
It Takes Trust

Nwaeah's father has always wanted one thing. Power. He will do anything to get it. Marrying into the Ozikill bloodline led him one step closer to the throne. The Ozikill bloodline was one of the most powerful; rumors of having 2 elements only happened within this family. Yet with more paower came more danger. Most Ozikill's were unable to control their elements and turned into demons. Needing the souls of other Tarian Royalty to survive. This did not scare Zaivon and his quest to be at the top. Nwaeah's mother Nakia Ozikill was loved by everyone. Except she did not want to be queen. It was then that sweet Zaivon became abusive. Being born from the Havain royal line meant he was an excellent air user. After Nwaeah's mother passed the the abuse moved onto Nwaeah and her twin brother Tre. His wife may not have become Queen but one of his children will get the throne even if it kill them. Nwaeah being double gifted in the elements only made the abuse worst. After returning to the main palace and punishing his daughter, Zaivon makes her a promise, "You will marry Naain Yeatho; and he will treat you worst than I do." Naain is one of the best generals. Coming from a pure bloodline he has no human blood in him. Some say the Yeatho may actually hold elemental ability. He never wanted to marry a princess; and definitely never wanted to be a prince. But despite his deadly reputation can he convince his upcoming fiancee that he is not what her father claimed him to be? A team of royals, a dream of defeating all demons; can Nwaeah win in the battle of wills with her fiance?

K_Mia_Z · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 1

It was crowded in the Great Hall. Everyone was there from royal families to guardians, even some humans had tried to show up; though they were told to wait outside. Everyone wanted to hear the news about the mission. Two people from the royal family had died as well as four guardians. Only 5 guardians survived but Nwaeah would call this rescue mission a success, not a failure. If only more royal people felt that way. 5 members of the royal family had survived and were now back with their families. Most of the royals that were taken were from the Bronds family, the richest royal family, it was due to this reason that it became such a big deal. One dying meant that the Bronds were unhappy and unhappy people did not spend money.

Nwaeah squeezed through the crowd trying to get to her friends before the meeting started. Every Royal member in the capital was in this hall, Nwaeah had to hurry to get to her place before the meeting started.

"Nwaeah!" Tre waved to her from behind a group of guards. He was dressed in his suit, hair pushed back looking as presentable as always. One of these days she was going to catch him in jeans and take a picture to have proof of the memory.

Nwaeah rushes to her brother saying a few 'excuse me' and 'pardon me's' here and there. Finally reaching her brother she smiles at him as he guides her to their friends.

"So what do you know so far Nwaeah? And do not even pretend you do not know anything you always know something, especially if it is about a mission." Jeremi asks her, smirking when he sees her roll her eyes at him. "If Zase did not know what was going on with a mission, you have to know." There was no way both of them would be ignorant to a topic involving the guardians, especially with Zase being a middle level guardian himself.

"The rescue mission in terms of the guards was a success." Nwaeah pauses taking a moment to look at all of her friends. "Out of seven royal family members only two were killed. None of them were turned into demons, which in my opinion is really good." Everyone in the group can't help smiling at Nwaeah's optimism. "But there is a big argument with people saying the guardians did not do their job properly. Which is completely ridiculous! There were too few guardians on that mission. They were outnumbered and they knew it, yet they went and risked their lives. From any standpoint it should not have been a mission failure." Nwaeah can feel her temperature rising but cannot help it. The line in her forehead starts to appear as her anger for the injustice rises. "Guardians had been saying for weeks that this may have been a meet up point for demons. They had strong feelings that there were going to be at least 8 demons there. They lost four guardians in the attack and what thanks do they get for it? Ungrateful royal members blaming them for the loss of their friends!" Nwaeah can feel her blood rising as she tries to take control. Lowering her voice she continues, "It is because the royals who died were from the Bronds family that the Queen is making a meeting to show her support." Stopping to look at Alani, "Sorry Alani no offense." Seeing Alana shake her head that she did not care about what was said of her family she continues. "If it were any other royal family I am sure she would be on the guardian's side." Water from the water fountain begins to bubble and rise as the anger Nwaeah is feeling grows.

Tre feeling his twin's anger in his chest proceeds to pull her into a one armed hug. To anyone it would seem to be 2 siblings seeking comfort in a scary time. To the group of friends they knew it was Tre calming his sister down so she could control her power. "It is okay the queen will understand the truth." He hears his sister scoff at his words and ignore it. Tre comforts his sister soothing her hair, not stopping until he sees the water from the water fountain go back to its restful state.

A guard comes in announcing the Queen's entrance and everyone rushes to their spots. Royals lineup in order of family and age. Only the oldest generation, or the strongest blood is to line at the front. Nwaeah and Tre's father is not present so they line up standing next to each other on the left side. Silence fills the room.

The queen enters with her long brown red hair cascading down her back. Her Red dress was embroidered with roses, her crown placed on top of her head. She looked cold and cruel and Nwaeah assumed that was just her personality bleeding out through her nice clothes.

The guards and royal families that were a part of the mission stood to the right of Nwaeah by the throne. The returned kidnapped royals were crying and clinging to their parents while the guards stood stoically. As the queen came closer all heads went down in a bow waiting for her to pass.

The queen stops in front of the guards next to Nwaeah and Tre. Nwaeah can hear her let out a soft scoff. "Tell me what is the most important rule that all guards follow?" Her voice is sweet, so sweet that it makes the hairs on Nwaeah's arms stand up.

"Protect the Royal life at all costs." The guard speaks his voice loud and strong with no waver in his voice. Nwaeah peeks to see the guard who is speaking and recognizes him. Lelean they had known each other for a few years. He had applied to watch her but she was not of age to have a personal guard yet.

"And did you follow that rule. Did you live by that code? Did you remember that lesson when you ran leaving two royals to die at the hands of the demons?" The Queen spoke calmly yet it was as if she was yelling. You could hear a pin drop in the room. Her voice and anger at the guards echoed and every guard fought hard not to flinch. Nwaeah made a motion to move forward to defend them when Tre grabbed onto her arm pulling her back shaking his head.

"When sending guards to defend, and protect the royals. Do you forget the importance a royal is to a guardian?" The Queen smiles and shakes her head. As if she had not yet driven her point home, she continues, "You die, without a royal next to a guardian you will die. Your immune system will attack itself and you will live your last days in pain like a human without water."

Nwaeah looks at Lelean who was saying nothing to defend himself. As leader of the mission he is taking the failure as his responsibility. A failure that was not his fault. It was not fair that the guardians were being blamed for this when it was the royals that insisted that the guardians strike right away without making a plan or having enough back-up. Nwaeah can feel her anger growing again at the injustice. They had said they needed more guards on this mission. They had said they were outnumbered. They had done all they could but the royals ignored their pleas. Royals treated guards as if they were pawns on a chess board and it drove Nwaeah mad. She takes in a deep breath calming the fire within her. The room was getting warm due to her anger and she needed to calm it immediately. She held tight onto her brother's arm for strength, she cannot help but smile when he squeezed her hand knowing just what to do to comfort her.

"Your job was to save the royals," There was a pause and Nweah could see Lelean flinch at the Queens tone. "And you failed. You should be ashamed of yourselves for not properly doing your job."

That was it Nwaeah could not take it anymore. The fire that she had managed to calm came back and the flames on the candles grew bright until water evaporated them into smoke. To hell with Tre's silent warning of her to stay back. She yanks her hands away from her brother to take a step toward the queen.

"You will be given 1 week away from Tarians. I will be lenient and allow you to go mingle with the humans instead of spending your time in a cell." Speaking loudly for all to hear the Queen continues all but holding back her sneer. "I hope after a week you will learn the value of what is truly important, Royals or your life."

Nwaeah was going to make a plan to speak calmly. She was going to channel her brother's amazing political mindset to allow her to speak her mind in a respectful..., but that was now impossible. "Failed at their job? Forgive me your Majesty, but I do not see how they failed. You sent them in on a mission to save 7 royal members with only 7 guards. They were surrounded by 8-10 demons. The guardians told the royals there would be an ambush and they needed more guardians to go and they were ignored. The guardians told the royals they would need a back up team, yet they were ignored. Royals sent them on an impossible mission and they came back with 5 royals alive and unharmed. You focus on the two royals who died ignoring the four guardians who were murdered for a system living high on injustice. I believe that is proof that they placed the royals lives above their own. Only a foolish guardian would have thought bringing 7 guards would be sufficient. Yet knowing that they still went. They went knowing not all of them would return. Not only did 4 guardians die but that means that 3 guardians managed to survive and bring 4 royals back to safety. They managed to bring the royals unharmed. And what do they get for it? Yellings from you, their Queen telling them what their code is? You punish them by forcing them to leave the Tarians for a week, knowing full well what that will do to their immune systems. The guardian you proceed to yell at is obviously injured yet he stands here listening to you blame him! He stands here taking a punishment he does not deserve. I have never seen you going on missions. I have never even heard of you slaying a demon! So why? Why is it you tell them they have failed to do something that even you would be unable to do?" Nwaeah's words rings in the ears of every guardian as they hear a princess defend them. Nwaeah can feel her eyes watering with tears she will never let fall in front of the queen. It was unfair, cruel even. Lelean stood injured barely holding himself up in need of a queen who would acknowledge his hard work, yet he got nothing.

Lelean closes his eyes, feeling grateful for his Princess's defense as well as guilty that now she is in the line of fire. He is honored to know that a royal understands the extent of what happened. Grateful that now everyone is able to hear how foolish the plan was. Grateful that someone of a high position is able to point out the flaws in the justice system. Yet he feels guilty knowing the beautiful princess who always defends those around her may have no one to defend her now.

The Queen smiles. "Princess Nwaeah of the Ozikill's. You come from a very strong royal line. Your bloodline is powerful and full of great elementalists. You are named after one of the most powerful members of your family. A member who has shaped the world as we know it. A shame their character and knowledge of when to be silent did not get passed down to you." The Queen sees Zaivon Ozikill slide in from the door in the back of the room. She smiles at him before turning to look at his daughter again. "A shame that a beautifully strong bloodline now has you to taint it. As queen I would take it is my duty to teach you the proper attitude of a royal, but seeing that your father is here he can do that for you." She smiles when she sees Nwaeah's shocked expression. "I am sure he can explain to you how an Ozikill royal should act." She walks away to her throne to start the meeting.

The anger that Nwaeah was feeling, the fire that was fueling her rage instantly turned to ice, you can feel the draft as the room falls to a cooler temperature. Her father. He was here? But how? He was not to arrive for weeks. Her heart was beating so fast that her chest hurt. Her father. Was here. She knew what she did, and as just as it was to defend the guardians, it was wrong to do so publicly. Yet she could not help it, and if she was to be honest with herself she would do it again. It was not fair to them and Nwaeah stood there motionless trying to get herself to regret her actions. She did not not. She felt so much fear on what her father was going to do to her, yet she could not convince herself to regret defending the guardians. She supposed that was her problem, no matter how much her father punished her Nweah could not change her character.

For the rest of the meeting Nwaeah was frozen. Her breathing was becoming faster and her brother held on to her hand tightly grounding her so she would not black out. She was ice and felt forever grateful to her brother for latching onto her. His warm skin against hers melted the cold away. He steadied her, kept her power from exploding. He always did, and he always would. Everything she heard was like an echo, everyone was so far away. The only thing she could feel other than her emotions was her brother. Her power kept flipping back and forth like a light switch. Fire, water, fire, water, she was unable to breath as tears well up in her eyes, but the fire evaporates them. She felt hot but she was not sure if that was the fire in her or her fear. She desperately wanted this meeting to be over yet knew when it was over she would have to face her father.

Tre stood clutching onto his sister's hand. He could feel her fear as she started to recede into herself. He looked at the fountain they had passed and notices there was no longer any water in it. He looks at his twin, he could not fault her for defending the guards it was in her nature. She could not help but stand up for those around her. There was no one she would shrink in fear from but their father. The mention of their father being here left his sister in a state of turmoil, and there was nothing he could do to help her. He hated this feeling. He hated only being able to hold her hand. He was her brother, her twin, he should be able to protect her, but he could not. Admitting his weakness left him in a state himself. No child should need defending from their parents, it just was not fair.

The meeting was over and her brother held her arm. To others it looked like siblings walking hand in hand, but Tre was holding Nwaeah up who was too shaken up in fear to walk correctly. They stopped once they reached Nwaeah's room and Tre led her to the bed. He soothed her hair and kissed her on the forehead. No words were spoken between the siblings but all they could say was said through their eyes. He pulled her into a hug and hummed the lullaby their mom used to always sing. Wrapping her in a hug on the bed, wishing her would never have to let go. Soon it was time for him to go. Tre hated that he had to leave her but Nwaeah understood why he had to go. They stayed like that, Tre holding her in his arms until their father walked in.

Zaivon dressed in his uniform of black and purple, just like the bruises he would leave on his children. It was ironic the colors that represented their family only represented pain for the children. His coat went to the floor dragging along it as if it were another demon he slayed. His sword was on his right side and it swayed as he walked. He paused to look at the display of sibling affection and smiled, excited about being able to tear it apart. Zaivon holds the door open as he looks at Tre. No words had to be spoken for Tre to know that his time comforting his sister was up. He spared one last glance at his twin before walking out the door.

Zaivon closes the door looking at his daughter as he walks towards the bed. He walks near her smiling at the way she squirms wanting to run away but knowing she should not. He slowly clenches his left hand. The tighter his hand gets the less air Nwaeah can feel in her lungs.

She grasps her throat knowing it is of no use. Tears fall from her eyes that are turning red from lack of oxygen, her head feels as if it is going to explode. She collapses onto the floor trying to find air anywhere, somewhere.

"You are to respect the Queen. You are to respect everyone." Zaivon pauses letting his daughter breathe for a moment, "You are to respect me." He watches his daughter inhale deeply trying to catch her breath again before slapping her across her face. "When you stand in front of the royal court disrespecting the Queen, tell me, were you hoping your disobedience would show weakness in our family line? Were you hoping it would make me look weak?" He slaps her again when she does not answer. "Were you hoping it would make me give up on making you queen?" He lifts her up to his face forcing her to look at him. "You will learn to be silent. You will become the respectful royal that follows every command. I will mold you into the perfect royal, and then make you queen. Let go of your dreams of defying me!" He throws her onto the floor.

Nwaeah falls to the floor clutching her throat trying her best to calm herself. She hated air users and her father was one of the strongest ones. She ignores the pain in her side knowing that her father is not done with her yet. He was never done with her, there was always more, more pain, more … everything. She instead focuses on breathing as much air as possible before he takes it away again.

Zaivon slaps her again forces air to go through her lungs too fast which causes Nwaeah to choke on the air he just gave back to her. He watches the bruise that was forming on her face began to heal again until it was no more. He leans in close to her ear before whispering, "Nwaeah I will make you queen and so help me if you ever dishonor our bloodline again you will lose your brother. Disrespect anyone again and you will be the only Ozikill living. I do not need your brother to rise to the top and your disobedience simply reminds me of that." After those words Nwaeah lost track of time. Her father pulled out the cat o'nine tails and she stops herself from counting the hits and pain until the sun no longer shines from the window. Her father's kicks and hits all blended together. All there was was pain. He hits her her one last time before walking out the door.

Nwaeah waits until she can hear her father's footsteps walk away from the outside of the door before finally breaking down. Her sobs tumble out of her. Her body is in pain as it tries to heal the wounds her father has given her. None of her bones are broken, no her father needed her to be able to walk the next day. Her tears seem never ending as a small puddle forms on the floor. She can feel her brother nearby and lets out a sad pained chuckle when she hears him lean on the outside of the door.

"Nwaeah. I am here." Tre places his hand on the door. "I will always be here." Tre slides to the floor outside the door. The door is locked and his father has the key, but he hopes that by being here his sister will feel better. He can feel the pain she is feeling and he fights the tears that want to fall. The 2 twins spend the night like that. Both twins on the floor wishing they could be there for each other. Both wishing life was different. Both wishing their mother was still here.

Morning came and Tre woke up on the floor disoriented. His hand was still on the door and he moved it to wipe his eyes. The fact that he was still here meant that their father had not returned. He told himself not to believe that meant the punishment was over. Punishment on his sister always lasted days. He would leave for long amounts of time so Nwaeah would drive herself mad thinking of when he would come again. Their father was a monster, and no one knew. Everyone believed he was the best, the guardian that had married onto one of the strongest royals bloodlines. Instead he was like the demons he slays, maybe that was why he was so good at killing them. He sees his father coming around the corner. Tre scoffed speak of the devil and they shall appear. His father looked happy, he was carrying a tray of food with him. He seemed like such a great father. Tre was sure his father could see the hatred in his eyes but he did not care.

"Zaifrontre you should be at your class it starts in 20 minutes. An Ozikill is never late, do not ruin that reputation." Smiles he motions to the door, "I would hate for you to fall ill like your sister."

Tre cringes at the use of his full name and picks himself off the floor. He looks at his father ready to say something snarky. "Yes father." Tre walks away. Yes father? Was that the snarkiest thing he could come up with. He shakes his head angry at himself for not saying anything as he walks to his room.

Zaivon opens up the door and walks into his daughter's bedroom. He places the tray of food on the table. "Nwaeah wake up and eat."

Nwaeah picks herself off the floor, her wounds were all healed, but her body was sore, and she was drained from healing herself all night. She looks at her father trying to gage how he feels. Slowly walking to the table she takes a seat across from him. Her father gives her a glare that prompts her to speak. "Good morning father. Thank you for bringing me breakfast." She waits for him to eat from his plate before picking up her own fork and stabbing a piece of fruit. She forces herself to eat even though she is so nervous she is sick. It takes a conscious effort to swallow, otherwise she was sure she would throw it all back up. Refusing to look at him she keeps her eyes on her plate.

"I have decided to end your punishment early. The Queen and I have discussed it and you will go apologize to her later today. You will wear a dress and not the silly jeans and leather jackets you like to hide into. You will wear your family colors, and be respectful." He places his fork down forcefully causing his daughter to look at him. "Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes father I understand." Breakfast was full of tension and she was grateful when her father left again. She hurried into the bathroom to get a shower.

Coming out of the shower she opened up her closet and stood with her towel wrapped around her. It was not that she hated dresses, more so that she hated that her father was telling her to wear one. She pulled all the dresses she had out of her closet and placed them on her bed. She only owned 7 royal dresses, 5 of them were a soft violet with black jewels on it. She pulled on her bottom lip biting on it trying to decide what to do. Nwaeah hated the idea of apologizing to the Queen. Finally she decided on the black dress with violet satin. It was similar to a funeral dress, and that made her smile. She was going to a funeral for her pride and if she was going to apologize she was not going to enjoy it. She got dressed quickly and did her hair before leaving her room.

Following her father down the halls she kept her head held high. Her brother had a class at this time, and she prayed he went to it. If he did not he would be punished next. She see's Zase out of the corner of her eye and gives a soft smile. He could be her strength.

Zase walks slowly matching the speed of Nweah's steps. He could hear some of the girls whispering about Nweah's father. They adored him, looking at her father Zase could see why. He was a royal but also one of the strongest guardians. He slayed many demons. Zase did not know what it was but Nwaeah hated her father, and whenever her father was around Nwaeah always seemed distant. She would become so alert, not laughing much at his jokes; which was crazy because she always laughed at his jokes. Due to that Zase promised her that whenever her father was here all she would have to do is look up and he would be on her left.

On my left, Zase was on her left. He did not need to know the reasons behind her fears, is she had some he was there. Nwaeah could never thank Zase enough. Zase was her closest friend, Nwaeah remembered when they were children and Zase idolized her father. Meeting her father was a dream come true for him. Yet when he learned she was not comfortable he chose to say by her side then to go to her father. It was the first time someone other than her brother had chosen her over her father. So many people became her friend in hopes of meeting her father. In hopes of learning from him, getting his recommendation; but not Zase. he threw away the chance of that for her. Now his idol was Naain Yeatho, which based on what she heard was a better idol.

Arriving to the Queen's meeting room Nwaeah goes to take a deep breath but it was ripped away from her. Her eyes watered and she struggled not to choke.

"You will not disappoint me Nwaeah, am I clear?"

Forcing herself to nod her head she can then feel the air return to her. She wheezes trying to get her breathing back under control while they walk in.

"Zaivon, how wonderful to see you." The Queen stands from her seat motioning for a hug.

Zaivon chuckles before giving the queen a hug. "Anna Aendersine, how lovely to see you. I have missed you while I was away."

Giggling like a schoolgirl, the Queen slaps Zaivon's shoulder. "You fool you did not not."

Nwaeah closes her eyes attempting to do anything but watch the scene unfold in front of her. Watching the Queen flirt with the Father had to be the grossest thing she has ever had to see. It also angered her knowing that this flirting had been going on long before her mother died. She stands with her head bowed low in front of the queen. Nwaeah uses all of her mental power to keep her elements in. If she so much as drops the room by one degree her father would notice, and her punishment would be far from over.

Time passes before Zaivon motions to Nwaeah. "I have brought my daughter here to plead for your forgiveness. She has thought of her wrongdoings all night and now understands the extent of what she has done." Zaivon speaks in a loving tone of a father who is disappointed in his child. "Nwaeah, come."

Calling her like she is a dog, Nwaeah walks slowly to her father before turning to address the Queen. Interlacing her hands she extends her arms before bowing at a 90∘ angle. "My most humble apologies, your majesty." she can feel her air beginning to go and continues her apology. Apparently her father believes she is not done. "Please forgive the ignorant princess before you. I now understand the wrongs of my actions." Feeling the air still slowly leaving her lungs, Nwaeah is confused. What more do you want? I am doing the most respectful bow and calling myself an idiot. What else is there to say in this fake apology! Nwaeah can feel the ice freeze over on her palm and quickly crushes it.

"I am glad you were able to think it over young princess. An Ozikill should always be the most humble of all the lines. Ozikill's have so much history of accomplishments, the other royals learn and follow your Bloodline as a guide. It may seem unfair but Ozikill's are the examples all the royal families follow. If you break the rules other royals would think that was okay." The Queen keeps her voice soaked in understanding, smiling at the child bowed before her. Controlling this child will bring her much joy. Waiting a moment the Queen soaks in the bowed princess before her. How she hated her mother, so proud and strong. Everyone looked to her mother like she was an angel, if not for her dying the Queen is sure she would have been chosen as the Queen instead. I could never get back at her mother, so this young child will have to do. "Rise child, no need to bow for so long."

Nwaeah prefered bowing, this way her father and the queen did not have to see her face. Unclasping her hands she brings them to her side before rising. Keeping her head low she waits for her next command.

"Your apology is accepted, please take a seat at the table." The Queen sits again motioning for Zaivon to sit next to her with Nwaeah directly across from both of them. "You are growing into a beautiful young lady." Placing a hand over Zaivon's to get his attention, "Have you thought about finding her a suiter?"

Nwaeah's eyes grow wide. A suiter? Marriage? An arranged marriage! Nwaeah, unable to hold it in gently, takes the cup in front of her, tilting it towards her before freezing the water inside of it. She focuses on freezing and unfreezing the water to let out the power that so desperately wished to get out.

"Of course Anna. With only 2 pure Ozikills she will need to start a family to continue the line."

Biting the inside of her lip to hold back her whimpers she focuses on the glass of water in her hands. This cannot be happening. This is not happening. I cannot let this happen. Tre!

"Tre!" Sitting in class taking his notes Tre stops when he hears his sister's voice. His chest tightens as he feels his twins worry. His twin feels helpless and an emotion he is not able to comprehend. Tre looks at his watch. His class ends in 5 minutes. Being an Ozikill he could not leave early nor could he rush out, he had to be an example of calm and collected. The worry grows more in his chest and he cannot help rubbing at it. He rubs at his cuff bracelet trying to soothe his sister.

Nwaeah's cuff bracelet gets warm and Nwaeah can feel her worry start to fade knowing her brother is out there on her side. The cuff Bracelet was a gift from Ayana Tzukre a fire user. On the Twins 12th birthday Ayana had made them bracelets, that if you rub it the other wearing it will feel the warmth.

The stress and worry in Tre's chest slowly eased. Whatever had caused his sister stress was on the list of things they would have to discuss later. His class was now over and he was walking to his quarters. The top 10 royals from each line is given their own quarters inside the palace. Because there were only 2 Ozikill's left both the twins had their own wing. Going towards his sister's room he can sense that she is not there. Going to the kitchen he makes some sandwiches and waits for his sister's return.

"Nwaeah you should go and get ready for your class." Her father says this as his way of excusing her so he can talk to the Queen about his plans.

A little confused the Queen speaks up, "Class? I was sure that the Ozikill twins graduated a year ago. They are both 23 years of age correct?"

"You are not mistaken Anna. the twins finished schooling, but they signed up for defense classes as well as some political classes." Zaivon smiles, he had personally made sure the twins were the best of the best. When they had finished with their university studies Zaivon made them continue in the voluntary studies for royals.

Clapping her hands the Queen smiles. "That is fantastic. I had no idea the Ozikill twins were so studious. Nwaeah you are dismissed from my presence."

Standing up Nwaeah does one final bow before exiting the room. The minutes she is down the hall Zase is by her side.

"Everything ok?" Zase places a hand in his pocket walking with Nwaeah back to the Ozikill wing.

"No. Nothing is okay Zase. I need to talk to my brother but," grasping onto his arm, "Promise you will never let anyone get between us. You will never allow someone to be the reason our friendship falls."

Shocked at Nwaeah's reaction Zase places his hand on hers. Gently pulling it from his arm so he can hold it. "Silly Princess no one can ever stop me from being your friend. Not even you can make me stop being here. I am and will always be on your left. You do not have to worry about losing me. As long as I live I will be right here."

Stepping away from Zase, Nwaeah continues to walk. "Zase something is going to happen, and I do not want it to change things between us. I do not want to lose you."

Continuing to walk in silence Zase does not respond. He knows that she is worried and it is better for her to let out all of those worries. Arriving to the Ozikill wing Zase gives Nwaeah and smile before leaving her to be with her brother.

Walking into the wing Nwaeah walks to their suite sensing her brother in the kitchen. "Tre." She whines as she rushes to her brother seeking a hug.

"Nwaeah, what happened I felt your unease while in class." He wraps his arms around her tightly pulling his sister into a tight hug.

"Marriage happened!" Her voice is full of spite as she spits the words out. "I am going to be in an arranged marriage!" She moves from her brother's embrace. "That is not fair. No one does things like that anymore. It is an outdated custom. But of course father would do this. Of course father would find another war, some other reason, another opportunity to manipulate and control my life!" Nwaeah begins to pace as she vents out all of her frustration. "We are just his puppets in the circus. His pawns on a chess board. His his… his mule on a farm. I hate this. I hate living like this. We are just his shadows." Nwaeah lights the fire for the stove. It felt good to let the fire out of her. That was the hardest element to control albeit her people were only supposed to have one element each. She had to be the girl born with the special bloodline to be gifted with 2 elements. The last person to be gifted with 2 elements was Malik Ozikill in 1488. He was gifted with earth and fire.

Tarians were gifted with the elements usually between the ages of 8-14. The element usually matches with the personality of the wielder. Nwaeah had peaked early having only been 8 years old when nature had gifted her water. Water was an extended part of her, she easily molded with the element. Fire on the other hand was hard for her to control. It burned within her aching to be let out.

"When? Do you know who it will be?" Tre was channeling the definition of cool and collected within him. His sister was going to be sent off to some foreign guy, in a marriage she did not want. He supposed he should have seen it coming but he had thought that it would be him who would be married off first. He was after all the older twins.

"I do not know. The Queen told me to leave before they gave me the details." Letting out a huff Nwaeah plops down on the couch.

Tre follows handing her her plate of food. Seeing the sandwich and chips Nwaeah smiles at her brother before praying and taking a bite. "Father will be going on another mission in about a week or 2. So there is a possibility that he will be busy and not finalize anything. Let's not worry about the uncertain yet."

Eating her sandwich Nwaeah adds some chips to her sandwich and smiles as she takes a bite. "I know you are right. Father is probably trying to scare me. He finds joy in doing that these days."

"I am assuming he sent you back to come to class?" Tre looks at his watch. "We still have an hour and a half want to watch a movie? That may help get your mind off of everything that has happened in the past 14 hours." Seeing his sister nodding her head he gets up and grabs the remote turning on a movie.

"You think my husband will let me watch movies with you? Or will he force us to be apart?" Nwaeah leans her head on her brother's shoulder. "Promise me no matter what you will never let someone take you away from me Tre. We are all we have."

Tre nods his head rubbing his sister's hair to calm her down. "You never have to worry about losing me. I will always be right here."

They stay like that until it is time to go to class. This class was on political history between the Tarians and the Humans. Usually it was only the Tzukre Royals that went to these classes but their father said an Ozikill must surpass in everything.

Nwaeah changed out of her dress into something more comfortable. Pulling out her combat boots she slid on some black leggings with a long green jacket and black dress. She pulled her black curls into a high ponytail adding her Mom's earrings. I may not feel like a 10 out of 10 but I sure as hell will look like one. Grabbing her bag she follows her brother out of their wing towards the classes.

Nwaeah usually found interest in this class, but this time it was a drag. Nwaeah did not know if it was due to her lack of sleep the previous night but she felt exhausted. This is ridiculous, musing to herself she watched a guy from out the window. He had shaggy length black hair that was neat and kempt. Authority and power poured from him like a faucet, no doubt he was a guardian; in a high position. Someone called him and he turned to face them, Nwaeah was almost able to see his face.

"Princess Ozikill, when the demon attacks continue to escalate, and the humans feel they are being lied to, not having enough information; how would you address the press?" Graham was excellent at asking long questions that is for sure.

Nwaeah fiddles with her pencil as she answers, "Humans like to believe they have all the information. They do not want to feel like someone else is superior to them. When you address the press I believe it is not your words that will move the crowd, more so your body language. We should feel as if we are apologizing to someone very important, and in a higher position than us. This will make them feel that we are simple people doing all we can to keep the humans proud of us." Looking up Nwaeah contemplates on giving an example. "We could say something like, 'The demon attacks may be escalating but we assure you we can keep it under control. We understand you have the means to deal with this yourselves but please give us time to prove to you our competence and ability. I assure you if you grant us time we will be able to show you our capabilities.' Wording like this, even though we are not giving them a lot of information we are perfectly feeding the ego of humans." Looking at her brother she gives a faint smirk on the ego part.

"Interesting idea Princess Ozikill." Graham begins to pace the front of the room. Before addressing the entire class of 8 royals. "When you address human's Princess Ozikill is correct. They do not want to feel that we are superior to them. They want to feel in control. Your words do matter a lot because humans will dissect them. But if your body language and character shows someone below humans they will accept our actions more often than not."

Tre looking as if he is taking notes is actually writing out what his schedule is going to be for the next week. There were meetings about the demon attacks that he did not want to go to. Those would probably last 4 hours minimum. Aendersine royals could be annoying when they wanted to. They chose one idea and stuck to it never swaying. It is not like you can ignore 9 out of 15 of the royals there. Then there was lunch, Tre has been wanting to ask Lana to lunch for weeks now. It was no secret to his sister that he liked Lana. She was one of their friends a Zwanjae royal. Tre wrote his plan of buying the flowers that represented all he wished to say and handing it to her, when he asked her to accompany him on a picnic.

Tapping her brother on the arm gently, "Tre class is over, let's go."

Packing his things he follows his sister out, checking his phone. "Nwaeah I got an email there will be defense class for elements again. Are you going to sign up?"

Still holding onto her brother's arm pulling him outsides the palace to the fountain to sit down. "Of course I will. Every royal should know how to fight, and more royals should be out there helping the guardians."

Pulling out an orange he hands one to his sister. While peeling he hesitantly decides to ask her a question, "Will you sign up as a fire user or a water user?"

Sighing Nwaeah places her half peeled orange on her lap. "I do not know Tre. I know what I should do, I just do not think it is what I want to do. Fire is so hard to control, but water," she moves the water in the fountain into the shape of a dolphin before placing it back into the fountain. "It is a part of me. Water is an extension of who I am. Fire fights me for control. It does what it wants, and fire always brings anger." Looking at her brother, "If I sign up as a fire user, not only would I have to start from beginner levels, but I would be at risk of making a mistake. A mistake means less than perfect, and less than perfect means…"

"Father's wrath. I know." Tre hands Nwaeah half of his peeled orange. "You have to start somewhere though Nwaeah. Let's worry about Father when we get to that bridge." Still seeing the uncertainty in his sister's eyes he adds, "Or you could always ask a fire user to train you outside of class."

Nodding her head she stubbornly eats pieces of the orange. Finishing chewing she lets out a huff, "I know Tre I will think about it." It wasn't father hitting her that she was afraid of.

Weeks passed following the same schedule. Meetings, classes, movie nights with friends. For Tre he had still not asked Lana out for lunch, his excuse was he couldn't get the right flowers to express what he wanted to say. Nwaeah had given up on him saying you could bring one lily and that would be sufficient. Tre had responded saying that humans have lilies at funerals so it must mean death. That conversation ended in Nwaeah laughing and going shopping with her friends. Nwaeah decided to sign up for class as a fire user starting at the beginning level. She was learning that fire was truly not against her. Fire came from the emotions she was always trying to deny herself from feelings; and that is why she felt that fire went against her. Nwaeah was able to move up to the 2nd level out of 5 so she was showing great improvement.

"Alright Nwaeah, that was good. This time try to be a little more forceful, do not pull back when you feel it take hold. Do not be scared of yourself." Issac had been helping Nwaeah one on one. He was a great instructor but sometimes Nwaeah just wanted to slap him. "Come on Nwaeah stop moving like a water user. Fire is not liquid! When you use fire you should feel it in your joints." Issac cracks the muscles in his hand. Sitting down on the tree branch, "You know how when you wake up you always stretch. You have to move your joints and your bones, almost as if you are adjusting yourself?" He sees her nod and gets excited jumping up. "That, that, that right there is fire! It is this need to move and stretch. You are never going to feel comfortable with your body if you do not stretch in the morning. You are never gonna be comfortable with fire if you don't be free with it and stretch with it." moving his brown locks from his face, "Honestly imagine waking up and not stretchin! That would be ridiculous! You know what you need Nwaeah? Some nice good yoga, do some stretches light some fires. Ooh! Maybe fire is not like joints but more like muscles you gotta stretch. Like when you get angry you just wanna punch something! Or kick or run." smacking his hands to the beat of his words, "when you get angry you gots to let that fire out honey!"

"I can't control it Issac." Her voice is rising due to her frustration. "When I run I can control how fast I run. I don't accidently run too fast and hurt someone. When I stretch I don't accidently break something or burn it down. Fire doesn't want to be controlled. Issac, it's too much for me." her voice losing its irritation and her desperation and helplessness seeps through.

"That is what I am trying to tell you. Nwaeah you keep trying to control it. You do not control yourself when you stretch, that's instinct. You naturally do it. If you tried to control yourself when you stretch you would feel uncomfortable. You keep trying to control fire and that is why it is so hard. You do not control instinct you just hone into it." sitting in the grass Issac makes a fireball in his hands. "When you wake up in the morning and stretch you do that naturally, you follow that instinct and just make sure your hand does not hit the wall. Or maybe you move the direction that you stretch, but you always stretch." Issac shoots the fire 4 feet away from him before pulling it back. "If you truly need to control something, control where your fire will go, but don't try to control using it or not."

They try again and this time Nwaeah managed to get on the offensive side instead of defending the entire time. Issac stops and smirks, "That was.. Uh not bad. It was good, maybe just aim the fire?"

"How come you can never say that something is good, period? You always say, 'that was good but this time blah blah blah." Nwaeah says in frustration.

"I didn't peg you the type to fish for compliments." Issac jokes back.

"Ha ha ha you are hilarious. I am just saying a little encouragement goes a long way." Nwaeah fixes her bun, her curls are falling everywhere.

"Okay princess stop stalling let's go. Again!" Issac throws some punches causing Nwaeah to drop her hands from her hair to block her face.

"Issac I was not ready!" Nwaeah keeps blocking his punches trying to find her rhythm but is unable to keep up.

"Demons will not wait till you are ready, they will attack. Come on, fight back, don't just block."

Issac sends fire going in Nwaeah's direction. Trying to block it, it was too strong knocking her off her feet. Rage turns her vision red, as she tries to use water to stop Issac's advances.

"No water Nwaeah. Every time you use water I will use stronger fire against you." Doing a spinning kick a wave of fire goes to Nwaeah who is still on the floor.

Rolling herself to her side Nwaeah scrambles to get to her feet. "Issac stop this is enough!"

Nwaeah accidently uses water to cease Issac's fire, "No water Nwaeah, fire is an extension of who you are. Let it protect you."

Barely ducking from Issac's flames Nwaeah can feel the heat on her face. "Issac stop!" Sending soft flames his way he easily blocks Nwaeah's attempts, sending blue flames in return. The sleeve of her shirt catches flame and Nwaeah can feel the heat of her cuff scorching her skin. "Enough!" Fire erupts from Nwaeah's fingertips in all directions. Blue flames burning everything in her path, Issac barely protecting himself. The statue of the first Queen of Tarians melted down; unable to withstand the heat of Nwaeah's flames.

Looking around Issac pulls the flames from the burning garden. "That is the strongest flame I have ever seen from anyone. No one I have ever met was able to melt stone that quickly." Finally stopping all the fire he walks closer to Nwaeah. "You may feel like that fire inside of you is something you cannot control. But the longer you keep it in you, the hotter it will get."

Still breathing heavy Nwaeah looks at all that was destroyed around her. "Issac I am not scared of my fire because I feel it is not a part of me. I am afraid of it because I cannot control what it destroys." Motioning to the garden around her, "Everything in here is destroyed. It may be a garden here but it can be my friends out there."

Placing his hand on her shoulder, "You cannot perfect it if you are too afraid to practice with it." Looking at the garden around them, "Flowers will grow back, I am not sure what we will do about the stature but some earth user will fix it."

"The statue!" Looking at the melted rock all Nwaeah could think is that her father was going to be pissed.