
A miracle

Cupping her face affectionately. Jacob placed a lingering kiss on her forehead and felt her body trembling before he pulled away staring into her blue eyes

"It's not the right time. We're not ready for this." That's all he said before he walked away going back to his room 

, leaving her standing there.

Layla stood there in a disbelief state. She blinked her eyes a few times before her mind started to understand what just happened.

He was right. She wasn't ready and it was still early. She just came out of a long relationship. She still needs time to recover. 

Turning off the kitchen light. She walked back to her room. 


Looking at the sleeping girl in the bed. Alice felt sadness wash over her. Two years ago. Petal was here between them. Laughing, smiling, crying. It's hard to believe it's been two years. 

Reaching to hold her hand. Alice squeezed her hand gently."It took you too long." She whispered to sleep.