
Let's be lover's

I spend the next few days resting since Kris wouldn't let me go anywhere, I attend to some of my work from my room, take walks in the afternoon, eat and sleep. This continues on for 3 days but on the fourth day I almost lost my shit and ended going to work.

I get back home though and Alyssa isn't home yet,I dial her number over and over but she doesn't pick up. Dinner get's served but she still isn't back.

"Where the actual fuck is she?" I mumble to myself.

I try calling a few more times but she still doesn't pick up. I groan in frustration, 'I know she's a grown up but the fact that we live together has probably already spread in the underworld, which means a lot of people should be after her by now.' 'I should have put a tail on her' I think letting out an exasperated sigh. I sit in the living room for hours waiting for her to come home, 'what if something had happened to her because of me?'

At about 1:30am in the morning she walks in, half drunk with her eyes barely even open.

"Alyssa Brooks where the fuck are you coming from?"

"What does that have to do with you?"

"What do you mean by that?, this is my house and you belong to me"

"Bitch just shut the fuck, okay?"

"I don't care what kind of dumb ass contract you signed with my dad, but I don't belong to you."

"I'm not some typa furniture or something"

"Also I'll have you know that I'm a full grown adult so I'mma do exactly as I please, besides you're not my mom, you're not my dad, or my boss, or even my lover so you have no right to demand my where abouts'."

"And one more thing, don't ever spam call me again. Ever" She say's putting emphasis on the ever and the storms off.

"Did Alyssa brook's just cuss at me?" I say lifting my brow's and chuckling.

"That's new."

The next morning during breakfast Alyssa walks into the dinning grabs a slice of bread and tries to take off.

"Sit Alyssa"

"What?" she replies turning towards me with defying eye's.

"I said you should sit down"

"And what if I don't want to?"

"Hmm let me think. I still don't care,so put your ass on the chair." I say this leaning forward and resting my elbows on the table.

We both stand there glaring at each other for a few minutes before she finally rolls her eye's and sits down.

"That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

"What do you want?"

"Start eating and I'll tell you"

She let's a frustrated sigh and starts eating, I smirk and get back to my meal.

"You know you don't have to avoid me right?"

"Is that all you wanted to say?"

I say nothing and just stare at her from the top of my eyes.

"Fine then,I won't avoid you. Can I go now?"

"No. I haven't said what I wanted to say"

"Then what is it?"

"We shouldn't talk while eating, I'll tell you once we're done"

"For fucks sake. You are a very annoying person do you know that?"

"Oh yes I am very much aware of that fact, also I thought this exact same thing yesterday."

"You don't seem like the type to cuss"

"Well I tend to make exceptions for people like you" she say's pulling a smile that anyone would be able to tell is fake.

"By the way weren't you just saying something about not talking while eating?"

I raise my hands as if indicating surrender with a grin and my brow's lifted up.

"My bad"

Breakfast continues on in silence, I finish first and wait for her.

"Feel free to speak, I don't listen with my mouth."

"Well I know for a fact that you'd find a reason to move your mouth so I'll wait"

"Suit yourself"

Once she's done eating I begin to speak,

"There are two things I want to say"

"One, from today moving forward antha will be your chauffeur and bodyguard"

"I don't need one"

"I'm not assigning him to you because you need him, I'm doing it to make sure you're safe"

"Oh please, you're just doing this so you can keep tabs on me"

"Think what you want then"

"Zailah!!" She say's slamming her hands on the table.

I look at her and she's glaring at me with irritation written all over her face.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing gives you the right to treat me this way"

"That brings us down to our second item" I say smiling at her.

"Alyssa brooks, will you be my girlfriend?"

"What the fuck are you going on about?"

"What?! I didn't ask you to marry me"

"No, I won't"

"You must have thought I was actually asking, that was purely for formalities sake"

"Whether you accept it or not, the fact that you belong to me won't change. You signed that document as well"

"Besides aren't you the one who said I can only enquire for your whereabouts if we're family or lover's"

"There's no way to become family members except through marriage, so becoming lover's was the only way"

"You're joking right?"

"Does it really look that way to you?"

She opens her mouth but no words come out.

"Don't worry Alyssa, I'll definitely treat you right"

"Antha make sure she gets wherever she needs to be safely"

As I'm walking away I hear her scoff in disbelief.

'I'm sorry Alyssa, this is the only way I can keep you safe.'