
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Ch#26 Lambar Kingdom

Starting the journey to Parintia, I am traveling in the same carriage as Marian.

María: Mr. Magnus, in addition to taking you I would like to reward you in another way, once we arrive I will ask my father to decide on a suitable reward.

Magnus: It's not necessary, I only did it to help, he also helped me with the transportation, that's more than enough

Marian: Incident.

Magnus: Okay, I'm not going to oppose his decision.

We continue talking about trivial issues, including what the city of Parintia was like, according to what he tells me is the Capital. Overall it's not a bad city but due to the uprising of the demon king in the north everything is in turmoil and they are preparing for a war, even the king and the priestesses are preparing the ritual for the summoning of the 4 heroes.

There's mom, what was missing, Demon King, heroes, well, if things get bad I'll go home and that's it, if a Demon King shows up, even a golem kills him.

In approximately 4 hours we reached the outside of the city, it is surrounded by a great wall of about 20 meters, it is imposing, I saved the toll by going with Marian.

After walking around the city for a while, we stopped in front of a huge mansion.

The guards took us to the entrance, which was opened by servants, then I was asked to wait in a large room, I was given a tea that I must say is delicious.

An imposing man in a suit entered the room in his 40s.

Sir: Welcome, my name is Eduardo Bolsaigier, I am Marian's father.

Magnus: It's a pleasure, my name is Magnus.

Eduardo: Well Mr. Magnus, I'm a pretty busy man but I can't overlook whoever saved my daughter, that's why I'm giving you this.

He snapped his fingers and a maid brought a tray on top of which was a bag.

Eduardo: accept this as a thank you, now if you don't mind I must retire.

After saying that he left the room, I took the bag and left, in a hurry.

Inside the bag there were 50 black coins, I don't know what value they have but maybe they will be enough for me.

I went for a walk down the street, it's quite similar to other kingdoms on my continent, and I say my because I'm the strongest, I think I'm going to make it my goal to be here too.

While I was walking I saw a weapons store, like everyone curious among.

Dwarf: good boy!.

Magnus: Hi, I'd like to see the swords you have.

Dwarf: On that shelf are the ones we have for sale!

Why is he shouting, he will have hearing problems, at all these the ring that Marian gave me is very practical, otherwise I would not be able to communicate.

While I saw the swords, one stood out a lot, it was a black sword, on the hilt it had a red Dragon, it was a real beauty of a weapon.

Other customers bought various things like leather equipment, leather is stronger than steel.

I looked at them trying to get an estimate of the coins, apparently there are iron, silver, gold and these that I have that I have not seen used.

Magnus: Hey, how much for this sword.

Dwarf: Haha, I'm Dakor, very good choice, that's my master honor, but let me tell you that its price is 10 obvidian coins!

I took out 10 of the coins they gave me, the dwarf's face was like a rock, it seemed to be air, he took out a black sheath from under the table, took the sword and placed it inside.

Dakor: Take care of her, she's made of black iron and a core of a great monster, !

He handed it over to me after receiving the money, though there was a bit of regret in his eyes.

I walked out of the store like a kid with a new toy.

I've been wandering around, wondering from time to time where there is a dungeon.

I was told that near the city to the north there is an A rank dungeon and to the south there is an S rank dungeon.

I also found out that there is an institution similar to banks, I got to a 5-story building, on the first floor there were some very attentive receptionists, I lined up like the others, when my turn came I asked if they could change 10 everyday coins into gold, silver and iron.

I was given 900 gold, 900 silver, and 1,000 iron.

This gave me two things to think about, one that 1 obcidian is 100 gold, an Oto is 10 silver and a can is 10 iron, the second is that that dwarf, since he hasn't sold me the best sword in the world, has cheated me.

I left the city towards the dungeon, I arrived in a short time, I was watching guarded, I was charged 10 gold to enter, quite expensive.

When I entered it was different from the PRIMIGENIA, to begin with I took out my 100 golems that I am not using, I put them to fight, they had not passed 10 minutes and they were destroyed, their weapons and armor also destroyed.

After creating them with armor with mana shields and other things I managed to defeat the first monster.

I was fighting for about 12 hours, I have only killed 20 creatures, although every day Na has raised my level by about 10, the golems have also raised, I already have 120 and they are a little stronger.

It's been a whole day since I entered and now I reach the boss room, it's a 20 meter Minotaur, I try to surround it with the 210 golems I have and I'm just distracting it, it kills them easily. There are barriers that hold up a bit, this one throws them into the air with ease, since I had no other choice, I intervened, released all the power and used the new sword.

I lunged with all my might at one of the minotaur's legs as he crushes the golems, the flesh didn't put up much of a fight, either that or the sword is really good.

Leaving him lame it was only necessary to attack him from different directions to finish him, although right now I have a dislocated shoulder and some broken ribs.

This one gave me 30 levels, scammers is crazy, I heard they go as far as SS, what the hell is in that guy.

I went back to town after that, I'm beat up, it's the first time since I came to this world that I have to fight in Cerio and get beat up.

Take a break and return to my Kingdom with teleport, I got a little dizzy when I arrived, it seems that being infinite is a lot What it takes to go from one continent to another.

Nothing new had happened so I just gave my usual tour, Cara was very happy, she hasn't been here for a few days, she really likes to study, that's weird, but it makes me feel proud, the girls are still traveling so I just went back to my new adventure

Enter the screaming dwarf's shop.

Dakor: Boy, you're here again!

Magnus: Yes, I need good armor and a quality bow, as well as arrows that are useful against dungeon monsters.

Magnus: I also want to know if you know where I can sell this.

Take out some of the materials from the monsters on the 1st floor.

Dakor: It seems that you took care, I'll buy them for you at a good price!

After negotiating, well yelling and me negotiating, I sold him everything I got on the first floor for 3 obcidian coins, all the equipment I ordered was of high quality, I only used materials like black iron and holy. This makes me think that although they are scarce, there are quite a few, either that or Eduardo gave me a fortune, I mean, I have enough to live off of it.

As my ribs still hurt a little I went to a place where they sell potions, or so I suppose since there is a jar on the door.

Young man: good morning sir, how can I help you.

Magnus: Hi, I'd like HP and Energy recovery positions.

Young: Of course, the low quality ones are 1 silver, the medium ones are 10 plants and the high quality ones are 10 gold.

They are expensive.

Magnus: Give me 8 HP recovery AND 2 energy.

I handed him the money and left the store.

In an alley I took one of the recovery ones and it was as if a torrent of energy flooded me, at the end I had no pain at all, expensive, but useful.

I headed back to the dungeon, started the floor a few again, this time it only took a couple of hours to complete and the boss was mildly easier.

Following some stairs I entered the second one, as I wanted to try the armor and sword more thoroughly I began to fight without the golems, it was hard for me due to the lack of practice but after a while I got the technique, at one point I felt half tired but I only need to take one of energy and like new, I reach the boss room.

I had no choice but to bring the golems, the enemy was a giant with two masses, I tried to distract us with the golems but the moment I attacked him he got bogged down and sent me to dance with one of the masses, I was embedded in the wall, luckily nothing seems to be broken, it was really worth the armor.

The fight went on for a while but I managed to win, it's not even past noon yet so I just drank a potion and took the third one down, spent the rest of the day cleaning it up, used the golems a lot so they went up, now it's 280, they go up a lot faster than before, I instead have gone up more than 100 levels, now that I think about it, how strong are those who enter the SS class dungeons, I just hope I don't meet any