
It's nice to be an adventurer and be free

Work, work, work... A working woman that was supposed to be like any normal persons somehow ended up transmigrating in a romance novel that she loved reading before her 40th birthday. Revenge? Face-slapping? Love? She doesn't really care or more like she wants to run away. At age 39, she was single, virgin and not the womanliest woman of the earth. She was a huge fan of anime, manga and novels, as long as it satisfied her curiosity anything was fine to read and she somehow ended up dying. Not because of Truk-kun, Sport Car-kun or a robber with a knife but ... by accidentally slipping down the stairs. "My IQ is low and my EQ is probably even less, womens in novels are scary and I prefer physical pain to mental torture so let me run away and become an adventurer for fun"

Rei_Ookami · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1- My role is over.

'And here I hoped for a normal day' was what our protagonist, Lucrece, was thinking as her fiancé, Cadeyrn, put on a show for the entire school to see right at entrance of it.

"...I, Cadeyrn Aldwin Ianuarius, second prince of the Atheir Kingdom, am going to announce the end of my engagement with Lucrece Avia Bergstrom, daughter of Bergstrom-"

'He'll probably keep going for a long time, time on which I could've spent on something more interesting and amusing-'

"...actions unfit for a future royalty..."

'-like reading a book, singing, playing with sticks, crafting, sculpturing, gambling, throwing rocks-'

"...The insolence of doing that on the sacred grounds of the Saint Jupiter Academy! As-"

'-swimming, acting, throwing money at poor people, chatting with the king, infiltrating the royal palace's library, poker, play with fluffy animals-'

"-Do you have anything to say in your defence Avia?"

The prince questioned his, now, ex-fiancé with great anger and disappointment. This was not what he expected from the woman he once loved and swore to protect. The woman that was able to illuminate his lonely childhood and give him comfort when all around him where just masks... where those annoying nobles right? Was hers a mask too all along?

"My dear prince the question is easy, would you believe me if I told you that I'm innocent? Would you hear my side of the story or would you prefer to live in the beautiful ignorance?" A calm voice asked.

"Are you going to lie again? Are you going to disappoint me again with your fake words? Envy is an ugly sin. Give up Avia and just confess, for both mine and your sake! There are eyewitnesses about your atrocious acts! And your followers even confessed that it was all your idea" The more the prince thought of what was written on the documents the more enraged he felt, how he could've been so blind at his fiancé's bulling? Pages and pages of evil actions towards an innocent student of the same year, a commoner with great affinity towards light, water and healing magic, Jasmine Griffin.

"Win, my dear prince, have you ever thought that they could've lied? Have you noticed that the so called followers of mine are mainly composed by families that are in hostile waters with my Bergstrom family? Have you imagined how easy it would be for someone to put a wig so that someone from behind would think that it was me? Have you wondered if I truly was present at these events? I don't think so, for example: on the 24th of May, there is written that I pushed miss Jasmine down the stairs of the 4th floor near the music department and that the witness was a 3rd year senior student who was exiting the violoncello room that saw my back with my 'followers' surrounding me as I used my fan to order them to push her, this is what is reported here but there is a problem. From the 20th to the 29th, I was not even on school site or on the island it is situated on, you can ask the head master about it"

" ! There are still other-"

"On June 14th there was an important inauguration in my march... from July and August I was on a errand for the school to the neighbour country with the art professor, the biology professor and some other students during the summer break... on September there was an important event at the royal palace and because you didn't attend, I had to go in your place... for various others I have reasons and alibi too"

"But not on the 6th of January! You boldly threw a cake at Jasmine before the entire school! And I witnessed it too! Do you know how damaging to her reputation that was?! Words travel fast! She had to hide after lessons and listen to people gossip behind her back!"

"How damaging?! I tell you what is damaging! My fiancé flirting with another woman boldly in front of the entire student body! Every day in the stadium! The library! The canteen! Even in the classroom! It frustrates me that while I do jobs as your future partner you spend time with her! Like you said it hurts having people talk behind your back, they are blaming me as if it's my fault that my supposed other half cheated on me! It irritates me that you are taking her side without even asking about mine! I feel desolated by how the one who should be by my side is by someone else's! Disgusted on how you celebrated her birthday for three days consecutively and forgot mine! Tell me Win! What should I say about these?! Oh right! The only thing I'm sorry for was that my aim was bad and instead of hitting you, the cake hit Jasmine!" and so with these words, all the lines that Lucrece Avia was supposed to say in this scene were said albeit with some twists and the last step was just to open a portal for the palace to complain to the king and be banished for damaging the reputation of a royalty like how it was written in the novel.

Till now no mater what she did, everything still played by the book in a way or another even if she became the prince's childhood friend and gave him a happy childhood or saved the mother of an important character that would lead to her future down fall. No matter what, even if the details changed the story would keep going like in the book, this was the hard truth our protagonist came to face during her life as Lucrece Avia Bergstrom, the main villainess of the first volume of the novel 'Flowers Garden'.

"Win... I'm tired so I will end it all now. I go to the palace and formally declare the annulment of our engagement. You've been rash sinche we were kids so I'm sure you haven't told his majesty yet, so I will go in your place. Farewell"

Before any of the people present could react at the bomb thrown at them, the 'villainess' of the show opened a portal to the entrance of the palace with a bracelet made by the palace mages with the latest technology and gifted by the king, Casimir Alva Ianuarius.

'Watching a show is nice but nothing is better than myself acting overly dramatic and release some stress, especially in this type of situation as it helps to catch the hearts of the audiences and pulling the public opinion towards your side'

Without even looking back at the blonde prince, the caramel haired heroine, her entourage and Lucrece's own little brother, she entered the portal to have an audience with the king.

With dark star gone, there was nothing to be done. The students remained rooted on the ground as if they saw the eyes of the Gorgon and only after the teachers' arrival that they returned to class but not before whispering how the prince must have lost his head to the god Iovitas for not noticing such a big holes in those 'evidences'.

In the end all the students couldn't concentrate on the class for an entire week, a week which made all the teachers suffer and the students cry tears of blood as it was the week before the last tests for the end of the school.

I tryed my best, sorry if some title are used incorrectly and for my poor grammar but I do hope to improve with your help. The precious help of my reader.

Rei_Ookamicreators' thoughts