
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · アニメ·コミックス
166 Chs



Issei immediately packed up his school bag and exited the classroom as quickly as he could. He ignored Matsuda and Motohama.

When school was over, the after school activities such as kendo, tennis and basketball would begin. At this time, the Perverted Trio would be preparing to peek at the kendo club girls when they change clothes.

But Issei had other plans, he had detention in Sona's office. 'Detention is way better than being a pervert and getting beat up. ' Issei thought as he arrived in front of the Student Council President's office.

He knocked on the wooden door and waited for a response.

"Please come in."

Issei heard Sona tell him from behind the door. He opened the door and entered the room.

Sona was typing something on her laptop. She looked at Issei and smiled. She closed her laptop and put it away.

"Good to see you kept your promise, Issei." Sona commented.

"I would've ditched if you hadn't threatened me." Issei grumbled.

" I don't know what you're talking about. You came here on your own volition. " Sona giggled. Issei rolled his eyes.

" Please sit down. The detention will last for two hours, so in order to not bore you to death. We'll play some chess together. " Sona explained and took out an expensive looking chess board. Issei sat down in front of her.

"Do you know how chess works, Issei?" Sona asked. Issei nodded and helped her set up the pieces.

"I know how the pieces move and the rules. What I do not know is the tactics used in chess." Issei answered truthfully. Sona nodded.

" Then I will try to hold back. Try not to cry after you lose " Sona gave him a teasing smile. Issei blushed as a reaction to her smile. He found it beautiful, extremely beautiful.

"You're moving the white pieces so you go first." Sona reminded. Issei nodded and started playing a game of chess with her.



One game of chess later....

[Chess Lvl 2]

Issei was blinking at the chess board. He had been checkmated by Sona in a couple of moves. He then deadpanned at her.

"That's what you call holding back?" Issei grumbled. Sona shrugged.

" You were too careless. I couldn't resist taking that chance. " Sona replied while pushing her glasses up. Issei sighed.

" Let's play one more game."

"Sure. I have time to kill."



Two and a half hours and a lot of rounds of chess later...

[Chess Lvl 15]

"Well, would you look at the time. Your detention is over." Sona whispered as she and Issei finished another match with her winning again. Issei had never gotten close to winning even once. Issei looked at the grandfather clock. He widened his eyes.

"Oh shit! I have my kung fu classes with Master Gyatsu!" Issei cursed as he grabbed his bags. Sona raised an eyebrow.

"I was just beginning to use my brain, Issei. Why leave so soon?" Sona asked. Issei smiled at her.

" I have kung fu classes, Souna. I can't stay here for long. I had a great time with you. But you tidy up the pieces yourself, bye!!!" Issei waved at her and dashed out of her office. Sona giggled and shook her head.

" Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought."



" You're late, my student. " Master Gyatsu commented. Issue bowed.

" I had detention in school, Master." Issei replied.

"What for?" Gyatsu asked.

"Arriving late for school." Issei answered. Gyatsu hummed and rubbed his beard.

"To teach you to be punctual next time, your training will be 2x more intense than yesterday's. Now get up and let's start training." Gyatsu ordered.

"Yes, Master Gyatsu."



[Karate: Lvl Max]

[Kung Fu: Lvl Max]

[Sprinting: Lvl 10

Increase sprinting speed by 50%

Decrease stamina used by 50% while running.]

[Aesthetic Bodybuilding: 2%

Shows your progress of getting a physique of a Greek God. When reaching 100%, your muscles, eight pack will stay like that forever and you wouldn't need to keep maintaining it.]

'It's been three days since he's been learning here and he's mastered Karate and Kung Fu completely. Oh no, he's going to be just like Ichigo isn't he? He's really determined to change his life around isn't he? ' Gyatsu chuckled as he was looking at Issei drinking some water.

"My student, you have done well today. I have decided to raise the intensity 3x more than what you've been dealing with today. Is that alright with you?" Gyatsu asked. He wanted Issei to progress at his own pace. There's no use rushing as it would only break him than build him.

" Yes, most definitely! I'll just have to work harder than ever." Issei answered as he wiped the sweat off his face. Gyatsu nodded.

"See you tomorrow then, Issei."

"Bye, Master Gyatsu!"




Two days have passed since the whole detention ordeal with Sona has passed. Issei still arrives late to school though because he wanted to spend more time with Sona.

Issei was in Sona's office for detention again. Sona sighed and looked at him. "I wonder why you still arrive late to school, Issei. Care to tell me why?" Sona asked him. Issei shrugged.

" Because I wanna spend more time with you, that's why. " Issei answered. Sona scoffed.

" That is not a good reason, Issei. If you keep being late, you will be expelled. " Sona replied. Issei deadpanned at her.

" You really need a boyfriend, Souna. Maybe that stick in your ass could finally get out. " Issei grumbled. Sona blushed at his vulgar words.

" I don't need a boyfriend! I have duties to perform. A boyfriend would only slow me down. Plus, they would only date me because of my looks and looks only. " Sona answered. Issei chuckled.

" I could be your boyfriend, Prez. You need a gentleman would who date you for your personality. I'm that kind of guy. " Issei grinned at her. Sona huffed.

" Maybe if you beat me in a game of chess, then I'll consider having you as my boyfriend." Sona replied. Issei smirked.

" Then it's a deal. Should we make a pinky promise to seal it? " Issei held out his right pinky. Sona rolled her eyes.

" We are way too old to be using pinky promises for this. " Sona replied but when she saw Issei deadpanning at her, she sighed and held out her own right pinky. They made a pinky promise. Issei smiled warmly at her.

"Alright, should we start our game?" Issei asked. Sona nodded.

"Let's begin."



"You know, I'm beginning to think you have a girlfriend. These detention excuses are getting old." Gyatsu commented as Issei arrived in front of him.

"What? Me? A girlfriend? Not a chance. I'm still considered the school's most perverted man you know. It'll be a while before a girl begins to like me." Issei replied.

"I'll take your word for it. Alright, today I'm going to teach you a combat technique. " Gyatsu started explaining. Issei listened to him attentively.

" It's a movement technique. Watch. " Gyatsu added before he disappeared from Issei's sight, surprising him.

" Impressive isn't it? "

Issei turned back to look at Gyatsu who was standing behind him. His jaw dropped.

"Please! Teach me this technique!" Issei bowed deeply at him. Gyatsu laughed and rubbed his beard.

"I plan to, my student." Gyatsu replied. Issei stood up straight.

"What's this technique called?" Issei asked.

"It's called Soru. It's one of the six techniques I'm going to teach you. When you learn all of it and master it, we can discuss more about what to teach you." Gyatsu replied.

" Does those six techniques have a name? "

" It does. With those six techniques combined, it creates a special, superhuman martial arts style called Rokushiki....

To be continued...