
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Ch#23 Encounters

After spending the best night of my life, yes, the best, this time I was really with the three girls at the same time, I can't believe how slutty they got, Ia played with her private parts while Lilian did a little job for me, Elizabeth was nervous at first but then she ended up being the most active.

I really love these girls, they make me want to do everything.

I said goodbye to the girls, no, my wives, I'm going to marry them soon, but not before a BACHELOR PARTY!

I teleport to my residence in the Council.

One of the maids informed me that today, in a little less than an hour the events would begin, in total there are 30 registered countries, 10 countries will face each other daily, leaving 5 daily, so on the fourth day the 15 armies will face each other in a giant blattle Royal of all against all.

I went to the area where the 30 armies were formed, clearly they were all perfectly equipped, while mine was wearing the armor and the symbol that I chose.

The other Kings were present, among them the King of Castia, his idiotic son, look how good, there is also Lilian's father, who seems to recognize me.

King: Satou, what a surprise to see you, Lilian hasn't seen you for more than a month, how is she?

Satou: She's fine, she's now in my Kingdom with the others.

King: your kingdom?

Satou: Yes, you remember the country of Blacia.

King: those wretches, how to forget them.

Satou: Well, I overthrew the King and now it belongs to me.

King: Sign a treaty with me, I mean, with my Kingdom!

How excited.

Satou: Of course Lilian is one of the queens after all.

A bright smile appeared on her face, the king of the scene grew and approached, Marci was next to him, she jumped on my neck giving me a kiss.

King C: Marci!!.

Marci: Excuse his majesty, but I can't help but do this to the one who saved my life and will be the father of my child.

Using magic I changed my appearance to that of Magnus, the king was quite surprised but I told him a short version, I also invited them to my Kingdom, giving Marci the opportunity to become my wife.

The commotion drew a little attention, contrary to my expectations there seemed to be a couple of relevant presences, according to Lilian's father they were the leaders of the Empire and another of the five and the most powerful, being the leader of the humans in the last war.

I went to introduce myself to the emperor, just to DJ.

Magnus: Emperor.

Emperor: you are.?

Magnus: I am the current king of Blacia.

His gaze was cloudy, for a moment he was tough, but then he stood firm, he doesn't seem to hold the title for nothing.

Emperor: We have not had the pleasure of introducing ourselves, I am Emperor Markus III of the Empire.

Magnus: I am, Magnus, you can tell me Satou if he prefers, both are good. The important thing, you attacked my country by declaring war, right?

Markus lll: It's direct, well yes, that's right, believe me, after today, your cute King Lordragon will look like nothing more than a lizard.

Satou: We will see it, now with his permission.

I kept walking around, bells rang calling attention to an old man.

Elder: Welcome, please place the payment in the Cup, to start.

He said pointing to a gigantic two meter Cup made of gold.

After that, today's matches were randomly decided, neither me nor the emperor came out in the first round.

For the rest of the day they battled an army to the death, the winners, if they can be called that, had less than half their men, and as a rule, they cannot be replaced.

The day ended without any big surprises, the countries had Lordragon but they weren't much.

In the evening return to the Palace and spend another glorious night.

The next day a similar thing happened, we weren't chosen, but the strange thing is that neither was the empire nor the other King with whom that emperor spoke when he arrived, not straightening up or saying that there's nothing random about this.

Repeating appearance of the night, I never get tired of saying it, the big day arrived, MY opponent was a kingdom that according to what I heard is quite strong, it has two lordragon, we are not going to use any of them, not for nothing, but I don't think I will lack.

The match began, at my command the first line formed a shield wall activating the mana shield magic, the enemies launched a barrage of arrows, our formation consisted of 3 rows of common soldiers, 1 row of archers, soldiers, archers, and and so on until you reach 100 rows. Using mana shield we covered our troops in full, the rain of arrows fell and recited against the shield without doing any damage, in response it was our turn to shoot, you launched the arrows and simultaneously attacked the first and second row, the arrows were to come, the enemies took cover, but.

The 2,000 arrows belonging to my archers were divided into 4, clouding the sky with 8,000 arrows that pierced the shields and armor without problem, we had only launched the first attack and only a few hundred enemies were alive.

Columns of soldiers marched in the direction of the enemies, swinging their swords to activate the wind blades and destroy the survivors, thus we won without even one casualty.

After reaching the podium all eyes were on me.

???: that is the king of Blacia

???: I thought it had come to power three to eliminate the army, it doesn't surprise me having such an army.

If well, the Kingdom take it without much effort.

I receive congratulations from some who seem to want to curry favor with me.

The emperor's turn came, his men were forming groups of 100 soldiers with various troops, he had cavalry, modified access weapons such as catapult and giant crossbow, the truth is that he was well balanced, he began attacking with arrows while the cavalry surrounded the enemy , this responded using the arrows and deploying phalanxes towards the direction of the cavalry, the imperial soldiers using wedge formation attacked the enemy formation crossing it preventing the full deployment of the Phalanx, this led to the cavalry reaching the back without problems of the Army, propitiating a mortal blow for the same.

The conflict continued but the imperial casualties were negligible, as a last option they launched their Lordragon which fought in the sky with the two imperials, as I understood the Lordragon must wait a certain time to deploy, that's why it was not used against us.

The meeting ended with the victory of Markus, the topas celebrated the victory with shouts.

The emperor's companion had a similar fight, unremarkable but effective.

The next day would be the passive meeting, the armies are gathered 1 kilometer from each other.

Magnus: I'm waiting, I think this is going to get interesting.

The clashes began, the shouts, sword blows and thunder of the Lordragon were heard everywhere, except in our appointment, nobody had approached.

For two hours no one approached us, there were only three armies left, the Empire and its ally, instead of facing each other the remaining ranks went against me.

Magnus: Finally, I was bored. In this last battle the fillers could accompany their armies, I for my part was in front of mine along with the generals, the first to arrive were 5 Lordragon, they launched giant flames of fire, our shields were deployed protecting in its entirety.

At the moment of the impact of the flames, I saw an enormous power approaching from among the enemy ranks, it was a human with golden armor, a commanding sword in one of his hands and a two-meter shield in the other.

He approached less than 100 meters, we shot the arrows towards his provision and that of the dragons, the last CES I saw they caused damage, but this time using center magic we increased the speed finishing off the dragons without any work, the look The Emperor in the distance did not even flinch at losing such assets.

The golden armored man parried the arrows very easily using mana shield, he started to sing something and a 100 meter giant sword formed above his head, he swung it at us, not so sure if the soldiers shield would be enough so I created a larger one that would cover my 5 thousand soldiers.

I was fooled, the sword was just a distraction, the distance between the two of us became a few meters by the time I stopped the giant sword.

Sending him a heavy sword moved as if it were a feather accepting blows that made strong wind cuts appear, in one of his movements I took out my sword to take advantage of an opening.

Foolish of me, the opening was created on purpose, an aura of fear combined with the force of the shield's impact on my chest sending me flying.

I stood up as if nothing had happened cleaning the clothes, I began to fight seriously, I attacked with the intention of finishing it with one blow, but he dodged it at a speed that should be impossible for someone with that armor, the swords collided one and another Once, the mirthil began to give way, the swords grouped and broke, I took out two more swords, I threw one at him as if it were a dagger, which he caught with thanks.

Resuming the exchange, I managed to surpass him minimally, my sword in a bad movement was about to cut his neck, but a few millimeters away the word used to unlock the sealed power was heard, my blade broke against his skin, the emperor laughed Loudly behind more than 200 meters surrounded by his troops.

Emperor: Hahaha, you idiot, he had the true strength sealed from him, he is an angel who will bring God's strength against you...

Once he finished saying that, the angel turned towards the emperor, unfolded his wings, huge pure white wings, formed a hold in his hand from which fine beams of light came out that cooperate in the heart of the entire army, he ruled, leaving the field littered with corpses, only the emperor stood, trembling and confused.

Emperor: Hey, what happened.

Angel: being insignificant, the only reason I caught you is that I wanted to find a worthy enemy.

He turned to me.

Satou: you have my respect, you are the first one who forces me to unleash my true form in 1000 years, that's why I won't kill you, but in return I want us to have a meeting, I want you to show me your true power, that's all.

Satou: I gladly accept, it's good to have a rival, my name is Satou.

Angel: I am Baldur, one of the last Angels.

Satou: It's my pleasure. SOLDIERS, RETIRE!!!.

General: Sir, we can't leave you.

Satou: Don't worry, he has no intention of killing me, nor I him, this will be a friendly match. Shut up at about 10 kilometers and activate the shields at full power.

I ran out in an orderly manner, the spectators followed them, we waited chatting until they reached a distant hill. Apparently I don't want to lose it.

Satou: well, I'm ready, sorry for the delay.

Baldur: don't worry, now, we start?.

Satō: Sure.

I washed giving him a strong blow on the roof that the rumble omened the earth, but I was standing as if nothing with my fist on his chest. He threw a blow at me that seemed like the roar of a Dragon, his arm covered in flames collided with a shield that believed pushing more than 100 meters.

I got up with my whole body aching from the impact.

Satou: not bad, now it's my turn.

I released half of my power, Baldur's eyes lit up on fire, he was excited, the matches continued with attacks causing explosions that reached the bomb sleeves.

The terrain was full of craters, we were both full of dirt or bumps.

Swimsuit spat out a bit of blood.

Baldur: hehe, that hurt.

He raised his hand creating a sphere of fire 100 meters thick, compressed it to less than 10, it was thrown against me, I received it in case of high speed that prevented me from dodging it.

((Point of view of one of the generals))

The King has been fighting for more than 20 minutes with that angel, I thought they were entities that surpassed even the Lordragon in a resounding way, but our monarch is fighting alongside him.

Giant explosions are seen in the distance, now a sphere of fire has formed, after hitting the dream I create a wave that is directed towards us.


(Satou's point of view)

Satou: coju coju, shit, what a lot of dust.

The face of the angel after seeing that nothing had happened to me was priceless, his surprise was so obvious.

Satou: It's time to finish that.

Saying that I released half of the power that was still stored, I jumped a kilometer in the air and created a sphere of fire with fireball, I filled it with my mana to the point that it turned blue, and half more than two meters, I threw it with all my strength to the ground.

The impact was equivalent to an atomic bomb, a dome of fire was formed leading to a shock wave, after that the mushroom cloud rose from the clouds.

I fell to the ground using the impulse of wind magic, my fall took off much of the dust, on the ground half dead was the angel.

I walked up to him and start healing him.

Baldur: you are, you are a point monster,

I like you.

After the movies that was evicted, I finished quoting it and uploaded it behind my back, I like it for some reason.

I ran towards my soldiers, the mountain was destroyed, only the part protected by the shields existed.

Seeing my arrival they all stood to attention, placed their right hands on their hearts and shouted.