
It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Have you ever felt like you had to say you're okay when really you're not okay? Have you ever felt like you're drowning not in water but your own sadness and pain? Have you ever felt alone, empty, numb, emotionless, hated, pained, hopeless, worthless, and pathetic? All of these things describe Kai Levough. He's been bullied since he first started school and has been abused ever since his twin brothers death when he was 7. His mother left him with his abusive father when he was 8 and he is now 16. What happens when the new kid, Chase Smith, ends up sitting with him at lunch and decides to barges his way into Kai's life? Will Chase be able to save Kai before it's to late or, will it already be to late? Read to find out! I am so sorry to all of you who planned on reading/were reading this but I have decided to discontinue this book but I will be rewriting this but from a Female leading role! So hope you'll it comes out!

Alyzabeth_Hawkins · その他
14 Chs


🙃 ( 𝔸𝕘𝕖 7 ) 🙃

👾 ( 3 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝙾𝚅 ) 👾

"Bubby, are you feeling any better now?", little 7 year old Kai asked his brother, Angel Levough.

"I will soon bubba we just have to keep praying, hoping, and continue to have faith.", he says to Kai. He knows he isn't getting any better in fact he's getting worse. He was diagnosed with Lung Cancer at the age of 2.

Even at such a young age he fought to stay alive. Even if he was hardly able to move from how much pain he was always in he tried his best, his twin brother always there for him and trying to help him.

"Bubby do you want some water.", little Kai asked his brother and Angel nodded.

"That would be great bubba thank you.", Angel said in a weak tone. Kai gets up and goes to get some water. He gets a cup and puts some water in it and brings it to his brother.

"Thank you bubba.", Angel says drinking some of the water and hands it back to Kai.

"Do you need me to get anything else?", little Kai asked and Angel nodded.

"Can you get mommy and daddy please?", Angel asks his voice still sounding actually it sounded a little weaker than before, Kai payed no mind to it thinking his brother was just tired.

"I will be right back with mommy and daddy bubby.", little Kai says walking out of the hospital room to ask a staff member to phone there parents.

"Excuse me miss?", Kai asked tugging lightly on Angel's nurse's shirt. She turned around and saw Kai. She smiled warmly and crouched down to his height.

"What's up bud?", she asked smiling still.

"Bubba wants to know if you could phone mommy and daddy.", Kai says to the nurse and the nurse smiles kindly with a nod.

"Of course bud, I'll go call them really quick and I'll be right back.", she says walking away. Kai turns around and walks back to the Hospital room.

"Bubba, nurse Sandy is calling mommy and daddy.", Kai says as he walks in only to see a coughing and very red face Angel.

"Angel?!", Kai exclaimed scared cause of of how much he was coughing and how terrible it sounded. Kai ran over to Angel's side and grabbed the remote and pushed the emergency button. Sirens and a loud announcement thing went off but Kai couldn't hear what it was saying, he was to scared and worried for is twin brother.

Nurses and doctors come running in and had pushed Kai outta their way so they could attend to Angel who's face was now turning a blue-ish color.

"We need to get Kai out of the room.", Angel's Doctor said and one of the nurses nodded. She walked over to Kai crouched down so she was eye level with him.

"Hey Kai.", she says sweetly.

"I need you to come with me.", she says and Kai shakes his head viciously.

"N-no!", Kai practically yells while crying.

"Bubba needs me to stay here with him.", Kai says trying to walk over to Angel.

"Kai, you need to come with me so the Doctors can attend to your bubba.", the nurse says Kai shakes his head again.

"N-n-no. Bubba needs me!", he says crying still

"Kai, you have to be a brave boy and come with me so the doctors can help your bubba.", the nurse says and he shakes his head. The nurse sighs and starts to drag out gently to make sure she wouldn't him.

"No! Bubba needs me to stay here with him!" Kai exclaims struggling to get out of the nurses grip but failed to. As soon as they reached outside of the room his parents run up to him and the nurse closes the door. His parents see Kai crying, they knew exactly why he was crying causing his mother to drop to her knees and hug Kai tightly while his father stood there staring at nothing in particular.

Kai's father looked down at his wife and his son and he couldn't help but think, What happens next? Will we get through this?

As these questions and questions like them repeat in the mans head he goes down on his knees and hugs both his wife and his son as if his life depends on it.

After what seemed like an eternity the doctors and nurses start to leave but one stays behind and closes the door as he walks out of it. He looks at the three of them with a pained but saddened look.

"I'm sorry, we did everything we could. I'm sorry for your lose.", he says to them and then walks away slowly leaving the broken family crying in the hallway of the hospital.

After a while they decide to go inside to see Angel. He looked frail and weak. He held on by a thread for five years. He fought for his life for five years, fighting to stay alive, fighting against his cancer for five years. He was strong yet had to teach himself how to be at a very young age. But in the end he lose the fight against his cancer.

What would happen next, none of them knew what the future was for their family but they knew it was never gonna be the same especially after losing a son, after losing a brother, they knew nothing was ever going to be the same.