
It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Have you ever felt like you had to say you're okay when really you're not okay? Have you ever felt like you're drowning not in water but your own sadness and pain? Have you ever felt alone, empty, numb, emotionless, hated, pained, hopeless, worthless, and pathetic? All of these things describe Kai Levough. He's been bullied since he first started school and has been abused ever since his twin brothers death when he was 7. His mother left him with his abusive father when he was 8 and he is now 16. What happens when the new kid, Chase Smith, ends up sitting with him at lunch and decides to barges his way into Kai's life? Will Chase be able to save Kai before it's to late or, will it already be to late? Read to find out! I am so sorry to all of you who planned on reading/were reading this but I have decided to discontinue this book but I will be rewriting this but from a Female leading role! So hope you'll it comes out!

Alyzabeth_Hawkins · その他
14 Chs

Chapter 2: Just A Normal Day.... Right?

•" Monday Morning "•

💞" Kai's POV "💞


I turn off my alarm and get up rubbing the sleepiness outta my eyes as I stand up and stretch. I grab out an outfit from my closet. I try to look at least half decent since it's the first day of school.... yay me. Can you hear the sarcasm dripping?

Anyways, I grab a plain Grey long sleeve shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans that have ripped holes on the knees and my black combat boots. I go to my bathroom, set my outfit on the counter, strip from my boxer shorts and jump in my shower.

👾" 30 Minutes Later "👾

I get out of my shower, dry off, and put my clothes on. I walk out of my bathroom and gather my things. Since I'm not allowed to eat breakfast I go back to my bathroom brush my teeth and I do my hair. I put my guy eyeliner on walk out of my bathroom, grab my things and then quickly but quietly I make my way outta this hell forsaken house.

🏫" At School "🏫

I walk into my school and tried to walk to my locker, key word tried. I of course just had to run into some of my bullies.... More like they pushed me into the lockers but same difference.

"Hey, watch where you're going you emo freak!", the leader of them, Roman, said

"Stupid ass jock pricks.", I said under my breath but apparently he heard me since he stopped, turned around and stomped right back over towards me.

"What the hell did you just say about me faggot!", he yells in my face I roll my eyes, oh so scary...

"I said, and make sure you turn your hearing aids up cause I'm not repeating it for a 3rd time, Stupid ass jock prick.", I said slower so he could possibly comprehend it more.

Maybe I shouldn't have said any of that cause he grabbed my shoulder, I mean like where one of the lashes are, and slammed me right up against the lockers, and hard.

"You think you're so smart, don't you?!", he exclaims but I take more like a question

"Well yeah kinda, I mean a 3.5 GPA is pretty good.", I said to him which only received a punch to the gut for.

"You know what you should do?", he asks and I just shrug cause he asks me the same thing everytime and the answer is the same thing everytime

"You should kill yourself.", he says to me and I roll my eyes like I said same thing everytime. Now per usual routine he's gonna drop me I fall to the ground him and his friends beat me up until the bell rings then they leave me there.

"You know what I'm gonna mess up our usual routine. I have a few other things to say to you.", he says with a smirk on his face.

"Yoj should kill yourself cause it's not like anybody would care, I mean nobody here would care, your daddy wouldn't care, your mommy well she wouldn't even know since she left you cause you were a mistake, and your brother well he didn't even make it past 7 what makes you think he'd care if you died.", he says to me.

I know every single thing he said was true but just because it was true doesn't mean I'm gonna fucking kill myself. Actually what he said is just making me ticked off.

"You dickhead!", I yell at him and kick his knee and he falls to the ground. I run down the hall to my first period already knowing that I was late so, I didn't bother going to my locker just straight to first period.

Yay here I come Math. I think to myself after looking at my schedule then I head towards the math class.