
It's Me: Naruto Fanfriction


Doasist · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 1 - Taking Naruto Over

After what seemed like an eternity, Kakashi finally arrived at the Valley of the End, and what he saw horrified him.

The Valley looked like it had been the battlefield of a Shinobi War. The whole valley had been beaten, and brutalized.

Craters and debris littered the landscape and the feet of the statues of Madara and Hashirama had been reduced to nothing more than rubble.

At the center of it, lay the body of a young boy.

The body itself was in disastrous condition.

Bones were broken and out of place, clothes were torn to bits, and the skin was almost completely charred from heat. To many people who knew the boy, the body would appear unrecognizable, that is except for one key aspect.

The shiny blond hair!

Pakkun with some reluctance went over to sniff the body. A moment later he nodded his head to Kakashi, looking visibly relieved.

Kakashi slowly walked over to the body relieved that his student was still alive. Even with all the injuries his body sustained. Without saying a word, he kneeled and carried the boy up.

He was quiet for a moment before speaking again.

"Where's Sasuke?" Kakashi asked with great difficulty taking his eyes off Naruto to look around for his other pupil praying he wasn't out of reach.

"Kakashi, the rain washed away Sasuke's scent. I can't smell him. He's gone." Pukkun paused.

"Kakashi I wish I could do more but with this rain, I won't be able to find him," Pakkun stated sadly.

"It's okay Pakkun," Kakashi stated drearily as he put Naruto on his back. "Let's first return to the village."

Pakkun immediately dispelled himself and Kakashi charged into the surrounding forest.


Awaking me from my slumber was the peaceful sound of birds chirping.

I could faintly feel the warm gentle sunshine envelop my whole body, causing my lethargic self to feel more energetic.

Opening my eyes, I found myself inside the hospital-like room.

Rubbing my eyes to make sure I was still not sleeping I blinked a couple of times and once more looked at my strange surroundings.

'Aren't I supposed to be…dead?'

…was what I thought at first, but seeing that I was still breathing and seeing just fine, I thought that perhaps someone had rescued me moments before I died, and right now I was in a hospital.

But with each passing second, I realized that this was not the case.

This wasn't a high-tech hospital, but more like a hospital from the middle ages? But definitely not on par with the technology, I grew up with!

A multitude of questions emerged in my mind as I blankly stared at the ceiling.

Naruto Uzumaki?

Who was that?

As far as I remember, he is the fictional character and the protagonist of the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto.

Sitting up on the bed, a blank look appeared on my face as I dazedly looked towards the window on my left.

Bright, spiky, and unruly blonde hair.

Blue ocean-like eyes

Three-pronged whisker-like birthmarks on each cheek.

What was reflected on the surface of the window was not my face, rather it was a completely unknown face.

It had rather strange features, but it wasn't a face that would make people scream 'He's so handsome!'

His hair stands up in multiple thick spikes that frame his face and extend outwards, giving him a distinctive and energetic look, and adding a youthful and playful appearance.

Overall, this person's hair and face contribute to an easily recognizable look, symbolizing an energetic and optimistic personality.

Moving onto the body, this new body was rather malnourished, it had some definition but it could do with a bit more muscle.

But this was not my body…I was supposed to be muscular and older.

Yet, looking at the reflection in the mirror, I couldn't deny that it was me who was controlling the body as each time I touched my face, the reflection on the window also showed the youth reflected in the mirror touching his face

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I looked at my now skinny legs which I had not had since my high school days, and stood up.


Stumbling a couple of steps, I felt a wave of pain wash over my head as I started experiencing a massive migraine followed by a severe case of vertigo.

Pain…pain…excruciating pain that I had never felt before engulfed my entire being as I leaned my hand on the wall as a means to support my body.


For what may have seemed to be hours, passed by in seconds, and the pain slowly subsided leaving me huffing and panting on the ground heavily gulping for air.

It was only after 10 minutes that I finally managed to stand back up.

Soon, I let out a bitter laugh

"It seems that I reincarnated into the Naruto Multiverse, and as the main character of the story to boot"

But looking at how things were, I should probably not consider this world a manga anymore, as I was literally breathing and moving inside of what seemed to be the plot of an anime.

If you were wondering why I am remaining so calm in this situation, it's simple really.

I hated my previous life

During my last breath, I realized that I did not care if I died.

During my last moments, the only thing I thought was 'It's a pity I died like this

My name is Jason, I was a child soldier.

My life took a heartbreaking turn when I became a victim of human trafficking at a young age. Torn away from my family and forced into a life of unimaginable brutality, I was trained to become a child soldier.

My childhood was shattered as I was immersed in a world of violence, fear, and survival.

Separated from my loved ones, my captors subjected me to intense physical and psychological manipulation.

They exploited my childish vulnerability, molding me into a weapon of war. My days were filled with grueling training exercises, that force me to learn how to handle firearms, engage in combat, and carry out acts of violence against others.

Under constant threat and coercion, I was conditioned to suppress my emotions and feelings of compassion.

The horrors I witnessed and participated in challenged my sense of humanity and left deep scars on my soul. The path I was forced to tread eroded my innocence and forced me to abandon the childhood I wanted so badly.

Throughout this brutal journey, I soon struggled to feel any emotion, I lost any sense of happiness or love. The only way, I have those emotions is when I inflict great suffering on others or when I could feel I was growing more powerful.

But sadly, I was assassinated by the higher-ups.

Shot at point-blank range with a shotgun, I had little chance of surviving. I can still feel the sensation of my brain matter scattering.


I don't know when, but at some point, I already had given up on life. But oddly enough, it seemed that I got myself a second chance in life and as a protagonist to boot.


Who in the world wants to be the protagonist?

Certainly not me!

Why in the world would I want to be some justice-driven fool who attracts danger wherever he goes? I just got a new life, why in the world would I throw it away like that? I ain't stupid.

But thinking of the benefits that come with this title, I could be help but smile!

I mean how could I not be excited? I came from a world where chakra doesn't exist, and now that I have access to it, I will learn it!

Placing my hand on my chin I immediately started to plan my future...