
Isle of warriors

A prince that didn't grow up with the love of a father he's only hope is finding power and and become useful in his father's eyes but he's quest for power is a deadly one

Emmy_Rex · アクション
3 Chs


The mid wife comes out of the room and tells the gard to get the king.immideatly the gard took off and ran to the throne room where the king and his three young sons Alex, George and victor where waiting for the good news the queen requests your presence and the king followed him to the room where the queen just give birth to a baby prince and when he came close to his wife he held her hand and gave her a kiss on her forehead and then a tear ran down her eyes "Harry I can't hold on..... our little prince's name is Damien those where her last words it was a sad day for the kingdom of sirenix the people of the kingdom all mourned for the death of their queen they all loved her because she was a very good and caring queen she was the true definition of a queen she was greatly missed the news about her death made the people sad they didn't even think about the new born prince the kingdom never wanted to be close to Damien because he took reminds him of his wife to him Damien killed his wife and occasionally he would punish Damien for no reason he would pay attention to the other prince and groomed them about their roles of being a royalty and potential rulers he always liked to introduce the other to the world as his son's but never Damien he took them.whenever he went for his travels and showed off his son's at any given opportunity but he never for once a knowledge Damien ad he's son .The brothers love Damien regardless as time passes the prince were gradually becoming men so they had to start training their sword skills to be able to protect themselves from harm the king was present and he watched how he's son's were sparing with the knights of the kingdom but when it was the turn of Damien he was very weak and hard no knowledge about holding a sword and he was terrible at it the it was clear but he's father told the knight not to stop and continue the assault on Damien he was badly wounded and he had bruises all over his body and when he was all beaten up the king ordered the servants to throw him in his room the three brothers tried to convince to their father to stop with the harsh treatment he gave to their younger brother but he never listened the prince would sneak into Damien room and tend to his wounds personally but Damien learnt one thing when he was sparing with the knight that strength and wisdom matters alot So when Damien was all healed up he went to the Castle's library to look for a book they would teach him about fighting and war strategy but he couldn't learning how to defend yourself can't always be learnt through the books you also have to do the physical work Damien likes to go visit the knights and hear their tales from their adventures but this particular day he hard of a tale about the isle of warriors the knight was speaking"And there used to be a place I heard about the isle of warriors legend has it that who ever goes as a normal person comes back a new man but with strange abilities but for some reason the path to the isle of warriors has been lost it but if you are pure and your heart is crystal without evil evil you will be taken to the isle of warriors without getting lost

Please tell me your ideas and thoughts let's go on this journey together

Emmy_Rexcreators' thoughts