
It Turns Out My GirlFriend Has Cyberpsychosis

Melissa Laurie, currently a Senior Police Inspector for the Night City Police Department's Anti-Terrorism Unit, has a criminal history that includes: first-degree murder, hostage-taking, attempted murder, severe bodily harm, possession of military-grade drugs, assault and murder of corporate representatives, assault on NCPD officers, grand theft, assault on public officials, illegal entry into corporate areas, and defamation of corporations. Roqi looked at the highly confidential information obtained from the NCPD database, and couldn't help but feel upset. "So, this is the woman who's been bothering you?" V covered her forehead with her hand. "Amigo, your romantic luck is... quite unique," said Jackie, frightened. This insane woman, who couldn't be defeated even by all the cyberpsychos in Night City, wants to skip work and come to my house. Would it be more peaceful to just get killed by a shark right now? Arasaka Corporation seeks the secret of immortality through the Relic, while military technology covertly excavates artifacts in the Gulf of Mexico. Kang Tao starts marketing cutting-edge intelligent security robots that seem to be ahead of their time. Everything starts to deviate from the storyline of "Cyberpunk 2077." At the forefront of this era, what will be the fate of Roqi, V, and Jackie?

Gothic_Temptation · SF
66 Chs

Chapter 25

He closed his eyes, the corners of which curved into crescent-shaped slits.

At this moment, in the main room.

"It's me…" Dexter made a phone call, "Yes, I booked the airship."

"Today." He lit another cigar, "No, can't wait until dawn. One seat, I can pay extra."

Silence for a moment, "Spaceport, Platform 4, got it…"

Suddenly, the door to room 204 was violently kicked open from the outside.

Before Dexter could turn his head, he was knocked to the floor.

"Bang, crash…"

"Where's our big boss planning to go?"

Luo Qi brutally tore the doorframe, walking in with a mech suit over two meters tall, almost touching the ceiling.

"V, do it."

As the thug waiting at the bathroom door to ambush V raised his gun, the door behind him opened.

V shot through his back with a single bullet, piercing his chest.

"Uh, who are you? I didn't kill Arasaka Saburo, it was him, all his doing…"

Dexter struggled to move his body on the ground like a 300-pound maggot.

"No, no, no, little friend Dexter."

Luo Qi sneered, walking over, crushing the thug's head on the ground with his several-hundred-pound alloy foot. He lifted Dexter up like a chicken and pinned him against the wall.

"I came specifically for you today…"


On a rainy night, an armored hovercar from the Terrorist Mobile Unit drove to the corner of Erlen South Street.

At the street corner was a dimly lit motel with a pink glow.

A member of the Terrorist Mobile Unit, equipped with two tri-linked optical eye devices, stood downstairs.

"Begin searching for the target…"


"Clang, crash…!!"

A sudden explosion interrupted her communication.

Looking up, the wall on the second floor was engulfed in thick smoke.

Flying glass, shattered concrete, deformed air conditioning units, and twisted blinds…

Countless messy debris crashed to the ground.

Wrapped among them was a fat black pig that rolled far along the road.

She shifted her gaze to the hole in the wall on the second floor.

A military-tech mech suit stood there, and inside it was a blood-soaked young man.

"Target located, neutralize threat."

Six eyes emitted an intimidating green glow.



In an instant, a figure wearing black Terrorist Mobile Unit gear flew up.

Amidst the sparks and clangs, a translucent red shield blocked the sharp blade.

"Get down!"

Luo Qi raised his right hand's thermal cannon and knocked her back.

"V, take them and run! The Terrorist Mobile Unit is here!"

V stood behind him, panting, fists covered in blood: "What about you?"

"Stop f*cking around, you guys can't handle them…"



Luo Qi barely managed to raise his shield in time, only to be heavily kicked in the mech's leg, dropping him to one knee.

The cold gleam of a mantis blade was already at his throat.


The muzzle of the thermal cannon began to flicker with scorching light.


But the phantom-like figure in front of him disappeared in an instant, narrowly avoiding the point-blank kill.

The Terrorist Mobile Unit member rolled and grabbed the edge of the hole, hanging outside the wall.

Seeing this, Luo Qi gritted his teeth and charged forward, intending to kick her off.

"Hey—! Ha!!"


But the mech's speed was ultimately its weakness. Before it could accelerate, the female officer used her terrifying strength to perform a backflip, landing a kick on Luo Qi's chest.

Damn it!

In a split second, Luo Qi could hardly breathe. A kick as powerful as being hit by a car knocked the wind out of him, causing a moment of blackness before his eyes, as he retreated repeatedly.

With a "thud," the back of the mech slammed against the wall.

What the hell kind of monstrous strength was this?

Luo Qi struggled to raise the muzzle and fired at the ground beneath his feet.


The entire floor shattered, and a person and a mech fell from a height of five meters, crashing onto the highway below the motel.

Chunks of cement continued to rain down.

"Ahhhhhh… shoo—!"


Luo Qi roared and fired a charged shot at his off-balance enemy.


The target vanished, and the red light burst on the concrete bridge railing, scattering debris everywhere.

Like an elusive shadow, an absurdly long mantis blade danced in the air, tracing deadly curves.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The frenzied slashes, forming a near-continuous line, even cracked the shield capable of defending against bullets.


It was an ominous sound.

Luo Qi fiercely shield-bashed forward, buying less than a second, and the thermal cannon roared again.

The enemy retreated more than ten meters, but the mech began to tremble abnormally.

Looking down, the energy core of the thermal cannon had a large hole stabbed in it by the mantis blade, and the energy storage material, like lava, began to leak out and destabilize.

Damn it!

Luo Qi raised the thermal cannon, aiming forward.

The locked-on Terrorist Mobile Unit member began to move at high speed, but Luo Qi didn't pull the trigger. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity to escape the mech like a fugitive.


The whistling mantis blade, tearing through the air, arrived abruptly.

Luo Qi drew "Jue," held it with both hands in a reverse grip, and barely managed to block her one-handed assault.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"

As the distance was suddenly closed, the enemy relentlessly engaged in close combat. Luo Qi hastily parried amidst a flurry of blades, sparks, and lightning-fast exchanges.

Even the air seemed to carry a sharp edge.


A foot suddenly kicked the charging enemy's abdomen, striking the hard, thick armor plate and forcefully sending her flying back.

This kick was payback!

The person staggered back several steps before finally steadying herself.

What incredible strength!

The frenzy and chaos in her mind were like a hurricane on the open sea, the demon that had been dormant within her for years slowly being awakened by the intense and brutal battle.

But the guy holding the katana on the other side was actually retreating?

Was there even a hint of a smug smile on his face?

She shook her head groggily and gradually crouched down, like a lurking cheetah.

However, at that moment, a warm sensation and crackling "beep bop" sounds came from behind her.

She slowly turned her head to see the mech, now glowing a blinding red from the heat.