
Istri simpanan CEO kaya

Romansa Kontemporer
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What is Istri simpanan CEO kaya

WebNovel で公開されている、reniyanti_RN27 の作者が書いた Istri simpanan CEO kaya の小説を読んでください。gadis cantik yang tumbuh di keluarga cukup terpandang dan berpendidikan tinggi .nasip gadis itu cukup malang ia harus berjuang untuk bisa melunaskan utang utang keluarganya . akibat rekan bisnis ayahn...


gadis cantik yang tumbuh di keluarga cukup terpandang dan berpendidikan tinggi . nasip gadis itu cukup malang ia harus berjuang untuk bisa melunaskan utang utang keluarganya . akibat rekan bisnis ayahnya gadis yang di ambil paksa oleh Blcknigh untuk bisa menjamin utang utangnya dan dijadikan barang lelangan klub lelang terkenal di dunia

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The Perfect Life

I was born to a beautiful mother no father, yet I was the ugliest person in town, short, overweight, and covered in flaws. My mother dies when I was three years old in a horrible carwreck under strange circumstances. I went to go live with my rich father and his other daughter who is two months younger than me, yet my exact opposite. Beautiful and attractive everyone naturally loved her, she is cruel and mean...yet not at all book smart in any way. Rebecca is the worst sister in history! My father treated me even worse than Rebecca did, he doesn't love me and in many ways I don't think he ever did. He pushes me around and beats me up anytime he gets, if that isn't bad he makes me sleep in the rusty dark attic with an infested mattress and rough thin sheets. He hardly feeds me in hopes that I'll somehow get skinnier. I never do... Of course my life isn't completely horrible, my aunt Fiona, she is everything to me, just as beautiful as my mother was, but sometimes I think she is kinder maybe because, as selfish as it is, my mother died and left me completely alone in this world. I hate her for it, leaving me like that, even though it really wasn't her fault. What can I say, after years upon years of being completely hated...I suppose I need someone to blame it on. Fiona is the only person that has ever cared about me. She was always there, always knew what to say to make me feel better. On terms of school, when is comes to grades and intelligence I am valedictorian and number 1, but when it comes to popularity I am at the bottom of the barrel and everyone hates me without even in knowing me. And if that isn't bad enough I am a Lesbian. I love everything that involves imagination and creativity...Anything depressing or real just makes me wanna gag. The ONE thing I had ever wished for was to NOT be myself, Frizzy brownish orange hair that never was ever tamed, my horrid mixed brownish blue eyes (mostly brown), my rough freckled pale skin, my shortness, and my fat...ness. Maybe that was the mistake,...because out of the 8 billion people in the world, my wish was taken too seriously and waaaaay too literally. After my 17th birthday...I woke up and I wasn't me. I am not me anymore, I'm tall and beautiful, flawless....but on the inside I was still...my mind? that seemed to be the only thing that didn't change. When I woke up my aunt was waiting for me with the most mind boggling news and secret anyone could ever receive or keep. The first day of school in my new body...I instantly became popular but there was one girl that never caught my attention until then. Hot. Sexy. yet kind and so, so alone. She is beautiful and everything I love, and the best about her...She hates my perfect body. But I refuse to give up on her, for once I will get a girlfriend and I will have a perfect life.

JunetheProdigy · LGBT+
8 Chs


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General Audiencesmature rating