
It’s Just A Game Isn’t It?

If life was game I will be mob character. It doesn't matter I am either good mob or bad mob in the end I will be still just a random mob. [Ding! Life Simulator is start.] So I guess even life is agreed with me doesn't it? [Ding! First Life: You were [Voidborn] who destroyed whole Valoran Continent.] [Ding! Second Life: You were [Lich King] who controls hundreds of thousands of undead creatures.] [Ding! Third Life: You were [God Of Mischief And Chaos] who made whole Runeterra in chaos.] [Ding! Fourth Life: You were [Uranus] the artificial intelligence that destroyed all future living form.] I guess, I am really a villain.

Munkhuu · ゲーム
2 Chs

Ch 1: [Life Simulator On.]

Piltover Academy.

I was sitting on roof top while eating my lunch. Luckily Steward didn't come to find me today. Heh, pathetic aren't I?

I touched my left eye that was still blue and red because greetings gift given to me by Steward. It's funny how many life works. My childhood friend now become one of my bullies, my girlfriends just turned out to be using me for money and even teachers ignored fact that I was being bullied.

I laughed at myself again but even so tear drops fall from eyes uncontrollably. I still doesn't understand why am I even alive.

"It's just a game isn't it?" I said myself sentence that always said by my bully when he beat me. Actually what he said is true you know? It's just same game but with different difficulty and different identity.

He was player with powers while I was mob without power to fight back can only become punching bag for players. Life can be really unfair right?

Suddenly everything around me lost it's color only and stop moving. Only I can move without trouble.

[Ding! Life Simulator Is On.]

[Do you wanna do your first Life Simulation?]

Life simulator? What does it do? Does it simulate my life or something? And what is happening it's as if time is stop moving. Even though I wasn't sure myself I pressed on [Yes] button.

[Ding! Please choose three talents from following talents: Swordsman (F), Mana Core (F), Good Soldier (F), Perfect Body (E), Archery (F), Cruel (F).]

I looked at this list of talents front of me and my eye twitched little. What is up with all this F rank talents. I can only sigh myself and reads their info.

[Talent: Swordsman

Rank: F

Info: You have sword talent.]

My eyes twitched widely after seeing this info. What the hell is this? There is nothing more to say?!

[Talent: Mana Core

Rank: F

Info: Your body have a mana core you can use mana. Has a possibility to awaken [Blessing].]

This one isn't bad as last one. Actually said pretty good.

[Talent: Good Soldier

Rank: F

Info: You are a good soldier.]

Nothing to say about this one.

[Talent: Perfect Body

Rank: E

Info: Your body is limit of human beings. You reached perfection of human body.]

Well no wonder higher rank than other two.

[Talent: Archery

Rank: F

Info: You know little about archery.]


[Talent: Cruel

Rank: F

Info: You are really cruel character.]

Same as above.

Took a deep breath and choice my talents.

[Ding! Chosen talents are: Perfect Body, Mana Core, Cruel.]

Don't knew why but my instinct telling me choice this talent called [Cruel]. I took deep breath and started [Life Simulation].

[Day 1 (Today): You're done eating your lunch and was about go to class you meet Steward. He smiled at you and punched you on your face. And said sentence he always said: "This is just a game isn't it?".]

[You clinched your fist in anger and felt something inside of you is broken and awakened. Mana start flowing in your veins and your body changed speed visible eyes. You stand up from ground seeing this Steward attacked you again but this time you caught his fist. You smiled at him cruelly seeing that you are now superior to Steward.]

[Your [Blessing] awakened and you shoot laser from your eyes. Laser was so hot it easily killed Steward and his goons. After seeing what you did you didn't feel scared or nervous you just felt amazing.]

[Day 2: Enforcers come to your door and you killed them easily. You become wanted criminal officially.]

[Day 3-6: You come to Zaun to run from Enforcers. And in Zaun you joined in small gang. He killed their leader and deputy leader and become their new leader.]

[Day 7-9: You destroyed or swallowed other small gangs around your gang. Also enforcers come after you again and this time there was more than few people with [Blessing].]

[You and they fight with each other whole day which ended by your victory thanks to your [Perfect Body]. After this your name heard to forces in both Zaun and Piltover.]

[Day 10: You meet girl named Jinx and become good friends with her fast. She was genius engineer and made you few equipments.]

[Day 11: You meet Silco with help of Jinx. You and him made a deal. He will defend him from upper city and other upper levels while he will clean lower ones.]

[Day 12-15: Your and Jinx is relationship improved greatly. And you become one of people in Silco's watch list.]

[Day 16-25: You killed bunch of Wildfire gang members angered their leader Ekko who has strange [Blessing] called [Regret] it can make him see few seconds of future goes between 3-5 seconds.]

[You and Ekko had fight with each other few times. Because your cruel fighting style you won against all fight with Ekko. After all kind hearted young man who cared about his people isn't no match for people like you who is cruel to both enemy and subordinate.]

[After that Silco truly accepted you as a ally and you gained right to say something in Zaun.]

[Day 26: Silco is cargo ship was destroyed by Wildfire gang. And he heard rumor it's because Jinx lost control of herself. You meet with Jinx and helped her calm down.]

[Day 27: Tonight you and Jinx decided to cause a little chaos in upper city. That day you saw Caitlyn your childhood friend. And become your bully because you didn't awaken [Blessing]. She used her [Blessing] which is called [Last Moment]. Everything become slow down for her one moment. And that is enough for her aim and shoot. You blocked bullet for Jinx who was in [Pleasure] mode.]

[After seeing you injured you and Jinx decided this is enough. She throws few bombs then steal [Hex Crystal] and run away with you.]

[Day 28: Your injury get better and you become officially couple with Jinx. Surprisingly Silco didn't object this.]

[Day 29: You saw Sevika being beaten by girl with reddish pink hair. After seeing this you decided help. You give red haired girl drop kick. Which made her fly at least few meters away. Sevika saw you and smirked. Two versus one in same level combat power and girl was already in serious disadvantage. Just as she was about loss someone shoot Sevika is mechanical arm. You saw person who shoot it was Caitlyn. You shoot at her with laser but it missed because red haired one punch you on face and tilted your attack direction.]

[Red girl is hair glowing little bit and her fists are covered by red energy I guess it's her [Blessing]. Sevika can't use her [Blessing] because few years ago she lost her arm in incident. In the end you and Sevika retreated.]

[Day 30-31: You learned from Silco that red hair was Jinx's sister who abandoned her. You and Silco made a deal. You distracted Jinx while Silco will hunt them. After two days in the end Jinx found out about this and dragged you meet with her sister. She activated some kind of blue flare and surprisingly both Vi and Caitlyn come.]

[You and them are in hostile state and Jinx get middle of us. Soon your peaceful meeting cut short by Wildfire gang.]

[Fight continued a few minutes and ended up by Hex Crystal lost and so Vi and Caitlyn?]

[Day 32: You and Jinx had fight against Ekko and other few Wildfire gang members. Jinx against Ekko while you were against other Wildfire gang.]

[Your fight lasted little longer than you expected and once you reach there Jinx was laying ground. You lifted her and with Silco you saved her.]

[Day 33: You were kidnapped by Jinx and killed by Jinx herself. She begged you not die but you only smiled at her. And said "Don't worry, It's just a game isn't it? And games are made for made people smile. Smile my dear Jinx because for me you are perfect."]

[Simulation Ended.]

[Final Score: E+]