
First Day In London.

I got out of the car, my legs wobbly and my palms all sweaty. It was so unusual to be in the real world.

As I turned back, I saw my new parents staring down at me.

"Are you comfortable?" 'Mom' asked

I nodded quietly, took my bags and went into the apartment.

"It's gonna take a long time for her to be alright. " I heard 'dad' say.

I sighed out loudly. I was alright. I just wanted to go back to Barmount. That was where I belonged.

"Irie, you'll begin school tomorrow. " Mom said

"It's Aphrodite..that's my name. " I muttered.

Mom sighed.

"We spoke about this. " she said

"Why do I have to change my name?, is Aphrodite so bad a name? "

Mom sighed. "Fine.. But I'll call you Irie.."

I rolled my eyes "And why am I going to school tomorrow?, I haven't even settled in yet. "

"You'll have to make friends.. and learn. " mom said.

"Yeah.. " dad said and got up "..so now, get some sleep. "

I looked at my new parents and sighed.

As I walked into my room and lay on the bed, I couldn't stop thinking of my old life and my new restrictions.

At Barmount, I was able and free to do what I wanted. Even though I wasn't totally vampire, I was glad.

Now, I had to live with humans.. and I had to go to school. Wow..


How it all started.

I woke up that morning and put on some free clothes and sneakers, then got into the car which dropped me in front of my new school - St George's High.

I nodded silently as I entered and walked through the halls.

As soon as I got to my class, I saw them - humans, sitting , arranged in the classroom.

"Welcome Miss Gordon.. " A lady in front of the class said.

I looked at her in shock. What was that?, Miss...Gordon?!

I smiled, trying to keep cool.

"Thank you. " I said

"Introduce yourself. " she said again

I sighed. "Good morning. I am Aphrodite. " I simply said and bowed a bit.

"More.. " the teacher said

"Like? " I heard myself ask

She looked at me, shocked, but smiled "What do you like? " she asked

I looked around. What did I like? ...Barmount..

"Nothing. " I said and looked her straight in the eye.

"You're a tough one. " she said and laughed nervously.

"Can I know your name? " I said as I walked towards an empty seat

"Miss. Rivers. "

I sat down "Nice to meet you." I smiled.

As I sat down, I looked around and noticed very well the kids my age sitting around me.

And then, I saw her.. the person you would call the bully.

She looked me up and down then rolled her eyes.

Wow.. What a nice way to welcome your new mate.

"Work on your projects.. " the teacher finally said as she finished her boring lessons.

"Yes ma'am. " the whole class said.

After some classes, I sat silently in my chair and just doodled.. then, I felt a hand - a wet hand on my shoulder.

I moved immediately and shot the stranger an angry glare.

"Chill.. " he said and sat close to me.

I looked at him. I hadn't really seen him in the class.

"Reuben. " he smiled

I looked at him confused.

"Oh.. Please.. I need a friend.. " he said sadly

I rolled my eyes. "Aphrodite. "

"Aphrodite?! " Reuben screamed and sat even closer "That's cool.. "

"Thanks. " I said coldly, making him go quiet.

"Don't be so cold. I just need a friend like you. " he said

"You don't even know me.. " I said

"You don't look like a bully.. Like most of the people here. "

"I'll be your friend only if you behave around me. " I said

Reuben sighed heavily. "Just like Adonis.. " he said.

I looked at him "Who is that? "

Reuben looked at me with a smile, and instead of answering, dragged me with him outside and pointed at a guy opening a locker .

"That's him. " he said "My brother. "

I looked at Adonis, then at Reuben. They did not look like brothers..

"Say hi to him.. " Reuben said

"I'll pass. I have something to do in the library. " I said and walked away.

I went to the library to sleep.

Firsts Day of school was a bore.. and if care wasn't taken, I was going to run away.