
Isekai Restaurant

A boy gets an unusual system and worlds change. Watch as he explore worlds and make friends all over and gets a family of his own. Harem. Multicross. Support Me on: https://www.p@treon.com/crossedge

CrossEdge · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Chapter 2 Part 3

- Silas -

The scene in front of us was straight out of some horror movie.

Hordes of orcs were surrounding a village of ogres and several of them had died already but they were holding on, desperately. It was clear that they would lose sooner or later.

I did observe that whenever the orcs ate something, they got stronger and became immune to some attacks which hurt them before.

Moreover, there were many stronger orcs in their midst too who took several ogres to hold on. Not to mention, there were two other monsters who were stronger than the orcs, especially the fat clown who gave me a dangerous feeling.

Rimuru flew up above the village and shouted out loudly, getting the attention of several of the monsters.

"I am Rimuru Tempest, leader of the Goblin Village of Jura Forest. I have come here to offer assistance."

The orcs didn't even pay any attention while several ogres just growled.

Ainz on my side, shook his head. "Rimuru is too kind sometimes."

He stepped forwards and raised his staff.

The temperature of the area fell and a huge wall of ice rose up all around the village. Several hundred orcs were frozen into statues instantly.

All the fighting in the area stopped. Ainz lowered his staff and teleported on a platform on the wall.

Rimuru came down from the sky and landed on the wall beside Ainz while I flew there too.

"This is how you get their attention. Now go and speak."



I couldn't say anything because he wasn't wrong either.

He did get their attention.

Both sides had stopped completely.

"Now then, as I was saying. I am here to negotiate and stop this war if possible." Rimuru proposed. The result…

"Geld, new food has arrived. Go on, eat him. Hurry hahahaha." The one with a bird-like mask shouted at the largest orc in the group.

Rimuru turned his attention towards the Ogres. "It seems they don't have any intention of stopping. Do you require my assistance?"

They sent a red haired ogre to the front and he was accompanied by a white haired old guy and a blue haired ogre. Behind him was a pink haired ogre girl, accompanied by a purple haired female.

"I am the prince of the Ogres. My father just passed away in the war so I am the leader of the group." He shouted loudly although I could sense that he was even disgusted at the idea of being the leader due to his father's death. The pain and anger in his voice. "What do you want in return for your assistance?"

"An Alliance. My village is small and needs as many allies as we can. I want to invite you all to come and stay in the village. I promise all of you a good place to live, food and names along with protection." Rimuru offered the ogre.

The entire crowd went haywire when the name part came out. There was disbelief and awe thrown around.

The red haired ogre swallowed lightly before looking at Rimuru "If you can provide us with these, we will swear allegiance to you. I give you my word as the new leader of the ogre village."

"Oi, is it just me or they don't believe that Rimuru can name them?" I whispered to Ainz.

"I get the same feeling. Is this naming stuff supposed to be hard? I thought you only needed to be stronger than them and none of them look like they are stronger than Rimuru." Ainz whispered back.

"I mean, there must be some type of catch, right? I don't see how such a thing would be easy." I mean, that would be fucking broken, right?

"Umu. I think so too. We need to talk to Rimuru about this. He probably doesn't realise it." Ainz agreed.

The crowd had agreed to support Rimuru and he passed on the Restoration Potion to the ogres while the Orcs were attacking the wall continuously to break through.

"So, what's the plan?" Ainz asked, looking at Rimuru.

"According to Great Sage the clown is the strongest among everyone in this place, including us, followed by that orc and the bird face. The other two are weaker than me, but stronger than Silas."

"Hmm. I can take care of the clown and summon some elementals to fight off the bird face. You take care of the orc and assist the elementals. I will just need some time to prepare my spell."

"I can distract him for a few minutes. The guy cannot fly. I can snipe him and use my Skills to keep him distracted for a while. Not for long though so back me up."

"I will summon some undead to help you out. Worst case, I'll use my trump card."

"Sounds good. Ranga, protect Silas. I can use my trump card too if things get too ugly."

"Hai, my Lord." The wolf barked and got inside my shadow before I took off to the skies.

- Rimuru -

He shot forward, using Water Blades to cut a path in front of him. The orcs were beheaded while the water swirled in the air forming many rain type droplets and freezing mid air, while the bodies of the orcs lit up with a purple-black magic circle and large Death Knights rose from them.

"Great Sage, connect to Silas' Sage and guide the attacks to hit the vitals of the orcs. Target their eyes."

They had tried this move several times during the past two weeks when all three of them tried to create an ultra combo to fight a raid boss level enemy if they ever met anyone. It led to the discovery that Great Sage being a Skill evolved from Sage could connect to it with Silas' permission and use the extra computational ability to guide the magic attacks of Silas.

The guy was a lovable cutie but that was only till he fought. It showed him why he was a Devil. Using Water Magic in ways that would ensure the most painful deaths to their enemies and yet used the least amount of magicules.

For example, he manipulated the water in a large bear monster's eyes and created an ice needle which pierced its brain, downing the massive beast in a moment.

He further reduced the use of his Magicules if the water and ice were provided by others or there was a source nearby, which is why, when fighting together, Ainz always surrounded him by Ice and Water elementals and he used Water Blade.

And now, with a field surrounded by ice, he was on his home turf. That's why when he said he would distract the strongest monster in the group, none of them even flinched, despite the huge disparity in both their powers.

The biggest orc roared and jumped to slash with his cleaver towards Rimuru. The birdface tried to attack but was distracted by the elementals. He parried the attack of the orc and used fire of Ifrit to burn through his cleaver and slashed towards the orc's face.

The orc resisted with reddish black tentacles of energy and countered him. They clashed with each other with injuries slowly piling on the orc.

It seemed injured already due to the previous fight with the ogres and was thrown backwards with a strong blast. Without giving it any chance to get up, Rimuru created a magic circle and blasted the area with a flame pillar. Immediately afterwards, the entire area was rained down upon by metre long icicles. Yeah, that should keep it down.

He turned towards the birdface who had defeated two elementals.

The birdface was shooting red spheres of energy like bullets all over the area to overwhelm the enemy but Rimuru could tell that it was not specialised in fighting.

The attacks were nothing to him because he could just Devour the energy directly with his slime physique.

He punched the birdface's stomach and it shot towards the same place as the Orc. What followed was a rain of several spells from Rimuru, the ogres and the elementals.

Silas had changed to target the clown.

- Silas -

Connecting to Great Sage was like having a super advanced AI in my head. I wonder if Tony Stark felt like them when he was using the Iron Man suit.

"Did you analyse the Skill of the Clown?"

'The Clown is using a Unique Skill called Amplifier. It amplifies the already strong physique of the monster, allowing it to do attacks beyond his level. By an estimate, it is as strong as a Demon Lord Seed level monster and can fight a Demon Lord Seed on equal ground with the Unique Skill.'

Demon Lord Seed…

Son of a…

Still, I don't need to kill it, only delay it for a while.

I controlled the water in the area and pelted it with water droplets. My normal icicle to the eye was not working because of its magicules protecting him. The attack was useless as it just bounced off his body but also told me that there were no weak spots to take advantage of.

The clown looked at me in anger and grunted before jumping into the air and rolling into a ball.

It even neglected the ogres it had been fighting to try and bash at the ice wall on which I was standing.

The way it attacked reminded me of the Akimichi Clan from Naruto and the Rollout attack from Pokemon which got stronger the more they rolled.

It was bashing straight through the Death Knights which Ainz had created to fight the orcs as if they were straw targets without any kind of resistance.

Thankfully, I knew the way to handle it.

The clown looked like he was short tempered and harassing it with attacks which didn't cause any damage but made it angry and gave up any of his enemies to solely concentrate on me.

It started attacking blindly, trying to topple the ice wall to get to me.

I manipulated the ice to make trenches around the area in the path of the rolling clown. And created a lot of inclined planes of ice on its path. It got caught on one such inclined plane and was thrown up in the air, in a direction away from me.

This slowed its momentum by a lot and gave me an opportunity to blast him with ice on all his joints. Great Sage can do a very great job of guiding attacks.

I concentrated mainly on his joints to cause any injury to slow it down.

It fell down and punched the ground in frustration.

"How long, Ainz?"

"Five minutes more."

Five minutes.


"Ogres." I shouted. "Attack the clown with fire when I command."

The red haired leader of ogres agreed and stood beside me, waiting for my order.

I took control of the ice on the ground and the wall and pushed my Demonic Power into. It, freezing the limbs of the clown. "Now!"

The entire area was drowned by a shower of flames, with the guy beside me taking the lead.

A massive pillar of flames rose to the sky.

"Is it over?" The red haired leader asked me.

His answer however came from an entirely different place.

A roar resounded in the area as the flame pillar was dispersed.

The clown was releasing a massive amount of magicules but the injuries on its body were visible. It was hurt.

But my attack wasn't over yet.

Its eyes shone a red light and rolled into a ball once more, rolling towards me, radiating insane amounts of magicules.

The monster however stopped before it reached the ice wall, and fell to its knees, looking at me in shock.

The very next moment, its body was riddled with holes from inside. Each part with a soft tissue and no muscles was shredded apart from inside and it fell to the ground.

The guy was still healing but the extent of injuries I had caused him would keep it down for a while.

Now, how did that work?

I first analysed its healing and defence and found out that it was using its magicules as a layer on its body to stop the attacks. This is what caused my own Demonic Power to be unable to freeze the liquid in its eyes.

I did notice that its magicules focused on healing and the defence broke for a very short while when it was injured.

Thus I created a moment where it could be showered with a ton of magic attacks by everyone around us. This in turn created a moment where its magicules were truly focused on healing and attack and gave up all its defence. And that's what I needed.

When the ogres attacked the place, they also evaporated all the ice which was stopping it as well as the ice around the area. I controlled the water vapour and guided it inside its body. This vapour was infused with my Demonic Power and the moment he became a rolling ball, I froze everything, shredding it from inside out.

The dodged areas were taken care of by my Chef Skill. I kept this Skill on hold all this time to prevent the guy from doing anything too desperate or just running away. It needed to be used on the killer move and it did. If it survived from a scrambled brain, I didn't know what it would need to keep it down.

"Good job. My spell is complete." Ainz's voice sounded behind me. Several Magic Circles lit up all around us at the moment. "The Goal of All Life is Death."

"Grasp Heart."

The golden clock-like magic circle that had formed behind Ainz reached twelve. A phantom hand appeared behind the clown, crushing its heart and its lifeless body fell down to the ground.

"Is it dead?" I asked.

A ball of bluish white light came forward towards me.

I almost instinctively knew what it was. As if there was an innate part of me which knew.

A soul.

Almost in a daze, I extended my hand and gulped down the soul.

And then I fainted.