
Chapter 25

'' Fitting.'' Danuja commented looking at her opponent on the other ring corner 

'' Now, listen carefully. I want you to learn to have perspective and see by yourself what you are dealing with. So the first round there will be no information about this guy style from me. I can just tell you that his name is Shoto and this isn't his first fight but he is still in the beginner ring.-''

So he is good but not good enough

''-The rules of the match are simple.''  Mr. Touma said putting the ice bucket he carried down

'' If you are brough down you get five seconds to get up, the fight will begin again when you lift your knee and not when you are standing again. If the two of you will wrestle on the ground at some point than bitting and weak points like eyes are allowed. If worse comes to worse anything it's on the table. The fight will not stop till either of you fly's off the ring or it's a clean knockout . ''  he said, Danuja finally locking eyes with her opponent

He was smaller than her by a few inches but he was at last 6 feet without a problem. His hands were loose around him, black eyes looking blankly at Danuja. If she wasn't sure that there was no way he could tell she was a girl, Danuja would have though he was checking her out.

The referee stepped into the ring making sign for the two to come closer.

'' Good luck.''  Mr. Touma said before she left sounding a little too cheerful 


'' I trust that both of you know the rules.'' the referee said sternly making them shake hands  '' Good luck on your concussions.''  he said letting the fight start over the people screaming

The first thing that Danuja observed was that the opponent guard was lower than hers and that his footwork was surprisingly jumpy. His first hit was a showy roadhouse kick that Danuja pivoted around it, not letting it touch her before countering with a jab, hitting his chin.

'' You Touma kid right?!''  he yelled over the crowd making her frown. There was no way she opened her mouth around this guy, least she lose a few teeth. He taunted her, with false long jabs and fancy high leg kicks and it was much harder to remain calm in a place filled with screaming than Mr. Touma gym.

'' Fucking drown him already!''  a voice behind her yelled making her finally move forward

A punch at his head, making him counterattack with his own hit just to have  Danuja leg hit right through his ribs, throwing him in the ring bars. 

The drowning style was named the best style for tall boxers. It's a passive aggressive fighting style that pressure the opponent by following them constantly in the ring without giving any short of breather. 

And that's exactly what Danuja made herself master over the days since she stepped into that run down, slightly moldy gym.

Once more Danuja opponent used showy leg kicks to deter her, a front and side kick combined. Without a pause and still coming closer to him, Danuja hit his remained leg on the ground going through him making him fall backwards, head hitting violently the ground.

The referee stepped in making her take a step back and begin counting. Three seconds later her opponent was in the air using leg kicks and open hand strikes to bring her down.

It was also that moment when she realized what she was dealing with.

It was karate and what looked like a more rougher, brutal style than the worldwide know Shotokan.

Before she could recognize more of his style a fury of punches in her solar plex made her gasp and lose control of her body, suddenly jamming Shoto face right back. She didn't even realize how bloody both of them become but in the end skin breaks easily and blood flows faster at adrenaline.

A slightly familiar ring made her freeze for a second while the crowd cheered and her opponent laughed delighted.

'' That's a good start.''  he said going in his corner leaving Danuja panting there

Ah  she though going back to her corner    this fucker is mocking me

'' So?'' Mr. Touma asked giving her water and inspecting her face for damage

'' Karate, lot's of fancy moves and open hand strikes. He is hurt on his right part from my kick so his balance is a little off now.''  she said before laughing spitting blood in the bucket  '' He is fucking mocking me.''

'' That's what he does.''  he said humming when her vision wasn't damaged  '' And you are letting him. Now go there, keep your rhythm and find his weakness.''  he said pushing her up  '' You know his style, take it apart now.''

The minute was up and Danuja was back in the ring pressing, pushing, sticking herself to her opponent not giving him a breather before striking him with fast jabs and uppercuts. If  Shoto almost leaded the first round, then Danuja dominated him in the second part, barely feeling the kicks she got herself and focusing on any openings in Shoto guard.

It was when she got him cornered when an idea striked her but that split of second was enough for Shoto to act and make distance between them, hitting her eye in the process, till the round was over.

Pleasant, Danuja observed how he stumbled back in his corner, a stark contrast from the first round and seat on her own corner, breathing evenly.

'' You could have finish him before. You really thing your eye can hold this much?''  Mr. Touma scolded her with a grin while making a small cut on her swollen eye, getting out the blood

'' I have an idea.'' she said hissing  '' How long it's each round?''

'' Five minutes. '' he said tsking  '' What's in your head right now?''

'' I want to make an example.''  she said grinning at his incredulous face jumping in the ring before he could shake some sense into her

Danuja is and always will be a prideful thing. A girl, woman, person that has too much pride in her body, that has a type of arrogance that believes herself that can always come on top.

Because in that moment when she stepped into the third round, Danuja did not care how she will come out of the fight if she was still conscious. The only thing she cared about was to make Shoto become a fool at his own game.

It was a crazy day today, like wow. I got to school then immediatly after to driving lesson then to suplimentary lessons.

And yeah, I didn't eat a bit today though I don't feel bad so I suppose, um, big breakfast tomorrow?

Anyway this was wrote last night while listening to a Stand Up Comedy from my country.

Have a good meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts