
It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Have you ever felt like you had to say you're okay when really you're not okay? Have you ever felt like you're drowning not in water but your own sadness and pain? Have you ever felt alone, empty, numb, emotionless, hated, pained, hopeless, worthless, and pathetic? All of these things describe Kai Levough. He's been bullied since he first started school and has been abused ever since his twin brothers death when he was 7. His mother left him with his abusive father when he was 8 and he is now 16. What happens when the new kid, Chase Smith, ends up sitting with him at lunch and decides to barges his way into Kai's life? Will Chase be able to save Kai before it's to late or, will it already be to late? Read to find out! I am so sorry to all of you who planned on reading/were reading this but I have decided to discontinue this book but I will be rewriting this but from a Female leading role! So hope you'll it comes out!

Alyzabeth_Hawkins · その他
14 Chs

Chapter 6: Oh.... Um, That Was Weird?

😁" Lunch Time"😁

👻" Kai's POV "👻

So, now I'm on my way to lunch after leaving my Science class. After lunch I have ELA and then gym..... yay me. ( Hint Hint, Note the sarcasm. )

But anyways, I'm hoping they have pizza today. That's literally almost the only thing that actually tastes half decent at this school.

Anyways, I get in the lunch room and go to the lunch line. After I get through and pay for my lunch, thankful that they had pizza today, I look around to see if I can find Chase which I did.

He was sitting at the table I always sit at. I start to walk over to the table but I get pushed and fall to the fall causing my lunch to fall on the floor too. Welp, looks like I don't get to have lunch.

"Watch where you're walking ya fag!", a jock, I don't know his name, says and I roll my eyes and bite my tongue from saying something stupid that could get me beat up.

I stand up and start to walk over to the table again before someone grabs my shoulder and pulls me down onto the ground.

"What? No apology or anything", he asks and I roll my eyes at him, again.

"Hlw about this?", I ask him standing back up facing him having to look up a little.

"I apologize to you when you decide to grow a pair and stop being a fucking idiot!", I tell him and he looks at me with a shocked expression and then anger.

"What the hell did you just say to me?!", he asks me yelling and pushing back onto the floor.

Damn me and my stupidly smart-ass comments. I think to myself as he kicks me then I see Chase get up and intervene.

"Woah, hang on a second! What in the bloody hell's name is going on?!", he exclaims I think I heard a bit of a British accent.

"The stupid fag-", he says before Chase cuts him off.

"He's not a fag first off, second off, did you know it was scientifically proven that 90% homophobes and people that bully or talk shit about gays or anyone in the LGBTQ+ community are actually part of the LGBTQ+ community.", he says and I smirk and stand up.

"So, jock dude, ya got any confessions to make?", I ask and still have a smirk on my face. He blushes outta embarrassment.

"Ya know what, I'm just gonna go.", he says and starts walking in the other direction making me laugh.

"Thanks man.", I say to Chase as we walk over to the table and sit down.

"So, what was that about?", he asks and I sigh.

"The idiot pushed me and blamed on me, I went to walk away he grabbed my shoulder asked if was gonna apologize I told him, how about.... when he grows a pair and stops being an idiot.", I tell him and he looks at me and looks like he's trying not to laugh, which didn't last very long.

"W-wow! You actually s-said that!", he says in between laughs and I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Yes I did. I may seem nice but I was blessed with a sassy attitude and smart-ass and sarcastic mouth.", I say to him after he stops laughing.

"Okay so, what do you wanna talk about?", he asks and I shrug

"How about we get to know each other some more?", he asks

"Sure.", I say and that's exactly what we did. We asked each other questions through out lunch and I take some of Chase's food. We do this up until the bell rings signaling for us to go to our next class.

Ugh! ELA here I come. I think to myself now walking towards my class with my things I need for my next few classes, thank the lord and heaven's sake I made it to class without any further injuries.

I walk in and go to the back corner, which is my usual seat. The bell rings and the last of the students shuffle in.

After a few minutes the teacher walks in with a huge stack of papers and jumps them on her desk.

"Alright class, I'm sorry I'm late. I hope you guys didn't mind.", she says and everyone said a 'no ma'am' in a monotone voice.

She starts the lesson babbling on and on about something. Well, I guess now we wait. I think to myself zone off into my own little world.

😅" After ELA Class "😅

Ugh! Great now gym.

It's not that I don't like gym class because in all honesty, I love gym class it's one of my favorite classes. I mean yeah, doing the exercises and the running and etc. is extremely painful cause of the injuries but, it's whatever. I'm okay with the pain, at least I know I'm still alive.

I sigh as I get to the boys locker room. Alright, let's get this done and over with. I think to myself walking in and getting changed in one of the stalls.

😕" In The Gym Room "😕

So, yay me. We're doing dodge ball today. And per usual I'm chosen last cause nobody wants the "Emo Fag" on their team. Oh well, another game I don't get to pl- I started to think to myself before I hear someone say my name.

"HEY! KAI!", I look up to see Chase waving me over to his side of the team. I hesitantly walk over to him.

"H-hey. Didn't realize you had this class.", I say to him and he shrugs

"I don't have this class every school day but most school days.", he says and I nod.

Okay, so this is kinda weird. I'm never picked out plus if you're wondering why I didn't realize that Chase's name was called it's cause I typically zone out already knowing that I wasn't gonna be chosen for anyone's team but today, I guess it was different.

I see I dodge ball being thrown in my direction and before it could hit me I caught and did a victory laugh.

"YES! HA HA! YOU'RE OUT YOU SON OF A BI-", I'm cut off by the coach yelling.

"MR.LEVOUGH! WATCH YOU'RE LANGUAGE!", he yells and I nod.

I hear a laugh next to me and look over to see Chase laughing. I give chase a playful glare and playfully punch his arm.

"Shut up.", I say to him handing him the ball

"You can throw the ball.", I tell him and sit down.

"Okay?", he says more of a question than statement. He throws the ball and hits someone in the face.

"Ouch that's gotta hurt.", I say still sitting down.

I never understood why they allow head shots but whatever.

"Why are you sitting down?", Chase asks and I smile.

"Imaginary force field. It actually works.", I say to him and he nods sitting down next to me.

(Believe it or not guys, if you sit down in the corner of the dodge ball area you don't get hit. I used to do it all the time when I was in public school. And I was really good at dodge ball cause of it.)

😒" After What Seems Like An Eternity "😒

After almost an eternity, it's me against three jocks. I told Chase not get one of the balls he never listens though, which caused him to get hit with a dodge ball.

Oh well. I guess. I have two dodge balls on my side and waiting to see who takes the first move. I see the jock on the far left throw a dodge ball at me at full speed. I dodge and throw one of the dodge balls at the the jock on the right who didn't expect to have a dodge ball thrown at him.

"So, who's next?", I ask cockily proud of my achievement so far.

The one in the middle threw a ball at me I caught then threw it at the jock on the left.

"YES!", I yell in victory as I jump up and fist bump the air. Everyone on my team cheered and ran up to me, cheering still.

😶" After School "😶

Chase and I walk side by side outta the school's double doors getting ready to walk home. We're just talking about random things, when a familiar someone's voice yells my name causing me to roll my eyes.

Of course, one of the cheerleaders.

"KAI! HEY! WAIT UP PLEASE! YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME MELT MY MAKE UP!", she yells at me and I stop with a sigh turning around to face her.

"What do you want Lauren?", I ask in an aggregated tone.

"Did you come here to yell at me? Call me names? Well, tough luck I ain't in the mood.", I say getting ready to turn around but she grabs my shoulder, my hurt shoulder. I wince in pain but pretend that I didn't and just turned back around to face her.

"What?!", I ask frustrated causing her to jump back a little.

"W-well, I just wanted to congratulate you on your win in dodge ball.", she says and I make an 'oh' face.

Why am I so stupid?! I was just a jerk to her for nothing! I think to myself then smile a little in confusion.

"Thanks, I guess?", I say in a questioning tone but she nods with a big bright smile and skips away.

"Um... That was kinda, weird?", I say in confusion but shrug it off.

"You ready?", I ask Chase turning back around to face him.

"Yep! I sure am.", he says with a nod popping the 'p'

"Alright! Let's go!", I exclaim and start to take off running.