
Chapter 7: Part 2

- Silas -

"Is this a…." I looked around the hut.

"Yeah….we are still in the process of construction. The Dwarves are very good but there are only five of them."

We walked out as he explained.

"It's….beautiful." I whispered as I looked at the scenery outside.

Rimuru's world was….was untainted.

Yeah, that's the word I was looking for.

No pollution, no hustle and bustle of the city. The air was so fresh.

I looked around and saw many, were those the goblins Rimuru was talking about.

He must have noticed my gaze so he explained. "These are Hobgoblins and Goblins. Those at the back are the Star Wolves. Kajin-san and the others are working on the buildings over there." He pointed towards an incomplete house in the distance.

While I was looking at them, even they were looking at me curiously.

"Everyone! This is one of my best friends, Silas. He will often be coming here so you guys should not be surprised."

The hobgoblins and goblinas all knelt immediately. Even the Star Wolves behind them knelt.

I looked at Rimuru in surprise. "This is…."

The guy let out a sigh. "They are very traditional."



The monsters of the city were quite friendly and interesting. Especially the goblin called Gobuta.

He was funny.

They brought food for us. It was mostly roasted meat and fruits.

I looked at the lot and thought of something. "Know what? Let me cook for you all today."

"N-no, Silas-sama. How can we make you work?" Rigurd denied immediately.

"I think it's an amazing idea. Silas is a great cook." Rimuru quickly spoke up and after some convincing they prepared more materials while Rimuru prepared the grill.

While cooking, I taught the Goblinas how to prepare the recipes and gave them some tips.

Finally, after a hearty meal, both Rimuru and I laid on the roof of one of the houses and looked at the stars.

"You can't see such a starry sky in Kyoto." He said.

"Yeah. Neither in Tokyo." I agreed.

"Alright!" He jumped up. "Let's get to this. Since you didn't get any skills by just walking inside, let's try something else." He looked at me. "I name you, Silas."

"Huh…." Was all I could say when my eyes widened.

Power surged from inside me, rapidly increasing with every moment and before I could say anything, the world went dark around me.

In that world of darkness, I could not see or hear anything.

At this moment, a thought struck me. Wish.


My wish?

What do I wish for?

Hmm, maybe to be able to run my restaurant better. I guess, be a better chef.

Unique Skill Gained: Chef.

I might be a Devil but I don't want to become a heartless monster. Zeref explained that for normal humans, the Demon Seed could change someone's personality….but I don't want to be controlled by it. I don't want to become someone else. I want to be me.

I want someone to keep me sane, from losing my sanity, someone wise….

Extra Skill Gained: Sage.

And with this, I lost my consciousness.

Intrinsic Skill: Magic Manipulation Gained

Intrinsic Skill: Universal Speak Gained

Intrinsic Skill: Water Manipulation Gained

Intrinsic Skill: Ice Manipulation Gained

Intrinsic Skill: Material Creation Gained

Intrinsic Skill: Magic Resistance Gained

Intrinsic Skill: Possession Gained

Intrinsic Skill: Charm Gained

Intrinsic Skill: Shapeshifting Gained

Extra Skill: Demonic Core Gained.

- Rimuru -

He watched as Silas lost consciousness. It was only the reassurance of Great Sage which kept him calm now.

It was a miracle that he was able to connect to his friends. He would never be able to look himself in a mirror if he actually fucked up the life of a friend now.

'The Individual Silas has gained a Unique Skill called Chef.'

Chef? Yeah, it was the Skill Silas would get. Silas cooked the best darned food he had ever tasted in his life.

If someone else got the Chef Skill other than Silas, Rimuru would have an objection.

What does the Skill do?

Unique Skill Chef has several sub Skills.

'First is Analysis. It allows the user to analyse anything he sees or touches, be it Material, Magic or any Skill of any kind.'

So, a bit similar to Great Sage.

Then again he guessed, a Chef needed to know the ingredients to cook better food.

'Second is Outcome Alteration. It allows the user to overwrite the nature and fate of an object, being or even laws and alter them to his wishes. Even if one tries to oppose the user, the user will just overwrite it with a stronger wish. This skill is given absolute priority and must achieve the desired effects of the user. Only those who possess a similar skill can oppose the user. The possible drawback is the extreme consumption of magicules for using this skill. The consumption of magicules for the skill depends on the extent of the change the user intends to make. He would also need physical contact to use this part of the ability.'

So Silas would need a lot more magicules than he currently has to comfortably use this skill.

"Is there a way I can make him stronger?" He asked Great Sage.

'Great Sage suggests intense magical training and being named by another being of great power.'

"Named? We can name people more than once?"

'Each successive use takes more Magicules.'

"I see. Can I name him again?"

'Currently you are not strong enough to name him.'

"Ughh. I guess we need to get him trained in the next few days, enough to be able to defend himself in case he ever encounters people like those."

'The Analysis of the Magic, Spriggan Law has been completed.'



- Unnamed Onmyoji -

He looked at his subordinates hanging from the ceiling by water snakes.

Most of them had lost their consciousness while some were barely holding on and would pass out soon, his own younger brother and son being among them. He then turned to look at the cause of it all who was not even sweating as he stood in front of him.

"You will not get away with this. The Utsusemi Agency will find you. They will take revenge. We will…."

The devil snapped a finger and one of his subordinates exploded, putting a stop to his triad all of a sudden.

He looked in shock.

"Mitsuru….Mitsuru!" He roared and a second later the water snake covered his head completely, drowning his voice in the gurgling noise.

The water snake moved away after almost a minute as he gasped for breath, repeatedly coughing to expel the water he had swallowed.

At this time, the devil spoke, his voice containing barely suppressed rage and madness. "I have said this to others and I will say this for the first and last time….I am at the end of my patience. Do not test me. For every time you lie, one person in this group will die. For every minute of my time you waste, I will randomly kill one person from this group."

His eyes widened in horror at the devil's words.

"Why! Why are you doing this! We never did anything to you!" He roared.


Another body hanging from the air exploded.

"What did I say about testing my patience? Let's add another rule. Every time you speak any unnecessary drivel, another person dies." 

The water snake circled over the head of his son and his eyes widened in fear.

"No….No, please not him. Not my son." He begged.


"Son?" The devil asked softly before taking another look behind him. "I see. Yes….this is fitting. This is fitting indeed." He murmured to himself before looking towards him. "Very well. You know the rules already so I will begin asking. First questions first, are you Yuiichi Domon?"

He nodded quickly.

There were no changes in the expression of the devil as he just stared at him coldly.

"Where is Hanezu Himejima?"

"Out….he is out on a mission to….to capture some kids with Sacred Gears and test the….the Utsusemi we produced in collaboration with the Wizards of Oz." He quickly answered.

"Will he come back to this place?"

"N-no. He stays in the main base and only comes here on wednesdays."

"Where is the main base?"

He quickly gave the location of the base up, fearing the consequences.

"Three months and two weeks ago, did you kill the Evans family, the Restaurant owners from Tokyo for their house?" It asked suddenly.

"The Evans Family…." He asked, stunned.

The water snake on top of his son's head moved slightly.

"No, don't. Yes. Yes I did that." He quickly answered. "They have nothing to do with it. Please….please let them go."

"Who ordered you to kill them?"

"Hanezu….it was Hanezu Himejima. They wanted the location for the Leylines under it to conduct rituals. I…."

The devil however had no change in his expressions.

"Who killed Rufus Beige, the magician who was with the Evans family."

"We….we organised an ambush for the family when they were going out for some party. A team of people from both the Utsusemi Agency and Wizards of Oz ambushed them in between. They were killed without much resistance under the attacks of Augusta of the Purple Flame, the witch of the east of the Wizards of Oz."

"Who were in the car at that moment?"

"The Evans couple and the magician."

The devil paused for a bit all of a sudden.

"Was there no one else in the car?"

He desperately shook his head. "No. No there was no one else?"

"I see. Very well. Then answer me one last question….the son of the Evans family….where is Silas Evans?"

He opened his mouth and was about to say when suddenly a wall of black light passed over him and he was drowned in neverending darkness.

- Azazel -

"And you are saying that when you woke up, you found yourselves with the children, in the middle of the park?"

The two kids didn't meet his eyes but nodded.

They were lying.

"And where is Lavinia?"

"She said she had something to do and will be arriving later."

"I see." He stared at them again, observing them closely.

The sweat, tremor in their voices, their eyes….everything said only one thing- They were afraid.

They were even traumatised.

And Azazel could understand their situation.

That attack….Black Light….the Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light….that power belonged to only one being, his late brother Lucifer….

How did this involve a Lucifer? And more importantly, who was this Lucifer?

The attack had shaken everyone in the entire Japan.

Maybe the only redeeming fact was that the attack was too fast and no one exactly saw it or it would have been nigh impossible to clear the mess.

Even now, his people as well as the Principal Clan members were running around doing damage control.

He was pretty sure he would be getting a call from Serafall and Michael any moment.

"Anything else to explain?" He asked the two kids.

Natsume seemed as if she was trying to say something but no words came out.

He resisted narrowing his eyes and cast a spell, confirming that they were under some kind of spell which prevented them from saying anything.

In such cases, it was better to not force them lest it triggers the spell.

Still….a Lucifer. Something like this was not what he was expecting from a Lucifer. Any member of that family would have killed the kids without any hesitation.

Not to mention, them keeping quiet for such a long time and only being found out when those fools stepped directly in front of him with the Incinerate Anthem of all things.

And Augusta paid a price for it….


"Very well. You all can go and take some rest. We will begin your training tomorrow."

They nodded and quietly left.

He closed his eyes and massaged his head.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door and Shemhazai entered with a shocked face. He directly handed him a tablet without any words.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at the tablet, noticing some cracks at the corner of the screen.

Slowly he read the report and a cracking sound appeared. He had unconsciously broken the tablet. But he didn't have the time to worry about it.

He looked at Shemhazai in equal shock. "Is this a joke?"

"Do I look like I am joking?" Shemhazai replied back.

"But that's impossible."

"These are just the preliminary reports. We need to investigate more to find out the detailed information."

"Then find it. Send more people if you have to." He ordered. 

"Azazel, do you think it was a result of that attack?"

".... I don't know. I really don't know."

They kept quiet for a while. 

Shemhazai broke the silence again.

"What about the kids? Did they know anything?"

"They do….but they are under some kind of spell which prevents them from speaking."

"A spell? Why would someone from that family use spells?"

"I have no idea but….don't push them. Do keep an eye on them though. I guess it explains why they were terrified. Anyways, until all reports are verified,make sure our people don't go into that area."

Shemhazai nodded.