
It's Complicated.... But it's not (Love is eternal)

The journey of how it feels like to be Loving from Heart to heartless to be alive again! Meera, a beautiful girl with a pure soul goes through the difficult journey of betrayal and heartbreak. This story is more realistic than just a fictional story.... You would be able to relate yourself completely to it. Go and read it now to know how the things went.

Kanika_Bhatia · 若者
11 Chs

Vivan likes Meera?

The days were going absolutely beautiful. No worries like before. Talking to friends, eating lunch without getting caught, getting a bit scolded by teachers, going to the washroom while boring lectures and what not!

But she thought Vivan talking so polite. She noticed that if any boy from the cracked a joke on her, Vivan would stop that person either by giving a savage reply or just thrashing on the arm. When this would happen Meera and Jake watched each other as if why all this is happening.

"I think he's....Maybe...you know". Jake said

"Umm... Let's see".Meera replied.

Even Rishi and Jake once said that Meera Vivan likes you in front of him. Meera remained silent and Vivan made jake and Rishi silent by stopping them and warning them not to repeat this talk again.

After a week or so, Rishi and Jake came running to her.

"Vivan likes you".They said.

Meera was stuck for that moment. She stood there shocked and surprised.

"Are you sure about it?".Meera asked

"Completely". They replied.

"But how you both are being so sure?". Meera said in a confusing tone.

"Because he told us". They said.

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that at least". Meera said surprisingly.

"So, what's your answer?". They asked eagerly.

"Wait, what? I have to answer it now? Like right now? At least give me some time to think". Meera replied in astonishment.

Again a dilemma for Meera. What would she say?