
Close Quarters

Jack walked to his suitcase and started going through it in a daze. He rummaged through the contents of his case to find his pajamas and toothbrush so that he could get ready next, but he was in such a state of confusion that it took him a few minutes to find anything. He stood there staring at his open suitcase lost in thought and wondered, 'Is she on to me or…Flirting with me?' He gulped and thought 'I am not sure which would be a bigger problem?' Just then Darby suddenly came back into their cabin, she was wearing a pair of charming pink and white striped pajamas and her hair was wavy and fluffy after being brushed, she was fresh faced, rosy checked and very sweet looking. When Jack saw her entering their cabin looking completely adorable and he quickly became aware that she was in her night clothes. His face and neck flushed bright red and his heart began to race. He found her very attractive and the realization that they would be in the same room, over night, both in their pajamas, he couldn't help but be aware of the situation and feel anxious and somewhat dizzy. As Jack stood there staring at her, Darby looked back at him for a moment before abruptly saying

"Your turn, Mr. Clemins!" This instantly brought Jack back from his thoughts and he quickly grabbed his things and hurried from the cabin, flustered, saying

"Oh! Oh yes!" Darby turned and watched him leave as he swiftly dashed from the room and she smiled and giggled to herself "Hehe! He is so uncomfortable, this is probably the first time he has ever seen a girl in her pajamas." Jack rushed into the bathroom and closed the door, he leaned his back against the door and took a deep breath. His cheeks flushed with a pink hue and his eyes opened wide in a state of shock. He whispered to himself under his breath.

"This is the first time I have ever seen a girl in her nightclothes.." Jack shook his head to wake himself from the disorientation, quickly brought himself back to the business at hand and began changing into his own nightclothes. He thought to himself 'I didn't realize that the living arrangements would be so..close..I hope this won't upset her father. She is a young lady after all.'

Very far away in his study, Lord Herrington suddenly felt a chill and sneezed. He stopped reading his book and looked off out the window and said,

"That is probably Mr. Clemins cursing me because he has to spend so much time with Darby and she is torturing him.." He wiped his eyes and whispered "Thank you for your sacrifice." And then went back to reading his book.

Back on the train, Jack finished changing into his pajamas and began brushing his teeth as he thought to himself '..I'll admit she can be a bit intense sometimes, but besides that I am not sure what the fuss Lord Herrington was making about her being dangerous earlier..' He shrugged as he brushed his teeth and then made his way back to their cabin. He slid the door open and saw Darby lying on her stomach on the top bunk with her legs kicking back and forth slowly as she read a book. She looked up from her book as she heard Jack enter the room. She smiled softly at him in greeting and asked

"Do you mind if I read for a few minutes before we turn off the lights?" She looked so charming and cute as she lay there cozy, reading in her pajamas that he couldn't stop his ears from tinging slightly red as he looked at her.

"Ahem" Jack cleared his throat as he answered "Not at all. Go ahead." And then he quickly ducked down to the bottom bunk. He put his belongings away and sprawled out on his bed. He put his hand on his chest as he felt his heart pounding wildly and his thoughts swirling in his mind as he thought 'I can't believe that I am staying in the same room as a young woman! This is so nerve-wracking! Society frowns upon this kind of stuff, this is crazy, it goes against any etiquette and social convention!' Suddenly Darby swung her head down from the top bunk and said

"Are you excited, Mr. Clemins?" Her hair flopped down around her face as she hung there blinking at him. Her suddenly asking him if he was excited and also looking at him with her huge bright eyes startled him so badly that he grabbed his blanket and pulled it up to his chin as he, red-faced, stuttered out

"N-n-no! I am not excited! Not excited at all!" Darby looked back at him a little surprised and said

"Oh, have you been to the desert before? I thought you would be excited to see it tomorrow and get started with our work." Jack quickly realized what she was saying and heaved a sigh of relief and replied

"Ohh, you are right. I have never been to the desert before, so I am a little excited actually." Darby smiled warmly, still hanging upside down, and answered

"That's good. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us…" She continued in a whisper "..Though I must say, we need to keep an eye out for anything strange, after what happened with Madolyn" She paused and looked around as if she was nervous about someone overhearing them and added even more quietly "it would be best to keep on our toes, just in case" The mood felt darker suddenly at her ominous tone. Jack felt a little heavy as the mood shifted into a darker mood. He whispered to her just as quietly and asked anxiously

"Do you really think someone wants to sabotage?" Darby responded, still speaking in a hushed tone.

"Well, I am not entirely sure, but from now on, if you see or hear anything suspicious you should tell me, and don't trust anyone too much. If you ever find anything out, I will personally make sure you get compensated with a pay increase." She winked at him, obviously encouraging him to try and snoop around if he gets the chance. Hearing this, Jack's eyes lit up and he thought 'This one trip could set me up for life.' Jack had a happy and far-away look in his eyes as he thought of all the money he could make. Darby could see his shinning excited eyes and she couldn't stop herself from giggling as she thought 'Hehe…Obviously so happy to hear that, he must really need money' Jack shook his head, bringing him back from his daydreams about riches and, returning to his senses, he asked her

"But do you think it will be dangerous at all?" Darby smirked as she could see his need for safety was struggling against his need for money and causing some turmoil in his mind. She thought for a moment and then replied,

"Hmm well, maybe a little, but nothing I won't be able to handle." She smiled at him again reassuringly and added "You don't need to worry Mr. Clemins! I will take good care of you as my assistant." Jack nodded and said

"Ok, well, if you aren't too worried, then I guess I don't need to be either." Darby giggled and said.

"Haha that is the spirit, Mr. Clemins…I'm done reading for now, so I will get the light, we need our rest." She disappeared from his sight to close her book and then started to climb down the bunkbed ladder. Jack quickly asked her

"If you don't mind, could you also lock the door?" She nodded back at him pleasantly and said

"I will lock it, but don't worry…We are quite safe." As she glanced back up to her bunk at something metal shinning partially under her pillow. She finished climbing down the ladder, locked the door to their cabin and switched off the light. Jack laid on his bunkbed with his blanket pulled up as high as it could go while still being able to breathe.

"T-thank you Miss Herrington." He mumbled out, his voice muffled from his blanket. Darby stifled a laugh at his apparent uneasiness as she made her way back to the ladder in the dark and responded in a controlled voice.

"Of course, Mr. Clemins." Once Darby was completely on her bunk and out of sight, Jack took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he thought, with his cheeks on fire 'This is fine...Even if we are an unmarried man and a woman sharing a room together...We are work colleagues..' Darby laid on her bunk battling with herself not to burst into a fit of laughter as she imagined him laying down below, his cheeks so red they must be glowing in the dark and she thought 'Pfft! He is such a timid thing. In most cases, the female would be the one nervous to share a room with a male, he is just too funny!' Darby smirked, imagining his fretfulness and said

"Good night Mr. Clemins!" Jack sputtered back his answer

"G-good night Miss Herrington.." His face still glowing a fluorescent pink in the dark, his mind swirled with thoughts of agitation as his thoughts continued 'A single man and a woman sharing a room, this is unheard of….I feel so uncomfortable! I really don't think I will be able to fall asleep!' Heavy raindrops fell on the window of their cabin as a downpour of rain pelted against the train as it chugged along the tracks, making it's way through the storm. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled as it went further into the night.

finally back!

TRRaqinecreators' thoughts