
Chapter 54

Chitō-ryū , THE 1000 year old Chinese style.  

Was an old, forgotten magazine that Danuja found a while ago, when Mr. Touma made her clean or at last attempt to clean the gym. Cleaning was completely forgotten when Danuja found a small stack of old magazines filled with Martial Art styles that she didn't even hear of.

The history of the style and what it contains was all written there in faded black and yellow spots. Compared with other Japanese karate styles, Chito-ryu is more fluid, with higher and shorter stances, the style making more use of hand techniques than leg kicks. 

This style high peak of popularity was located in Canada of all places and was founded by a doctor named Chitose Tsuyoshi.

But that wasn't the important part, the important part was that the magazine spoke of multiple karate styles, beside the ones Danuja needed, with different names and meaning but with the same fucking results.

And that's what frustrated Danuja. Because why give them so many various and different words, if the result to every technique it's still the same. Why bother dividing karate apart just to do the same thing but with a different name?

Does that mean that ALL karate styles are fake?

The sound of boiling or more likely of spilled broth hitting the ground made Danuja flinch, stopping the fire quickly before all the food would disappear. Magazine forgotten and panic in her eyes, Danuja peeked outside, sighing in relief when Hitomi-san was still chattering away with the elder from before, all smiles and no worry over spilled food.

You have a job  Danuja thought, scolding herself wiping the ground of sticky broth, putting the magazine away, last she burns this place down

Fucking keep it


After work and after making sure the floor was spotless, Danuja helped Hitomi-san close the shop before walking back home with Dad trotting at her side. Her dog didn't look that different but Danuja know that he was old already, so walks were better than jogs or running in her mind.

At home she throw away the yellowed magazine, replacing her school bag content with Dad things before she begin her masquerade once more.

Dressing up as a boy, after being a girl and most of all being acknowledged as a girl all day was surprisingly enough not that bothersome. That didn't stop Danuja from wondering if it should bother her?

'' I need a haircut.'' she muttered in the quiet bathroom, touching her loose her, getting it out of her face. She hummed a little sadly, knowing at last that she missed her long hair, that high tail that could slap someone in the eye if they weren't careful enough.


'' What did you find out today?'' Mr. Touma asked when her training was almost over.

Danuja was still rope jumping, her warm up most of the nights, when she glanced at the man, frowning. She grunted, finishing her sets and taking a sip of water, while checking Dad water bowl.

'' That bad huh?'' he said smirking when Danuja didn't give him an answer. She made sure he could see her rolling her eyes before answering

'' Fuck off.'' she said before adding '' And no it's not that bad. And just so you know, I'm not making any bet about what I can hit with or not no matter the money.'' she said for good measure still remembering that blasted fight when her legs were hold down for 2 hundred dollars.

She didn't have any regrets of course but still.

'' I'm not made of money.'' Mr. Touma said snorting, glancing at Danuja hands before clicking his tongue, before jabbing one of her raw knuckles '' This hand looks worse than the other one.'' he said in disapproval making Danuja blink confused '' And that one looks better.'' he pointed to her other hand before tutting '' Something doesn't add up.''

In response Danuja gaped in disbelief before barking a laugh at him, flipping him off.

'' Fuck you, Mr. Touma.'' she said opening the gym door, letting her dog out first 

'' See you tomorrow!'' he yelled back laughing

'' See you!'' 


The next day at school, greets Danuja with Kana pouting face, not even talking to her when she saw the state of her knuckles.

'' Even your nails Danuja-san.'' she scolded her using a small cotton stick, poking gently at her broken nail

'' It's not that bad.'' Danuja tried to placate her, shutting up when Kana give her a glare. It was a cute one, with puffy cheeks and sad eyes but still a glare nonetheless.

If Kana wanted to look ferocious, then Danuja would let her be and bask in cuteness.

'' Yes it is.'' Kana stated, picking roughly at her nail making Danuja wince, any other sound stopping in her throat when Kana lowered her head and soft, plush lips pressed on her battered hands. '' Your hands could be pretty, you know. You have long fingers, Danuja-san.'' she said giving a last kiss to her hands before lifting her head, still pouting but sticking band aids on anyway.

'' They don't need to be pretty.'' Danuja said gruffly, clearing her throat when her voice cracked at the end while looking at Kana small hands and cared nails. 

It made Danuja swallow heavily, her dumb insecurities popping up before she gritted her teeth and focused back on Kana. So what if her hands looked fucking horrible beside Kana little hands? When Kana told her that she, everything she owned and Danuja herself make her feel better, she throw out all those insecurities from the root.

They had no place of coming back. Danuja could be confident while beside Kana.

'' Hmm.'' Kana hummed in response, blowing air on her last wound before giving it a last kiss. Danuja tightened her lips to stop the possible whimper that was in her throat.

Kana looked up at her, a small but bright smile replacing her pout. Danuja tried to formulate some words, anything so the silence wouldn't become weird and make Kana let her hand go. She swallowed again, making sure that there won't be any strange sounds when she opened her mouth.

'' Do that again?'' she asked grinning when Kana face exploded in a red blush. 

The sound of a bell made the two look up, a stammering Kana going back to class with a whining Danuja behind her.

All day, Danuja couldn't help but note that the spots Kana kissed were tingling lightly.

Mark Tuan - Fallin' (Official Music Video)

My neighbor dog run away because he was abused. That was like three days ago but now he is back and sleeping in front of my door.

That's my dog now.


Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts