

"I am their mother," Lin RU said, her voice hard and cold, "but still they are giving me a cold shoulder. If it weren't for me, they wouldn't have come to this world."

Lin Ru spoke without thinking and revealed her strong aversion towards her children. Her resentment stemmed from the fact that they reminded her of the failure of her first marriage. 

Wang Kai rubbed his head, realizing that he had upset his wife.  He could understand why Lin Ru hated them — they were a constant reminder of her broken first marriage — but he didn't expect her to show such disdain for them.

"Calm down, you are scaring Chuchu." 

Lin Ru regained her composure and looked over at Chuchu, who was terrified by her mother's harsh gaze. 

Chuchu assumed her parents were arguing, which increased her fear.