
Isekai Z

"It is never easy to continue when there is no point, but we were forced to. We were the survivors of the Last Horde, and as we waited for the end... their cold undead hands grasping the last of our lives... we woke up ...elsewhere, summoned by Her." Five heroes, summoned when their world wouldn't miss them and all right before their demise. The problem: it wasn't Truck-kun that got them. Now those among the living have to figure out how to stop a zombie plague unintentionally summoned to a magical world. Rica, a goth girl done with the world only to be sent to another, definitely did NOT sign up for this. Author's note: I wanted to play with writing for a bit since normally I'm drawing. I'm pretty excited ❤️ There was a mess up with chapter 1, but I fixed it. Also, fair warning ⚠️ Zombies gotta eat⚠️ There is No NTR !!!! It will also be up to the reader to decide if they think of this work as having a happy ending or if it is a tragedy.

LibraGhost · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Two Choices Pt 1

There are two choices: to accept the end or continue. The choice was made for us.

A looming figure stood amidst the twilight hued void. Their long flowing cloak fluttered from a breeze not there, whipping with to and fro with their anger. "YOU MUST LEAVE THEM! THEY ARE NOT YOURS TO TAKE YOU FIEND!!! LET THEIR WORLDS REST AND LEAVE THEIR SOULS ALONE!" Death wailed, "PLEASE, this is far from your domain miss... they can't help you bring them back. If you do this then a death unkind such as I will cling to them... please this arrogance will be the world's undoing."

A pale woman stands far from Death's grip. She is a goddess of endless war, the Deathless War. Tired of her duty and wanting a winner to claim as her champion she ignores Death's waning calls. Variations of worlds unknown to her began to surround her view as if she was their only hope of survival. However, as Death gazed from afar, they knew that She would be their final destruction and why they would never find an end to their pain. Why start with the weakest just to hope for some aimless potential she thinks to herself. As she gases upon the crumbling worlds before her she makes her selection quickly. Who knows if and when Death would get the balls to summon others of similar powers to stop her. It was only a matter of time and the spaces for otherworldly apostles was limited even for a goddess of her power.

One by one the worlds trembled as she stole the last spark of life on each. She chuckled to herself as these worlds were ironically similar to each other in how they fell so far and into her grasp. Her bloodstained charms and golden trinkets burned and melted away as a sacrifice for the summoning, leaving her with only a pale silk garb to adorn her curves and bronze hair. A small a sacrifice of power and her followers' souls was necessary in her opinion to clean up her playing field. She was excited for her new toys and what changes these survivors would bring to her oh sooo... boring world. As the last of them slipped into the void (and a with flick of her wrist) Seven dreary worlds remained in front of her. Each with a window describing their fortunes and woes. Death could only watch from afar as Deathless greedily prodded though the information.


Earth: Dead Variant 42B

CoD (Cause of Destruction): Plague and Generational War

Current Survivors:... 01

Species: Human

Fate: Death by earthquake and structural collapse

Summary: After spending most of her adolescent life on the run, subject relocated to a government facility with the aid of friends. As the infection spread, the facility suffered a breach from insurgents during an earthquake. Subject was trapped in the lower levels after trying to explore the restricted section of the facility. While trying to explore subject found that the facility had long been breached and that the responses from the higher ups were prerecorded and digital edits made to maintain facility stability. Subject is currently trapped in one of the lower level bunkers after being chased by the insurgents. Earthquake is set to hit in 48hrs world time...

TAA (Transfer Applicable Abilities): Rest- Subject can release the tensions of friends and allies alike, Appraisal- Subject can identify and classify differences in identifiable traits among the organic and inorganic, Pack Tame- Subject can obtain the trust of pack-like creatures to gain aid and favors ...Current Pack: N/A

...Assist Subject's Survival? Yes/No*....


" A pity... I need someone who can cause an eternal sleep. Not someone that could make even their allies fall asleep on the battle field. The Pack thing is cute though, welp next," Deathless grumbled.


Earth: Dead Variant 800V

CoD (Cause of Destruction): Plague

Current Survivors:... 01

Species: Human+

Fate: Death by Betrayal and Plague

Summary: Subject was subjected to cruel and inhumane experimentation in the lower levels of a government facility in the hope of curing current pandemic. Subject is currently dying and set to die from malpractice in 5min world time... **Warning: Due to current state, additional permissions must be supplied by Death to assist**

TAA (Transfer Applicable Abilities): Dark Immunity- Subject's unique constitution will not allow new curses or infection, Advanced Senses- Subject has strong sensitivity to surrounding stimuli, Enhanced Constitution/Rapid Growth- Subject's constitution has been heavily altered allowing for rapid changes in stats, Sire- Subject can share abilities gained among selected allies... Current Allies: N/A, Second Wind- After falling in battle subject has the chance of getting back up again

...Assist Subject's Survival? Yes/No*....

**Warning: Due to current state, additional permissions must be supplied by Death to assist**


"This one is promising, but of course there is a catch and the last thing i need is to give Them a chance to get close before I've even started..."


Earth: Dead Variant 42Z (Close Parallel to 42B, time set 3hrs in 42B's past)

CoD (Cause of Destruction): Plague and Generational War

Current Survivors:... 24 Subjects meeting requirements.... 02

Species: Human and Human+

Fate: Death by Insurgents

Summary: Subjects relocated to government facility. Facility compromised by insurgents, earthquake and pandemic threat. Subject 02 separated from Subject 01Z on upper levels from insurgents. Subject 02 set to die from insurgents in 30min due to wounds. Subject 01Z set to die from insurgents in 2hrs

Subject 01Z--- Human

TAA (Transfer Applicable Abilities): Rest- Subject can release the tensions of friends and allies alike, Appraisal- Subject can identify and classify differences in identifiable traits among the organic and inorganic

...Assist Subject's Survival? Yes/No*....

Subject 02--- Human+

TAA (Transfer Applicable Abilities): Appraisal- Subject can identify and classify differences in identifiable traits among the organic and inorganic, Advanced Senses- Subject has strong sensitivity to surrounding stimuli, Enhanced Constitution+/Rapid Growth- Subject's current constitution is showing rapid changes in stats, Second Wind- After falling in battle subject has the chance of getting back up again, Prodigy- Subject can rapidly adapt to situation

...Assist Subject's Survival? Yes*/No....


"I really wondered how the first one even managed to survive for so long in her last version, but this one is even worse. Well, at least I can use the second one... He can be my first champion," she chuckled to herself. "Next...,"


Earth: Dead Variant 76O

CoD (Cause of Destruction): Plague and Nuclear Warfare

Current Survivors:... 3827....3420....2094 **Warning Subjects in Rapid Decline** Subjects alive meeting requirements.... 203...50... 05...01

Species: Human and Human+... updating... Human

Fate: Death by Radiation Poisoning

Summary: Subjects tried to relocate to government facilities. However, the safe areas were rapidly compromised by radiation. Remaining Subject is currently being chased at the edge of the Radiation Zone. Other subjects were rapidly subjugated by the increasing threat

TAA (Transfer Applicable Abilities): Appraisal- Subject can identify and classify differences in identifiable traits among the organic and inorganic, Rapid Craft- Subject can rapidly craft necessities pivotal to the situation under stress it given the supplies, Lucky shot: Can stack effects to attacks (active) or block negative effects when attacked (passive) 3/day

...Assist Subject's Survival? Yes*/No....


Earth: Dead Variant 4215H

CoD (Cause of Destruction): Biological Warfare

Current Survivors:... 7069

Species: Human

Fate: Death by Exposure 50%

Summary: Subject tried to relocate to government facility with lover. However, the the area was compromised. Subject's lover managed to recover cure for subject after secondary infection in compromised area. Subject is currently in quest to escort remaining cure to different facility. Subject is currently unconscious after falling from cliff with cure and rescue is in route.

TAA (Transfer Applicable Abilities): Appraisal- Subject can identify and classify differences in identifiable traits among the organic and inorganic, Immune Resistance- Subject is resistant to disease, Champion- constitution is buffed by 25% when given straightforward goal (passive) and can learn other's fighting techniques and weaknesses (active)

**Warning: Removal of Subject may compromise stability of this world**

...Assist Subject's Survival? Yes*/No....


Error: World lost


"Of course it couldn't be that easy ...well I have 1 world left and i would prefer to have 4 heroes to round it out..."

Death could only watch from afar as the goddess had her way with the fates of so many. Fear sinking into their very bones as they figured out what were the qualifications for these heroes. Fear because they knew that what those worlds had dealt with was nothing that this goddess could understand. Sure, she had something similar in her world of origin, but it was something that could be controlled like many of her toys*. Another problem is that if she kept summoning with no precautions, it would be like creating a second coming of the Demon Lord. Such a waste of Life Death thought, they had to be able to do something. Only the angered scream of the Goddess Deathless could bull them from their thoughts.


Earth: Dead Variant 27C

CoD (Cause of Destruction): Biological Warfare

Current Survivors:... 00... Re-calibrating search to next sentient lifeforms that meets qualifications... 01

Species: Cat

Fate: Old Age

Summary: Subject was a kitten at the time of the collapse with a unique immunity to the plague. Sadly, the subject was not found in time to help efforts with possible cure. Subject is now a 1 yr old abandoned pet in cat colony outside of abandoned government facility.

TAA (Transfer Applicable Abilities): Appraisal- Subject can identify and classify differences in identifiable traits among the organic and inorganic, Immune Resistance- Subject is resistant to disease, 9 Lives- Subject is immune to curses and can resist Death's call 9 times, Pack Heal- Subject can heal mental and psychical ailments of targeted allies, Safe Landing- Subject cannot take damage from falling.

**Warning: Removal of Subject may compromise stability of this world**

...Assist Subject's Survival? Yes/No*....


"WHY IN THE 7 HELLS WOULD A CAT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS!!! WHAT A WORTHLESS WORLD!" Deathless screamed before regaining her composure and finally facing Death.

Then with a stare that could only reveal the most extreme of emotions as apathetic exhaustion, Death finally spoke again. "You want to see the end of this, Fine...sigh...I will wash my hands of your world, but if you are so greedy for more... You must abide by my conditions... if you want what I think you want."

"Oh Death Sweety, I always want. The problem is if I don't get what I want. Now, tell me your conditions so I can get what I rightfully deserve," Deathless huffed with a fake exasperated pout.

I only hope that you can accept the consequences Death thought to themself and they stated their conditions. The choices would be made.

I was originally using the app to type this, but it uploaded before I was ready. Luckily it is a quick fix. Sorry for the trouble.

LibraGhostcreators' thoughts