words that made him crumble, his slightly hoarse magnetic voice seemed to carry a hint of pride, [I understand, men like to watch some...]

"Lucky, are you okay?"

V, who was discussing where to go next, patted the face-covering, bowed Rogue, giving him a little comfort.

"I, I'm fine, just a little... damn."

Rogue raised his face, full of "happiness."

Look at him, how happy he is.

[Actually, if you put aside those Arasaka bastards, it's not bad in here.] Johnny Silverhand leaned back contentedly, [2077... Shit, my bones are probably rotten by now.]

"It's okay, Lucky."

During the time when Rogue was busy communicating with Johnny, it took a while for Jackie, especially with Misty's help, to get out of his self-blaming mentality. Seeing the suddenly disheartened Rogue, as if his failure was a deep blow, Jackie quickly put his own discomfort aside and forced a smile.

In the dim basement, Jackie's not-so-big eyes were bright at this moment, but there was still a hint of bitterness hidden beneath the curvature of his eyebrows.

[Who's Lucky?] Johnny Silverhand asked, [Sounds like a sissy.]

Rogue: ...

Nodding reluctantly to Jackie - actually annoyed by Johnny - Rogue complained with a "Oh my God" attitude.

[It's me, damn it, can you be more polite when you speak?]

[That's just how I am, don't like it? Then plug your ears.] Johnny retorted, [Don't be all polite, it's not tiring for you, but it's tiring for me to listen.]

[Shit, that's just how I talk, I'm not pretending. Who in Night City doesn't know I, Rogue, am the "etiquette model"? Huh?] Rogue rolled his eyes, [Did speaking politely offend you?]

[No, just not used to it.] Johnny Silverhand sighed, [In my impression, only those empty-headed corporate dogs would be so polite.]

Rogue shook his head.

The world is getting worse, morality is declining.

In Night City, in 2077, this is not an exaggeration.

This city, other than when it was first established, has indeed become a place where "filth and corruption are rampant, decay and rottenness are everywhere" - in his half a year in Night City, he has had a profound understanding of this aspect.

The wild Johnny, perhaps has many shortcomings, but in Night City, he is much better than those garbage characters.

At least he's reliable.

He still remembers the "intermission: My Heart is on Fire" with that distinct "Johnny flavor" bursting from the screen.

He is narcissistic, arrogant, and self-righteous, but he is also a guy full of rebellion and resistance.

Unwilling to fight a corrupt war, he left the Central American battlefield; refusing to submit to tyranny and exploitation, he used music to awaken the public who didn't want to be slaves; tired of seeing people wailing under corporate colonialism, he blew up Arasaka Tower.

He did a bunch of messed up things, but at the same time brought change to the world.

A charming scumbag from head to toe.

Thinking this, Rogue laughed.

[It's fucking 2077 already, and the shitty Arasaka Corporation still hasn't collapsed?]

Johnny seemed to be browsing the information on the PDA, grinding his teeth in dissatisfaction.

[Not only has it not collapsed, but it has also become the head of several giants in Night City.] Rogue introduced him to the history of Night City, [I can't remember if it was 2069 or 2070. During the Unification War, the NUSA (New United States) attacked Night City, intending to incorporate it into the Federation. The current Mayor Lucius Rhyne sought protection from the long-avoiding Arasaka Corporation, and then an Arasaka supercarrier sailed into Coronado Bay, and the NUSA troops withdrew because they didn't dare risk an international war.]

[But the price was Arasaka's power in Night City.] Johnny quickly grasped this information, as a rebel, knowing both oneself and the enemy is essential, [I remember at that time, Arasaka and Militech were fighting like dogs, what was the final outcome?]

[Arasaka was defeated and seemed to have fled back to Japan from the United States.] Rogue recalled the history he had read and said while stroking his chin, [When did you blow up Arasaka Tower?]

Johnny Silverhand seemed to change his posture (although he didn't know how he did it), as if calmly recounting his glorious history.

[August 20, 2023, I can remember that date even in death.]

That's because you died on that day.

Rogue silently muttered in his heart.

[2023 Arasaka announced its defeat, and Arasaka companies around the world were almost all closed down, as were the military technology ones. Who asked them to fight wars all over the world at that time? I remember Rio de Janeiro was directly flattened, it was miserable.]Luochi lamented.

[Trampling on human lives, indiscriminate killing...]Johnny listed the crimes of these international giant oligopoly companies, [Damn, there hasn't been any change after so many years.]

[But there are still some people who remember you.]

Luochi thought of the graffiti in the streets and alleys - WHERE'S JOHNNY?

Even half a century later, Johnny Silverhand, who dared to fight corporate tyranny and greed, remained a beacon in their hearts.

[What do you think?]

After a moment of silence, Johnny spoke slowly in an unprecedented tone.

[Then I didn't f*cking live in vain.]

It seemed like he was still that samurai from the past.

While Luochi and Johnny were arguing about the messed-up history, the others sitting in a circle around the table were not just lamenting.

Assassins sent by Arasaka to silence them; a deal that could not be completed due to the relic being broken; the turmoil in the Night City underworld caused by killing the well-known middleman, Dexter; Luochi being targeted by the NCPD's anti-terrorist mobile team... These were all problems they had to face now.

T-Bug also joined the remote conference.

After Luochi killed Dexter, she was initially a little emotional, but when she heard that the fat guy (now a dead fat guy) intended to use V as a shield and ruthlessly planned to shoot him, her dissatisfaction was washed away by empathy.

V, Jackie, Luochi, and T-Bug, as direct participants and beneficiaries of the relic theft, not only did not benefit from the Konpeki Plaza incident, but were also in a very unfavorable situation.

"Lucky, thank you for what happened at Konpeki Plaza," T-Bug first expressed her gratitude to Luochi. "A few minutes after I lost connection, Arasaka's cyber walker support team arrived. If not for you, they wouldn't see me again."

Luochi calmly responded, without much fluctuation.

In the original timeline, both T-Bug and Jackie would die, leaving V alone to face the treacherous Night City.

Now, there are four people sitting here.

Luochi could no longer predict what would happen next.

Besides, Old Vic and Misty, who no longer had to grieve over parting from life and death, could even sit here as silent listeners, comforting everyone's emotions.

Only Shamura looked like an extra.

"Goro, we need to know where Evelyn Parker is," Shamura crossed his arms, frowning, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Evelyn... What do you want with her?" V asked, puzzled.