
It Might Be You, My Darling [Volume One Completed]

Which SECRET will you keep for the rest of your life? She wakes up without a recollection of the other night's event. Krishna was horrid as realization hit her one morning. She had a one-night stand with a stranger! Why did she end up in the bed naked, pain searing all over her body, and no sight of her companion last night? As she could not comprehend what happened to her, memories of last night disappeared without a trace, whereas memories from the distant past resurfaced and muddled her head greatly. ‘What is going on? Why do I remember nothing, but I could recall some events during my childhood?’ What mystery surrounded that night, and she could not fathom being in an unfamiliar place without recollection? ~ “I want you to break up with him!” said the dude, who appeared out of nowhere. ‘The audacity of this man?’ She was pinned to the wall, and the crazy guy yelled this in her face. “What are you talking about? Do I even know you?” she snapped, glaring at the stranger. ‘Who is this guy? I don’t know him at all!’ She only wanted to enjoy the vacation she won over the lottery. However, she was being attacked by gorgeous men out of nowhere! “Who are you?” another man who blocked her in the hallway asked. “Huh? Isn’t I the one supposed to ask you this question? Who are you? I am certain we have never met before.” Even though she snapped at him, the man seemed confused by her answer. “Is that so? Then? Why do you keep appearing in my dreams?” Krishna was rendered speechless. ‘I thought this joke was outdated! Someone has still had the thick face to use for advances!’ I think I’m going crazy one of these days! First, I was mistaken for someone’s mistress. Now, I am somebody’s girlfriend. Maybe tomorrow, I will become someone’s wife. Great! How ironic would that be!? ~ Chapter Release Schedule: TUESDAY - THURSDAY - SATURDAY (This book is under massive editing.) Warning: The story is in slow-paced/slow-burn progress. If it is your cup of tea, then welcome! So, I'm hoping you'll still like it. ( ^ ^ ) The novel uses the first person in the beginning to know our characters and 3rd person's pov in the rest of the story. Enjoy reading! [Book Cover is AI-Generated by Me]

Elise_Elleneth · 都市
75 Chs


"Then? Are we going to divorce after she gives up Florian and finally becomes a free woman?" she added after George's silence.

Indeed, George was stunned for a moment and pondered. His feelings for Stella would not disappear in an instant.


What is more important to him?

His crazy love for Stella? Or the happy life awaits him with his son?

All he had in his head these past few days was a picture of a happy family. And since his son needs a mother's love and tender care, he would not mind marrying Krishna so that he could get close to him without her suspecting anything until he could tell her the truth.

With this, he decided, and he was determined about it.

George stared at Krishna for a long time. The latter felt uncomfortable suddenly. Even if she wanted to deny it, she could feel a pang in her heart, thinking that her future husband had loved someone else and the marriage was just a contract.

But isn't it mutual?

Until now, she could not forget her fiance, George Mendez, even though he had already passed almost three years.

"We just sleep once. I will treat it as a dream." Still, Krishna was firm in rejecting George's proposal.

Hence, she will attempt to discourage him. "I heard that someone will invest hundreds of billions of euros in your company as long as you sleep with her and have a relationship. If everyone learns you sleep with me voluntarily and freely, I think I could no longer see the sun soon because of those women who are obsessed with you. I don't want to be dragged and torn by them!"

There is a hint of mockery in her tone when she tries to make excuses. Little did she know she was only wasting time.

'You dummy. Can't you see that you effortlessly aroused my body?' George thought.

Besides, he would choose to live with his children's mother rather than pick just anyone else, even though his family chose them.

"Have you used protection?" Out of the blue, Krishna asks this question that makes George speechless.

"What are you asking about? Protection? For what?" he asked.

Krishna was dumbfounded. 'Is he deliberately acting innocent now? I am sure that I said it clearly.'

Thus, she was forced to clarify her recent question. She said, "What if I got pregnant?"

George replied with a grin. "Then I will give half of my wealth, including my inheritance, to my son."

"What if it's a girl?"

"I don't have a gender reference." He would surely dote on and spoil her to the extreme if it's a girl!

Having this thought, George's eyes twinkled. He wondered if his daughter would take after him or Krishna. His son was a carbon copy of his, so he looked forward to finding who his daughter's look would take.

George gazed at Krishna. He did not notice that his eyes were full of affection, which made her blush.

'Why is he looking at me like that? Does he really not mind whether he impregnated me?' She was in disbelief all this while. She isn't convinced yet because her status has a tremendous difference. 'Is he really serious?'

"Look… Mr. Graham, I—"

"Our marriage has no room for negotiation."

George did not wait for her to continue babbling nonsense. 'She is just making excuses and wasting both of our time.'

"How confident are you?" she glared at him, upset that George was stubborn. He is not worried because they would not toss the backlash and criticism at him but at her. She is not interested in the limelight by climbing someone's bed, which she did not!

He saw she was firm in turning him down. He has to take out his winning card in this negotiation. Honestly, he doesn't need to overwork while wooing someone.

However, he doesn't understand himself either.

Why does he seem to act like a crazy man now? It was like he was in love with Krishna.

'But I am doing this for my son to have a complete family. Ah, whatever.'

George dismisses all the unnecessary thoughts and gets off the bed without covering his torso.

Krishna blushed upon seeing his bareness but could not avert her gaze away. She even peeked at the naked man with a perfect physique, walking toward the coffee table by the foot of the bed.

She lowered her gaze when George turned around after picking up a folder and returning to the bed. Thus, she missed seeing the grin playing on his lips after catching her red-handed. Her eyes feasted on his body.

She may turn down his marriage proposal, but she could not help staring at his naked body.

'I know my body is not inferior to those actors!' He was full of himself by carrying his chair. 'I know she could not resist my seduction.'

George chuckled evilly in his mind.

"Here…" George handed her the folder, which made her puzzle what it was. "Read it."

Clueless, Krishna takes the folder and flips it open. When she read the title of the certificate, she froze on the bed.

"What do you want me to do with it?" Wild thoughts are racing through her head. For her, it is impossible that George is serious about marrying her. Hence, she uttered firmly. "Do you want me to sign it? I'm sorry, but like what I've said already, I don't accept your proposal."

"You're wrong. I'm giving it to you to keep. It's up to you if you still want to scribble your signature since the Bureau of Civil Registrar validated your thumb marks."

"What did you say?" Krishna's eyes dramatically widened. She read the certificate one more time. Indeed, there were two thumb marks above her name. 'When did he do it? When am I sleeping after we have intercourse? Or before?'

Krishna looked at George in confusion. At the same time, she was mad at him for tricking her. 'I will beat him up if only I have the strength!' But she was exhausted as hell, and her head was still pounding. Her hangover is still severe.

As for George, he strode to the sofa and sat leisurely while pouring some white wine into an empty goblet.

Krishna just then realized that the coffee table was full of various dishes. However, she had no appetite when she could still not digest everything in her head.

"Are you saying that we are husband and wife now? Just like that?" She was dumbly asking this question; thus, she was cursing herself.

George curled his lips as he spoke. "Yes. The Civil Registrar validated that certificate. You can visit the bureau and verify it yourself."

'No way!' Now it's time to freak out for real. "You—"

She was cut out by George once again. And his words even shocked and confused her.

"Since this was the case, you can move your son to the mansion I've prepared."

"What? Mansion? Why should I move my son there? Is it necessary?" Krishna met George's gaze, and she could not fathom what he was thinking. But later on, she realized George wanted to hide her son.

Thinking of this brought great unhappiness in her heart. 'I'm sorry, son. I don't want this. But someone tricked your mom again! I am so dumb and useless!'

Indeed, she had schemed… And she is oblivious that it was the same man.

Krishna flopped her body back onto the bed, holding the certificate firmly.

"Maybe this is just a dream, and everything will return to normal when I wake up tomorrow."

Hearing her muttering this, George chuckled. He stood up from the sofa, returned to the bed, and then dropped his body on Krishna.

"Ahh!" she screams for two reasons.

First, she was indeed startled when a weight dropped on her body.

Second, she was not dreaming.

"What are you doing?" she queried George annoyingly, glaring at him.

"I will help you prove everything is real."

"Huh? By how?" She pretended to be curious, but the truth was, she was nervous.

George grinned ear to ear. He retorted, "By this…"

Using his knee, George parted Krishna's legs and he positioned in between. Her eyes widened after she understood what he meant by saying he would help her prove they were now officially married.

'Not again!'

Her body was sore all over.