
it begins with a flower and it ends with war

Live like a dog. Be treated like one. But when the time comes, fight for the last bite like the greedy dog you are. Just then you would find your peace. On one side we have Sora Danuja finally finding a propose in life and an idea what her future would look like. Her vision was much brighter than her future. On the other hand we have Shishijima Kana that just wants to BE. What happens when a starved dog finally finds food after years and years without? It eats it selfishly till it's last crumb.

Michiko_B · 若者
72 Chs

Chapter 65

Work that day was so close to doing nothing that Hitomi-san let her go home early. The only costumers they had where an elderly couple that were trying to eat their meal for at last a hour. They weren't even that old, the two were just bickering or trying to talk with each other while the other or both of them was deaf.

'' Danuja-chan-'' Hitomi-san told her while she was leaning on the counter, her work in the back over ''- you can go home for today, I just close the shop when those two leave.'' the woman said looking at the elderly couple

'' That sounds wise.'' Danuja couldn't help but say before taking her leave. It was a good thing too, after all she needed to look for whatever blankets she got to bring tomorrow at school and hope that Dad would consider it a good enough bed to sleep at school. 


Finding said blankets was easier said than done.

'' Right.'' she muttered looking down at the only heavy blanket Danuja used in her life, that was washed religiously every three days and was also the only thing Dad would sleep on

Danuja get out of her room because there was no way she was getting her own blanket at school just for Dad to sleep on it when snow will settle around. She clicked her tongue loudly, the sound of claws hitting wood making her relax before she turned around sharply till she stopped in front of her mother? Was she still a mother anyway? 

In front of that woman door, lowering her hand just in time for Dad to come beside her, pushing his snout in her palm. Without anymore words, Danuja opened the door and looked straight for the- 

'' Oh, right.'' she said loudly blinking startled before frowning angrily at the empty wardrobe. She moved to the drawers, huffing unamused when they were empty as well.

'' You know what?'' Danuja said snorting, walking out of the room and slamming the door shut '' Let's just buy you some fucking blankets. And if you don't sleep on that blasted bed I make-'' she said lowering her back, golden eyes startling with yellow-ish ones '' - you will sleep outside my room till next year.'' she said poking his forehead, smiling when the dog begin to wag his tail, bumping into her insistently for more petting 

'' It's good we get each other.'' she hummed before petting his neck harder two times, making him stumble at the door. They got shopping to do.


In the end Danuja brought five blankets from a thrift store, the usual place she gets her own clothes, all of them being long enough so she wouldn't need to worry that the giant dog wouldn't fit in his new makeshift bed. And once she arrived home, she bumped them all on her own bed hoping that tomorrow the wouldn't be any problems. 

Danuja followed her routine before gym, noting how her hair looked like it stopped growing since the last time she inspected it, before doing a slow rub with Dad at her side, making sure that he wasn't overtaxing himself.

'' No way.'' Danuja hissed almost dropping her bag at the sight in front of her. A heavy grunt made her look on her left, at Mr. Touma who was seating on the bench, heavily sweating. '' Have you died and been replaced by an alternative self?'' she couldn't help but ask, putting Dad things in order on autopilot

'' Don't be ungrateful.'' he scolded her, wiping his forehead with a dry towel making her snort before walking forward

'' How could I when you brought me a punching bag?'' she said touching the new leather, surprised at how hard it was compared to the old one she kind of destroyed long ago

'' I still didn't hear it.'' the man grunted not looking at her making Danuja roll her eyes even though he couldn't see it

'' Thank you, Mr. Touma.'' she said loudly turning back at the man seeing him nod pleasant to himself

'' That's right.'' he said getting up and walking closer to her '' Now put on those wrapping and let me see what you got.'' Mr. Touma said before staring at her heavily '' I'm not buying another one.'' he said and Danuja couldn't help but grin at the man


Danuja spend two hours punching that bag. Punches, jabs, leg kicks, the few open palm strike she picket up and even a few sets of shadow boxing. At the end of the two hours, that apparently become two and half if Dad restless was saying anything, Danuja was trying to not slip on the wet floor, from her own sweat.

'' Wipe yourself.'' Mr. Touma said throwing a dry towel at her '' The wind it's blowing outside.''

'' I still wouldn't get a cold.'' Danuja couldn't help but say making the man scoff

'' Then your dog will.'' he said pointing at Dad who was looking at her pleading to leave. '' Anyway-'' Mr. Touma said waving a hand before taking a seat on the bench, making sign for Danuja to seat as well '' - wipe your schedule for the first of November night. We are going to a fight.'' he said smirking making Danuja perk up

'' What style I'm fighting then?'' Danuja said already excited before adding '' And if you tell me another karate style I'm telling Hinata-san that you hate her kimchi.'' she said looking pointily at the man 

'' How do you even know that?'' he asked surprised

'' I didn't.'' Danuja shrugged '' You just told me.'' she said smiling satisfied

'' Of for-'' he groaned before shaking his head '' - try and tell her or I'm selling that bag.'' he said, adding before Danuja could say anything '' And you aren't fighting anyone. We are going to see a fight.'' he said his smirk returning before searching in his pockets

'' That's a new one.'' Danuja said remembering the brief fight she saw months ago, they never watched others, accidentally or not. That didn't mean Danuja didn't spend her nights watching boxing matches and breaking apart Martial Arts styles.

'' Here you go.'' he said giving her a black ticket, similarly looking with a cinema ticket. She couldn't help but look at the man sharply when she read it all

'' That's right.'' Mr. Touma said smirking widely and puffing his chest '' We are seeing a fight in the Second Ring.''


Second Ring-Pit Fight

2:00 A.M.


Date: 01.10. ????

Things were moving quite good for her.

I was at my grandma today and I helped her or more like my granpa and uncle that still lives there to chop wood for winter. I mainly carried them and put it in places.

I kind of forget what I eat though.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts