
Chapter 44

The crowd cheered eagerly when the fight was put to a pause, while the older man, turned his back at the his fallen opponent and adopted a position on his knees without an expression.

'' How?'' Danuja asked faintly trying wrap her head around it. The man was old, older than Mr. Touma properly and so much heavier than any fighter Danuja saw, that wasn't doing sumo. But at the same time Danuja scolded herself deciding the match just by appearance.

'' It's about skill. And arrogance. And a shit ton of factors that at the end don't even matter if you don't know how to turn the cards. '' he said before nodding towards the kneeling man while the younger man team was trying to wake him up '' And how much one masters the basics. That man you see there? That's an ex military that just slightly dabbled in Karate. No fancy belt, no titles, nothing that can make him stand out outside of this place.'' he said with respect making Danuja look up

'' What's his name?'' she asked trying to put a face on a strong opponent

'' Toshiaki. He is old in this business but the people don't care of it.'' Mr. Touma said waving a hand over the overjoyed crowd '' They just want to see a good fight.'' he said and just then the unconscious man coach waved a hand making a signal with his fingers

'' What does that mean?'' she asked curious. The signals looked kind of similar with the ones used in Dad training. Two fingers stuck in front before their hand tightened into a fist.

'' Medic.'' Mr. Touma said grimacing '' Your fight will be a little late till everything calms down over there.''

'' This place has medics?'' Danuja gaped looking at the two medics that jumped into the ring, checking the younger man vitals before bringing some equipment

A smack over her head made Danuja hiss before she narrowed her eyes at Mr. Touma. 

'' You think I brought you to some garbage pile?'' he said snorting, indignated '' Kids.'' he said grimacing in mock disgust before throwing a hand over her shoulders making her curse loudly '' Of course there are medical teams, small as they are-'' he said waving a hand to the side ''- people could die at any wrong or I suppose right move.''

Both of them looked at the unconscious man being taken away while the referee was talking at his wireless earphones.

'' The other one it's named Wakaba. He is a Brazilian Jiujitsu user that apparently let the sport go before sinking himself in this place. I'm not really sure how long he fights here for but he is by no means a beginner.'' he said stroking his chin, humming '' Brazilian Jiujitsu has hundreds of techniques that can be broken down to a dozen and some more. But any martial art can be have hundreds of moves if you know how to use it.'' he said somehow dismissive

'' Not a fan?'' Danuja asked leaning her chin on her palm watching how the referee announced Toshiaki the winner

In response Mr. Touma snorted before looking at the side with a strange look before grunting. He didn't look upset or angry perse, more like miffed if nothing else.

'' Doesn't that mean the matches should be at last evenly matched?'' Danuja asked, after she stopped grinning, making the man hum. In Danuja eyes the fight was nowhere near evenly.

'' They already are. Sure there are cases where some unlucky fools would rile up people in higher Rings or challenges would happen. It isn't a weird thing. Hell, most of the matches in the First Ring are arranged by coaches for their students. It's the beginners ring after all. No one in their right mind will pit some stuck up teenager like you to a seasoned fighter.''

'' I'm feeling insulted.'' Danuja said almost wanting to tell Mr. Touma about her encounter with those goons and how she got out alive at the very last. A little broken but alive.

'' Good.'' Mr. Touma said making her sneer mockingly at the man. In return he gripped her shoulder tightly, scolding her like a pup.


'' Any last minute advice?'' Danuja asked when they arrived at the ring, Mr. Touma setting the ice bucket nearby while she begin to jump slightly in a spot, warming her ankles.

'' Think of this guy like a shadow. '' Mr. Touma said nodding towards her opponent who was doing his own short warm up, throwing jabs '' You need to think smart and under no circumstance hesitate. '' he said before frowning 

'' I feel an 'and' there.'' Danuja said rolling her neck and shoulders, cracking her back

'' He is Nr. 17 in the First Ring ranking for a reason. I put you to beat the shit out of a fucking log for two whole weeks for a reason.-''

'' You were just too cheap to buy another bag.'' Danuja retorted 

''- And if there it's any minute where you feel yourself not going forward. Staying stagnant.'' he begin mot minding her comment, his words making Danuja grit her teeth '' Knock yourself out. Literally. ''

'' That's a nice warning.'' Danuja said gritting her teeth, smiling meanly '' You should have tell it no our new neighbor. '' she said before getting up at the referee whistle '' Don't worry so much. I have a bet to win after all.'' she said smirking before winking for the last time, walking at the middle of the ring

Danuja did not see the confused look Mr. Touma give her.

Danuja greeted her opponent by hitting their wrapped knuckles lightly before the referee begin talking. It did not take long for Danuja to realize that he was saying the same words she first hear in her first fight.

Instead, Danuja looked more closely to her opponent. They were almost the same height but he was clearly older than her after the wrinkles under his eyes and mouth. That or he was just a very stressed twenty years old. Short hair and toned body but what catch Danuja attentions were his dark, sharp eyes.

He kinds of look like a hawk  Danuja thought briefly before raising her guard at the whistle


' Danuja-san? You wouldn't fight without telling me right?'

' I wouldn't dare.' 

비와이(BewhY) - Holy Toast

I eat jam and peanet butter for the first time today and it was much better than I thought. I'm drinking Pepsi right now and I think I can switch ciggarattes with Pepsi.

Cause it's much less expensive.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts