
It's all connected

A poor Ivory gets a scholarship to study in the school for the rich. She soon finds herself in hot water when every student she managed to befriend winds up dead. Danger lurks everywhere leaving her unable to trust anyone even herself.

TESSIE_18 · 若者
9 Chs



I watched with great interest as Victoria's face became redder when Amelia repeated her statement. It looked nice to see her shaken up and my dumb ass was on the floor.

"You have got to be kidding me, Amelia. You're telling me to apologize to someone who's worth less than the trash I throw away?", Victoria was shocked.

"She's human and you will apologize to her. If you won't do it willingly, then I guess I'd have to use my status in this school to make you comply ", Amelia threatened.

Victoria but her lip and I had this satisfied feeling. If I were rich, this is the kind of fights I'd be having not the embarrassing ones that have me bowing my head. I noticed James was staring at me, he probably expects me to stop Amelia but that's something my persona will do, not me.

Unfortunately for me, I was supposed to be acting as this peace loving idiot right now and that annoyed me. I wanted to see Victoria bow her head and ask for my forgiveness. I stood up and went to Amelia's side feeling disgusted with what I was about to do.

"Amelia", I whispered between tears, "Please stop this", and I broke into more tears. I'm a good actor if I do say so myself. Maybe I have a future in the entertainment industry.

And I felt another slap to my right cheek. Yep, I fell.


Amelia slapped Victoria before she could finish her sentence and Victoria bit her tongue. This scene was so funny I was shaking and covering my mouth so I wouldn't laugh at Victoria's face. James, however, thought I was suffering and proceeded to ask me if my cheeks hurt.

I don't know what to make of this male. He could see the slap marks, they're as visible as the sun on my pale cheeks and this idiot still had the audacity to ask if they hurt.

I shifted my gaze to Victoria who had taken a step backwards, obviously shocked from the intensity of the slap. She mumbled some words and walked out of the classroom.

Amelia came to me and volunteered to take me to the infirmary.

"No, I'm fine. I'll just put ointment on it", I certainly wasn't going to let some school nurse see my bruises.

"No, you will go to the infirmary with me", Amelia protested, "Your cheeks are red and swollen, it's not ok"

"I have a hoodie to put over my face, I'll patch it when I get home", I argued.

We kept arguing, the rest of the classmates who had been gawking at the scene left us to our business. We continued arguing until James told Amelia that he's watch me so she shouldn't worry.

That didn't make Amelia budge but he managed to convince her to let him handle me. I couldn't be bothered with how he convinced her but I was glad he took my side. I think this was the first time I'd been glad to have him by my side. But I honestly wish he'd disappear now.

For the rest of the day, Amelia and James were treating me like a newborn who couldn't do anything on her own. They bought food for me , fed me, wrote my notes, made sure I wasn't sore and more. It felt nice to have my own personal attendants.

"Will you be able to work today, Ivory?", of course James just had to pull me out of my daydream and remind me that I was poorer than he ever could. I smiled at him and nodded. I needed to feed somehow, right?

The next day was a weekend and I had to work all day. I loved weekends. I didn't have to go to school and I didn't have to stay home.

"Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow?"

I loved weekends, it was the perfect time if the week to go to friends' houses and gawk, especially a rich one.

I looked at Amelia and smiled.

"I would love to"

I'd called work asking for a day off and since I'd never asked for a day off since I started working there, they gave me the grace. I left the house in the early hours if the morning in order to avoid Jason's beatings. I took the piece of paper where Amelia had written her address and went to the train station to locate her house.

When I got to her street, it wasn't a street, there weren't any other houses in sight. This girl was filthy rich. The kind of riches I wanted to associate with.

Age had told me she wanted to introduce me to some of her friends so we'd all me great friends. They were all rich and from my class so I had no argument.

I'd told her I needed her to pick me up by the main gate because there was no way I would've been able to face security. I looked so out of place that no one would believe that I was actually friends with Amelia.

Amelia was waiting by the main gate when I got there. She yelled my name as usual and proceeded to hug me, as usual. She told me to get into her huge black jeep. Like the poor person I am, I gawk at the the car, taking in every single detail. Amelia giggles and gestures me into the car. I freeze up, unable to move closer to the car. Amelia had to drag me into the car, or a security officer carried me into the car, I'm not sure which one. But when I came to, I was already sitting on the leather seats. I wanted to rub my butt against the seat but I didn't want Amelia to feel embarrassed so I refrain from it.

We enter her huge mansion and I practically collapse. In all my 16 years of living, I'd never been in a place as massive as this.

Amelia laughed and helped me up only to fall with me again. I'd decided before coming here that I'd be cool headed but now that I was actually here, I couldn't even keep my legs stable.

I must've looked so pathetic but Amelia didn't seem to think so. She was laughing so heartily one would think I was doing something funny. I hope she mentions me in her will.