
It Should've Been Me

Migs' life took a harrowing turn when, at the age of 14, he and his best friend, Mateo, were kidnapped by ruthless gang members. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the gang members mistakenly believed they had witnessed a crime. Tied up and struggling for their lives, Migs and Mateo endured a terrifying ordeal. During their captivity, the gang members subjected them to physical and psychological torture. Tragically, Mateo did not survive the ordeal and died in front of Migs, who was helpless to save his friend. This traumatic experience left deep emotional scars on Migs, haunting his every waking moment.

underclover · 現実
5 Chs

The Local Librarian

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller


Navigating my wheelchair through Poblacion's bustling streets, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of vulnerability. Past encounters with bullies had taught me to approach unfamiliar territory with caution. "Well, here's hoping today isn't the day I run into a bunch of assholes," I muttered sarcastically under my breath.

As I drew closer to my destination, a block away, I spotted a group of rowdy teenagers near the library entrance. "Just my luck," I thought ruefully.

They appeared deeply engrossed in their conversation, blissfully ignorant of my approach. I silently repeated a futile mantra: "Please don't notice me, please don't notice me, please don't notice me..." But deep down, I knew it was a fool's hope.

Sure enough, one tall and imposing figure, burly even, made the grievous error of singling me out for their amusement. It made no sense to target someone like me, but I had no patience for their nonsense today. I was resolute, focusing on a single objective—uncovering Sofia's secrets.

However, ignoring them proved a challenge as the burly teenager and his friends began to taunt me, hurling hurtful comments and mocking my wheelchair.

"Hahaha, look at this bitch. What's up with you, cripple?" a particularly gnarly-looking teenager with an idiotic grin jeered.

"Did you get run over by a car or something?" chimed in another, his expression twisted into something grotesque.

Their taunts, chortles, and guffaws were a cacophony of cruelty. I couldn't help but notice bystanders, either watching in silence or nervously averting their gaze. My heart rate surged, fueled by a thought that cut through me like a blade—people witnessed a disabled person being tormented and still chose to ignore it.

My heart pounded, anxiety washing over me. While I had faced bullies before, their words still stung. It was true; I was currently crippled, unable to perform the basic functions that others took for granted. My limitations threatened to push me further from my goals. A dark cloud of despair loomed, heavy and suffocating.


I was in the process of change. Normally, I would ignore them and keep moving, but not today. I was tired of letting others dictate my life. It was my life, and I refused to be their pawn.

Summoning all my courage, I turned to face the gang of teenagers. Though I tried to maintain composure, I couldn't help a slight tremor. My voice, however, carried a calm, steely resolve.

"That's funny and all, but I want you all to shut the fuck up," I declared, delivering a glare as sharp as a dagger's point. I refused to let their words derail my mission to uncover Sofia's secrets.

The burly teenager and his friends exchanged startled glances at my unexpected resistance. I wasn't certain if it would work, but I was willing to take the chance. Eventually, they backed off, realizing I wasn't an easy target.

Smirking to myself, I savored the fleeting sense of triumph. "Big talk, but no substance," I thought, continuing my journey to the library with my determination burning brighter than ever. The encounter may have left a bitter taste, but I accepted it. I wouldn't let bullies or anyone else derail my quest. Head held high, I rolled into the library, ready to unveil the mysteries of Sofia's past.

As I leisurely perused the library's collection of ancient tomes and documents, an elderly librarian caught my attention.

"I see you're new here," he remarked.

"Good afternoon, sir. Yes, it's my first time," I replied, pausing my book search.

The librarian's curiosity was evident. "Care to share what you're searching for?"

I hesitated for a moment, my trust issues nudging me. However, the librarian's demeanor didn't strike me as malicious. I knew I was overthinking it, but old habits die hard.

"Of course. I'm searching for someone named 'Sofia.' Unfortunately, I don't know her last name or much about her past. She used to live in my current apartment before I took over the lease," I finally replied.

Intrigued, the librarian, Daniel Ramirez, agreed to assist me. "I'm an old-timer historian myself," he mentioned.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Ramirez. I'm Juan Miguel, or 'Migs.' Thank you for agreeing to help with my search," I said, offering a small smile.

Over several library visits, Mr. Ramirez and I sifted through old newspaper clippings, photographs, and historical records mentioning Sofia's name. Searching was challenging, but it was a pursuit worth the effort. We pieced together fragments of her life story, unveiling her contributions to the town's art scene, her involvement in community projects, and her fervor for social causes.

Mr. Ramirez noted Sofia's apparent artistic brilliance. "She had quite the artistic flair."

"Yeah, she reminds me of myself to some extent," I mused, pondering.

"Are you an artistic person?" Mr. Ramirez inquired.

Careful not to sound overly prideful, I replied, "Well... I've won my fair share of art competitions and drama contests in my earlier years. I guess you could say I'm more right-brained than most. But I can't deny I have my left-brained moments. It's like I'm a mix of both. My wits haven't failed me since birth. Except, of course, in the matter of digging up clues on Sofia..." I paused, realizing how that might come across. "Oh, I apologize, Mr. Ramirez. I didn't mean to sound arrogant or conceited."

"No need to apologize. It's good to embrace your strengths," Mr. Ramirez reassured me, his gentle voice a balm to my soul. I was grateful to have him as a friend, and I did consider him one.

"Thank you, Mr. Ramirez," I said, smiling once more.

After days of diligent research, I uncovered a significant event from three years prior. It had a profound impact on Sofia's life, and curiously, it aligned with the same timeframe as my traumatic incident in Barangay Dalisay. It was an eerie coincidence that sent a shiver down my spine.

To be honest, this revelation sparked a renewed determination within me. I was determined to uncover the full truth about Sofia's past and the potential connection to my own experiences. Perhaps my quest to understand her enigmatic life and link it to my past would become an integral part of my journey toward healing and self-discovery.