
Turning In

Madolyn narrowed her eyes at Darby, bothered because David was also being attentive and kind to her. This caught Darby's attention and Darby noticed Madolyn's unhappy expression right away and decided to have a little fun. Darby quickly turned her attention to Madolyn and asked over anxiously

"You are alright Madolyn, aren't you?" her voice dripping with tease concern. Darby reached for Madolyn's hand and patted it tenderly as if trying to sooth a fussy child and added

"I would hate to lose my valued colleague on this trip, because she had been spooked in the dark." This brought Madolyn's feisty nature snapping back to the surface, she ripped her hand away from Darby, refusing to be comforted by her. Darby continued her teasing and said gently

"As the only other woman here I can understand how you feel, would you like a hug from me?" Darby held her arms out warmly, ready to embrace Madolyn. This finally tipped Madolyn over the edge, restoring her fiery temper to a full blaze at Darby's tease pampering to her feelings.

"No! I am fine! I don't need to be coddled!" Madolyn shouted in fury. Darby smirked at finally getting a normal reaction from her and laughed

"If that is the case, I look forward to competing with you once we arrive!" Madolyn snapped back

"So do I!" David, watching the unusual exchange between the two women, chuckled and exclaimed

"I must say, you two ladies have a very interesting relationship!" Darby beamed happily at this and affirmed

"Yes we do! Madolynn and I are Arch…..friends! Very good friends!" Madolyn, sitting with her arms folded and her nose in the air, nodded in agreement to Darby's statement, thinking that Darby was going to say they hated each other and always have. But suddenly realizing what Darby had said, she angrily adds

"No, not friends! Arch-enemies! How dare you say that we are very good friends!" Darby burst out laughing

"Pftt! Hahah! Really Madolynn, how dramatic! The idea of two women hating and competing for the same space is so outdated." Darby rolled her eyes at the very idea as she finished speaking. Madolyn furiously growled

"We are competitors! We will never be friends!" Darby sighed with a far-away look on her face,

"You know Madolynn like you, my dream has always been to be an archaeologist…And now besides that, I want to be your arch-friend and ally!" Darby pretended to grab desperately at Madolyn's hands, with fake neediness. Madolyn swatted Darby's hands away and scoffed fiercely

"Ha! You can never convince me to be your friend!" Darby put her hand over her heart dramatically and groaned

"Madolyn! That hurts! You wound me!" Madolyn rolled her eyes and quickly turned her head away from Darby. David and Jack, who sat watching the two women's entire conversation and were not able to hold it in any longer, David began laughing loudly, while Jack held his hand across his mouth to muffle his laughter and to keep himself from bursting out into a loud laugh as well. David reached his hand out to Darby's hand as he struggled through his fit of laughter and said,

"You know, you are a very intriguing woman, Darby", his cheeks rosy from amusement. Darby smiled widely and replied

"I am, aren't I?" David reached out to touch Darby's hand and the entire playfulness of their exchange brought Madolyn's head whipping around in a jolt and even Jack stiffened seeing David's hand touch Darby's. Madolyn began to feel annoyed again, and Jack thought with wide eyes 'He is very friendly…' Darby pulled her hand away from David's and said

"Well, I think we should all go find our cabins. I know Madolyn needs to rest." Madolyn glared at Darby, now feeling annoyed at being coddled in any way and said huffily

"Ahem! I am completely fine, but yes, we should all go get settled in our own cabins." They all filed out of the dining cart and made their way to the sleeping accommodations. David led the way towards the cabins, followed by Madolyn and then Darby and Jack. As the group walked into the cart containing the cabins, they ran into Mr. Weinberg, who was already walking into his cabin, he spotted them and said

"Ah! There you all are, what an eventful day we've had. We had best all rest up." David walked to his cabin, which was across from Mr. Weinberg, and said

"Well, I'll turn in then! I look forward to getting to know you all better!" Madolyn called after him as he walked into his cabin,

"Oh good night then David!" David looked back and smiled, saying

"Good night Madolyn and Darby and uhhh Jack was it?" Jack nodded saying

"Ahem, yes, goodnight." Darby chimed in

"Goodnight! Look Madolyn, our cabins are right next to each other, that makes me so happy, I can watch over you!" Madolyn rolled her eyes in annoyance and growled out

"Ugh!" as she stomped inside her cabin and slammed the door shut. They heard a loud click as she locked her door right away. Darby whined out

"Aw! Don't lock it, what if I want to do a lady chat later?" Madolyn shouted through the door

"You'd have to be a lady for that!" Darby laughed out

"Pftt! Haha! Good night Lady Madolynn!" Madolyn yelled back

"Oh shut it Darby!" Darby laughed again

"Haha! Shut it? Oh my! How uncouth!" she said as she turned to Jack with wide eyes. Madolyn angrily yelled

"Gah!" from her cabin. Jack couldn't help but chuckle under his breath at Darby's antics.

"Pfft!" Darby turned to the door of the cabin nearest Madolyn's and started opening the door as she looked at Jack and said smiling "Now Mr. Clemins, this one is ours…." Jack's eyes widened in shock, he hadn't thought about sleeping arrangements at all. He suddenly felt shocked and nervous as his palms became sweaty and he gulped, stammering

"O-ours?" Darby stared at Jack for a moment as he gulped and then she started giggling

"Hahah! Mr. Clemins, you are such a nervous man! Neither of us sleeps in the nude. I mean, I presume you wouldn't anyway, based off your personality so far. There is nothing to worry about, I will definitely keep my hands to myself, you can too, right?" She raised her eyebrows questioningly, looking him over. Jack nodded his head frantically as he felt himself sweating and blushing at the conversation, and stuttered out

"D-d-definitely!" Darby looked him over as he was freaking out and brought her hand up to her mouth as it twitched in amusement and she stifled a laugh

"Haha! Calm down Mr. Clemins, it will be alright. Look at it this way, you'll be able to keep the closest watch over me now." She patted him on the back and walked past him into the cabin, picked up her bag to start rummaging through it. Jack flinched at her touch on his back, feeling nervous, embarrassed and hot all over. But he realized her words and turned to walk quickly in after her, asking

"Excuse me, Miss Herrington, what did you mean by that?" Darby didn't look up from what she was doing, but she smirked a little and said

"Exactly what it sounds like…" Darby suddenly tossed her bag on the top bunk and declared "This bed is mine! I am always on top!" she turned and looked at Jack and smiled at him sweetly, even though what she had just said was quite scandalous. She then gathered some items in her arms and said

"Now, if you will excuse me, I want to be the first in the restroom!" She walked out of their cabin and down the hallway. Leaving Jack looking after her as he nervously gulped out

"Always on...top?"

she knows what she wants, top bunk

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