
Isekai Restaurant

A boy gets an unusual system and worlds change. Watch as he explore worlds and make friends all over and gets a family of his own. Harem. Multicross. Support Me on: https://www.p@treon.com/crossedge

CrossEdge · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Chapter 4 Part 2

- Silas -

A week had passed since the Comic-con and things were thankfully normal… or so I would like to say.

There is a lookout for me outside. They were searching for a Devil who used Ice Magic because the one I had made into a popsicle was supposedly a bigshot of the devil's side.

Well, how was I supposed to know that? And even if I did, what was I supposed to do? Let her kill me?

And, aren't the bigshots supposed to be strong or something? Why was she so weak, dammit?

Aren't Maou's supposed to be around Milim's level?

I really thought she was some kind of kidnapper or something.

The sales at the Comic-con were a hit and we made around 35 million yen in the three days.

The money was used to then establish Crossroad Publications properly.

As for the staff, Rimuru sent many of his Kijin who were being taught about this world by Great Sage.

We bought a decent abandoned property in the town for ourselves.

The real production was not a matter at all because Rimuru already took care of that. There are more than enough copies for us to sell.

"I will be leaving to meet the children Shizue-san had told me about. I need to make good on my promise." Rimuru said, finishing his dinner.

"For a month or so?"

"Two maybe."

"Good. I was thinking of leaving to check out the nearby city as well. I want to make an average adventuring party and make a position for myself in the country and find out more about the world." Ainz replied as well.

"In the meantime, take care of Tempest for me."

I nodded. "I will keep an eye out for them."

The door to the restaurant opened at this instant and a young boy entered, wearing what seemed like the uniform of a big academy. Black hair and black eyes with a black and white coloured uniform.

"Hmm, this restaurant? Is this newly opened?" He asked himself while looking around.

Ainz thankfully was sitting behind a wall so he couldn't be seen directly and Rimuru was in his human form.

"Hello, what can I get you, Sir?" I got up and asked the guy.

"Are you the owner? I… what can I get here?"

"You can check the menu." I handed him the menu and he ordered a simple ramen.

"I will get it ready in a moment."

The door to the restaurant opened again and this time a man with a green cloak and striped hat entered wearing geta sandals and holding a cane. He had blonde hair and his hat almost covered his eyes.

"Oya, a new shop? I don't remember seeing this one before."

"What would you like to order, Sir?"

He just eyed the menu on the nearby table and ordered a plate of sweet mochi and tea.

"I see. Your order will be done in a moment."

I sent the order of the hat and clogs guy first while the Ramen was prepared. Bang entered the shop with another person who looked like a samurai of sorts. He even carried a katana and had a ponytail.

Wow, three new customers in one day. I thought that the restaurant was not going to throw in more customers anytime soon. I mean apart from Tanya and that soft spoken calligrapher, there were no new customers in the last two months.

"Tea for two and some, oh, are those mochi, two plates of those, Silas."

"Yes. In a minute, Bang-san."

By the time I delivered his order and went back to the kitchen to get the Ramen ready, I found that the guy was already chatting with Touma who had arrived for his daily martial arts training.

"Good Morning, Touma. Your normal Salad?" I asked the guy who seemed too engrossed in the stories of the new guy.

"Oh Silas. Yes. A salad please. Today I have a spar with Apachai so I need to eat light."

The new guy looked at me in surprise, "Shop owner, are you really from a different world?"

The newcomers' ears perked up but they didn't make it obvious.

"Depends. If we are not from the same world, then yes I am from a different world. Why don't you tell me something about your world so that I can take a guess. Oh, start with your name. My name is Silas Evans, by the way."

"My name is Ikki Kurogane. I am from Hagun Academy for Mage-Knights in Tokyo. Nice to meet you, Mr. Silas."

"Hmm. Yes, we are not from the same world, Ikki. First, this shop is in Kyoto and second, I haven't heard of any Hagun Academy or Mage-Knights in my world."

"What? Kyoto? Really?" The boy asked surprised.

"Do you know of the Parallel World Theory? We are from two different worlds with similar places. So, can you tell me something about your world?"

"Ah, yes." He then went on to explain about his world, Blazers, Devices, Mage-Knights and the bullshit surrounding the world.

"The embodiment of a soul, you say?" The green cloaked man asked all of a sudden.

"Yes. Devices are weapons manifested from our very souls."

"How interesting. Do you have a device? Can you show me?"

"Umm, sure. I don't see why not? Is it fine by you, Shop Owner?"

"As long as you don't cause any trouble in my shop."

By this time, Rimuru and the rest had also gathered around, including Shigure who was looking at the boy with interest now.

He stood up and raised his hand. "Come Intetsu."

A black katana appeared in front of his hand.

"So cool!" Shigure shrieked.

"Cool indeed. I didn't know this was possible but you did manifest a soul weapon while having a physical body. It's something between a fullbring and a Zanpakutō. Tell me, does it have any evolutions?" The guy looked around the sword with interest as he asked the questions.

"Evolutions? There might be but I don't know?"

"Does it have any special abilities?" He suddenly paused, realising the odd look on everyone's faces. "Sorry, if I am being too intrusive. It's just that I haven't seen something so interesting in a long time. My name is Kisuke Urahara, just a humble shop owner."

"N-no. It's fine, Kisuke-san. I was just taken aback for a moment. Yes. Devices have special powers. They are ranked from A to F with F being the lowest and A being the highest. My Intetsu can Double my Physical Power." he replied despondently.

"That's quite good. Doubling my physical power. I can see many uses for that." Bang said, scratching his chin.

"I can probably surpass your rank if I doubled my physical power, old man." The guy with Bang replied.

"You don't seem to be happy, young man. Are you not satisfied with your power?"

"I… even normal Blazers can enhance their physical powers by five to six times with their magic power. Thus, Intetsu's ability is considered almost useless. It's Ranked F, the lowest. I don't have that much magic power either."

"But you can increase your power by training, can't you?"

"No." He shook his head. "Blazers cannot increase the amount of magic power they are born with. They are limited by their souls."


A period of silence descended over the place but he continued.

"But I will overcome it. I will become a Mage Knight and prove them wrong."


Talk about a shounen protagonist speech.

"Che, who needs magic power? You can always train your body and swordsmanship. You already got enough for your Device. Train hard and show everyone." The samurai guy with Bang clicked his tongue.

Shigure patted his shoulder. "Learn Ki. Martial Arts is strong. I can teach."

"Yes Ikki-san. I cannot use any Esper powers or magic either because my body just erases every supernatural power. But martial arts is really good. I have become much stronger than before. Also, you should eat the salad from the restaurant. It increases the rate of training by several times."

"You can do what?!"

"Yeah. He needs to put on his gloves at all times because of this."

"Know what? Show me your swordsmanship. If you are good enough, I can give you some pointers as well." The Samurai spoke.

"Rimuru. This Device thing, maybe… Do you think we can get some for ourselves?" I asked the slime.

"Hmm. It might be possible if we go to that world."

"Umm, Shop Owner. Not everyone can awaken Devices. You need to have magic power, enough to awaken your device."

We all looked at the guy who seemed genuinely worried about it and we smiled.

"It's fine. I might just have enough magic power for it." I raised my hand and water swirled in my palm before freezing in the shape of a katana similar to Intetsu. "We only need your permission in case this is something harmful for your world."

"No no. It's not harmful."

So we all waited for him to finish his Ramen as the others finished their food and we all walked into what looked like modern Japan.

We were in an alleyway.

I put up a barrier around the area. It was the same as that crazy woman was using to keep people away. I had analysed it before entering it so I knew how to use it.

Rimuru put a hand in front of him and a katana appeared out of thin air. It looked like the one which he normally carried.

"Heh. That's quite easy."

"How did you do it?" Ikki asked, stunned.

"Ah, I analysed the method you used to manifest your device using my power, Great Sage and copied it. My katana is called Mimic. It can change shape, eat anything and take the power of that thing too. Cool."

That's more or less what Rimuru does.

"Let me try it too." I asked and he connected Great Sage to my own Sage Skill.

Under the guidance of the Skill, I raised my hand and a blade formed in front of me.



"Well… it kinda fits Silas." Bang said after a moment.

"Must have something to do with his size." Ainz joked and Rimuru laughed, making my lips twitch.

"At least I have one."


Both of them became quiet.

My Device was… a pair of kitchen knives. One was icy blue in colour while the other was black in colour.

Blue Fang. It controlled Water and Ice and Black Thorn, which was basically the Masterchef Skill in a Knife.

Just out of curiosity, all of us tried our hands at it.

Lavinia got a wand.

Milim got a pair of gauntlets.

Ainz got a Bone Staff.

How original.

Shuna got a fan.

Others didn't have any kind of magic power so they didn't try. Kisuke had magic powers but he didn't try either.

We returned to my shop again.

"Thanks for your help, Ikki. If you ever need any kind of help, ask us. Actually, if I find any art from my world suitable for you, I'll teach you. You can even learn from Hakurou. He is our Swordsmanship instructor. Just ask Silas. He is the one incharge, when I am not present."

"I am in a bit of a hurry too but my world also has similar arts which you can master. I will try to find ways to increase your magic power. Your world might have limits. Ours don't."

We talked for a while and Ikki I actually followed Bang and his Samurai friend to see if he could learn something about their swordsmanship.

Surprisingly, Saitama went with Rimuru to see his world.

The shop entered a period of peace and quiet for a few days.

Two weeks passed.

In the last few days, Kisuke, the shop owner from a place called the Karakura town often came around and talked to the other customers, especially Ikki.

Turns out that Kisuke's world also had similar weapons which are manifested from one's soul. There were some differences but the guy was a researcher of sorts.

They were discussing some kind of training which might help Ikki break through his magic power limits.

The Ikki guy had it bad. His family had practically disowned him and was going as far as to pressure the school he was in to fail him.

He had just failed an examination and because the teachers had refused to teach him and was only allowed to stay in the school because a new director of the school had arrived.

I mean, was it really a crime to be born with low magic power? To throw away a child and not just that but to actually try to actively make his life some kind of hell?

And why? For what reason? Just to show off some false family status?

What use was the family status when you didn't even have a family in the first place? It was like putting the cart before the horse.

But it was none of my business.

Lavinia was at school and Shuna was out managing the place for the Kijin with the help of a guy called Hiro who was sent by Rimuru to establish a base in this town and Tanya, Yuri and Naberal were managing the manga business.

I was free for now.