
It's all connected

A poor Ivory gets a scholarship to study in the school for the rich. She soon finds herself in hot water when every student she managed to befriend winds up dead. Danger lurks everywhere leaving her unable to trust anyone even herself.

TESSIE_18 · 若者
9 Chs



I'd never noticed Ivory until her friend's little outburst the day before. I was interested in her the moment she stood up for Victoria despite being embarrassed by her. I'd never come across someone that would do something like that.

I immediately wanted to be her friend. My other friends said I shouldn't get involved with her because of her financial status but I don't care about that. She didn't seem like the type to care about money.

Her words proved that to me.

I was still contemplating on whether to meet her and ask to he friends when she walked out the classroom door. My weak legs were shaking from excitement so I had to wait for them to calm down then I ran after her.

I've not known her for long but I know she doesn't like attention because apart from being the poor girl, literally next to nothing is known about her.

So I was surprised when I saw her coming late to class this morning. I was worried because I'd heard from my dad that poor children are often sold to men to warm their beds. I just hoped nothing of the sort was happening with Ivory.

Once the bell sounded for the end of art class, I went to Ivory's seat, beating the nerd boy to her.

"Ivory", I squealed and hugged her.

She smiled at me, I love her smile, and I noticed the bandage on her nose.

"What happened here? And your forehead too?", I asked noticing the cuts on her forehead.

"I'm fine, I just fell down the stairs", she whispered.

She probably didn't want to cause a scene. the seat next to her was empty so I dragged the chair over to her and whispered in her ears.

"You fell off the stairs in your house?", I asked

She blinked and looked at me, "I don't have stairs in my house"

"Oh, then which stairs did you fall off?"

I noticed she seemed uncomfortable. I thought I was trespassing and I wanted to tell her it was ok if she didn't want to tell me when she spoke.

"There are stairs on the way to school, I tripped and fell then I had to go home to change and wash my wounds"

"Don't they hurt though?", I asked

I was worried about her. They looked like they hurt and I didn't want to inconvenience her.

She smiled at me yet again and assured me she'd go to the infirmary during lunch break. I was about to tell her about my day after I don't home when I heard someone yell her name in a not so happy tone...


The art teacher left the class and Amelia rushed over to my side. It was either her or James and I swear I wish it was none.

"Ivory", she practically screamed begging for eyes to fall on us and then she hugged me as if she was trying to squeeze the life out of me. Weird girl.

I didn't mind her company until she started touching my face and asking where I got my injuries from. Like bitch, mind your own goddamn business. If she was a little smarter, I'd have sworn she was mocking me when she asked about my house having stairs. When I ran out of things to say to her I smile and let my innocent face do the rest. I was still smiling when I heard a familiar voice tell my name.

"IVORY!", an obviously pissed Victoria walks over to my seat, eyeing Amelia.

"What the fuck, peasant? I thought you said I wouldn't have to look for you today?"

I honestly had no interest in dealing with this loud mouth today but she's rich and I'm poor and hierarchy, blah, blah. So I got ready to put on a show.

I turned my face to a red and angry Victoria. Here we go again.

"Tori, I'm so sorry, I.... "

This bitch didn't even let me finish. Listen to my lies, that's all I asked.

"Shut the fuck up, you outsider. I don't have your time today, I just want my notes, whether they're complete or not so hand them over", she yelled.

I mean when she's not glaring, she's yelling. A good repetitive hobby befitting someone with an ugly character.

I start to cry. Vying for attention, someone definitely had to save me or else I might actually die in Victoria's hands.

"Why the frick are you crying", she seemed confused.

Oh look, the bully is confused when her victim starts to cry.

"I encountered a little accident this morning on my way to school and I had to go back home", I said between tears, "I'm sorry, I left your notes at home"

I bowed my head the moment I finished saying those words, hoping she would let it go and ask me to bring it the following day.

Silence ensues, I couldn't hear anything, the entire class was watching us and no one made a sound. That made my stomach feel queasy, I attempted to look up and Victoria did not miss that chance to slap my face yet again.

"YOU DID WHAT?", she growled

Hope is a cruel thing, I thought as I staggered and fell to the floor

"IVORY!", James and Amelia yelled my name, rushing to my side. They're so loud, not helping the loud noises I was starting to hear in my left ear.a

So long, my peaceful days, I will never see you again.

I wanted to pretend to faint when I heard Victoria's voice.

"What the fuck did you just say to me, Amelia?"

I looked to my side where Amelia was moments ago and she wasn't there anymore. She was now standing in front of Victoria and apparently she said something that pissed Victoria off. I wanted to know what that was but the ringing in my ear didn't allow me to hear it.

I could only hope that Amelia would repeat her words and she did.

"I said, Apologize to Ivory, Victoria, or one of us won't be going home with their body parts complete"

This should be fun.