
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Ch#10 dance

((I have barely been able to rectify this chapter, sorry for the inconvenience))

When she woke up there was no one up, Cara was sleeping next to her in the same room, apparently they took a liking to her, the little girl couldn't sleep because she had nightmares so they stay with her. I took and prepared a monumental breakfast, finished the girls began to come down attracted by the smell.

Satou: good morning girls, Sit down, I already have breakfast.

Leah: Good morning.

Elizabeth: Good morning.

Cara: Good morning sir.

Satou: Cara you don't have to call me formally, we're family now.

Face: yes.

We had breakfast quietly, I had planned to go with the girls to buy clothes for Cara but what a surprise.

Lia: Satou, we have a request.

Hehe, a trio.

Lía: we want to work on venturing out, we don't want to be a burden to you.

Elizabeth: If we owe you everything we have, you'd be dead and I wish I was.

Satou: You don't have to think like that, we're partners, you're not a burden.

Lía: we really want it.

It gives me that it is not only for that that they want it.

Satou: Well, in Exchange they will carry weapons made by me and after leaving the village they will be helped by two golems that will guarantee their safety.

Lia, Elizabeth: Yes.

I made two swords out of mirthil bathed in a layer of steel that hid their true form, I don't want to bring you trouble. To Ilia I also gave more arrows and to Elizabeth a dagger and a small shield, all of mirthil hidden in steel, they were light but indestructible equipment.

That's how they left the house, staying with Cara.

Satou: Ok now let's go shopping.

Face: yes pa..Satou.

What was that? I think I've heard my name before, let's leave it.

We left, we were still seen by some nobles, others avoided even looking, these being some of those from yesterday's meeting, it seems that the King kept his word. We arrived at the store that seemed more expensive and luxurious, her eyes were popping out, like every little girl, she loved all those things, but despite that she didn't ask anything so I had to intervene.

Satou: good, there is someone who is dedicated to something like choosing clothes for one.

Salesperson: Yeah sure, Miss Carolain takes care of that, I'll call her back in a moment.

Carolain: Good that I can serve you.

Satou: Here, I want the best clothes for this little girl.

I threw a white gold coin, when they caught and see what it was, it did not fall on itself.

Satou: Excuse me, you're listening to me.

Both she and the receptionist and Cara were not taking their eyes off the coin.

Carolain: yes of course.

He called a team of 10 workers and they took Cara away, then they brought her in a beautiful dress that was like she was especially for her.

Carolain: what do you think sir?

Satou: I like it, by the way bring a change of clothes to walk too and clothes that are comfortable.

Once everything was brought, they placed it in bags and we left the store being dismissed by all the workers with a bow.

From there we went to eat, I took her to the most luxurious place in the city, it was advised to me by the princess yesterday, everyone was surprised that a man dressed was in that place, Cara was a little uncomfortable I passed her my hand and she calmed down showing a pure smile.

Once the meal was over, we went for a walk through the square, we sat around the fountain that marked the center of the city, I bought some sweets that were sold near it and when I walked towards the face there were two soldiers surrounding it, I approached.

Satou: something is offered to them.

Soldier1: shut up commoner, or you'll also expel them, this area is not for animals.

Face: Dad helps.

After saying that she realized how she had called me, the truth is that she doesn't bother me and although she is like my little sister it is even better if I can be her father.

Satou: don't worry now we will continue with our walk, daughter.

A smile was engraved in her eyes, she and she didn't even think about the guards who called her an animal, but I did remember it.

Satou: In that case, what are two shits like you doing here.

Guard1: how did you say scum.

As he was about to swing his sword at me he was stopped by another Guard who appeared, he seemed of higher rank from the decorations on his armor.

Guard 3: stupid, detect right now.

After that he knelt down and apologized, you don't have to be a fortune teller to know that he is informed of who I am.

Guard: Commander, what are you doing?

Commander: You two kneel and ask for forgiveness or you will be sentenced to death.

Without understanding it, but seeing the fear of their commander, they followed his example, then they asked them to have a good day and we continued walking, now with my daughter.

Cara: Dad, you are very important, are you a prince?

Satou: why do you say so Cara.

Heads: is that you paid a white gold coin that I had only heard of in legends for clothes for me and then the soldiers pressed before you.

Satou: It has nothing to do with that, I'm just an adventurer who sells metal to blacksmiths and other places.

Cara: I don't believe you, dad seems very strong, for me you are a prince.

Coming from a little girl saying something like that, I don't want to rectify, so we continued until we got home, we ate something and then I put her to sleep, she asked me to sleep with her, I knew she had nightmares so I did.

I woke up early, Cara was with one foot on my face, chimera of moving asleep, at least she doesn't look like she was having bad dreams.

Today I stopped by the school, I want to enroll Cara to learn and be a useful person when she grows up, after breakfast I took her to the facility, the director did not want to enroll a demihuman but after accepting a small bribe there were no problems, Take Cara to her classroom with the principal. Before leaving her, tell her that you would come pick her up at the end of classes.

Try to spend a quiet day, I said try because as soon as I left school a soldier arrived who seemed to have run kilometers to inform me that I was requested at the entrance to the city, clearly I did not wait for the soldier and go ahead, but Na You see, there I met the princess who wore a custom-made armor that slightly highlighted her skills, wow, good distraction technique for the enemy, when she saw me she blushed and then went to where I was, she made a serious face and knelt down. Everyone was scared but at the same time anguished.

Lilian: Mr. Satou, I beg you, we need your strength, we have been warned that the neighboring Ruler Kingdom has advanced or diverted its army, we thought it was attacking our enemies but it has allied with them and now 20 thousand troops are marching towards the city, we don't have enough men here, we only have 7 thousand soldiers and less than 500 guards, please I beg you.

Satou: raise your head Lilian, a princess shouldn't do that.

Lilian: It is my people who are at stake, please.

I took her by the hand and stood her up, concern was palpable on her face, she was desperate, I had no choice, I kissed her.

Lilian: but...but what did that come from?

She had a face like a tomato, she no longer looked tense or worried, my remedy was successful, what a good excuse.

Satou: I only fulfill the bet with the laugh, besides, you are calmer now.

His already red face seemed like it was going to explode remembering that his hand was given to me by his father, which I can say that he didn't seem to dislike, come on, I don't have a daddy face either, and with the increase in level I have a body that isn't either wrong.

Lilian: But you can't do that in public.

Or in private, yes.

Satou: later we talk, now where is your father?.

Lilian: Be outside the city, organizing the soldiers and preparing the defenses.

Satou: fine I'll go.

Lillian: Wait.

Satou: yes?

He lunged and half kissed her lips.

Lilian: If he comes back, I'll give him another one.

I couldn't say anything, I was speechless, I only thought of one thing. "There's not going to be a fucking soldier left in the enemy army."

I walked to the outskirts where the 7500 soldiers were forming, in front of them the king.

Satou: Hello, you need help.

King: Satou, I must say that I am surprised to see you, no matter how strong you are, it is dangerous to be in a war and even less against Ruler, since they have two giant red dragons in their ranks.

Satou: Let's say I have a good motivation.

King: ajam, so yes e.

It seems to me that from here he saw everything.

Satou: well what do you need.

King: Our priority is to kill the dragons, I think if it's just the two of us plus a group of adventurers we've hired, we could take them on one by one.

Satou: tell me, the dance is standing.

King: what? As it might stand, no matter whether we win or lose the war will spread to the city, we may even be attacked from the rear by the criminals from the underworld group.

Satou: I will speak clearly, my daughter is at school and from what I see from here in that group of adventurers there are members of my future harem, so let's do one thing, I take care of the enemies, we resume the dance, what my daughter was excited about it and she also runs a shelter for small children and homeless people in the poor part of the city.

King: hehe, don't joke, there's no way.

Satou: Tell me, if there was, I would do those two things.

King: Yes, although there is already a house of that type that runs the Church.

Satou: Yes, but this will be directed by someone outside the Church and both humans and demihumans will be accepted.

King: I think it's fine but...

The King fell silent

You could already hear the enemy army marching in the distance, 20 thousand men marching together with two dragons over 15 meters high, something imposing that would scare anyone, come on anyone who had not fought against the 100th floor army. For me this was a piece of cake, those dragons seemed like babies before the one that possessed that demon and some humans, who could not against a dungeon orc, barely and could with these little ones that appear in the forests.

Well let's go now.

Satou: Would you mind doing me a favor.

King: I guess, this could be the last day anyway.

Saying that, another army was heard next to Ruler's Army, at the review there were the same number of men, although they did not have dragons, I did not care but looking back, the soldiers were terrified, some fell on their knees and began to subtract, well I guess I'll start the party.

Satou: In that case I have to tell you something.

king: yes

Satou: I, I am your father.

King: huh?

Everyone in the vicinity: heeee?.

Satou: hahahahaha, haha, my stomach hurts from laughing, I always wanted to say that. Hehe, well now seriously, I want you to order that no soldier intervenes once the combat begins and that includes him.

King: Just kidding. No, if you trust me a little, do it.

The King of the returned and ordered all his troops to do nothing no matter what I did.

Satou: Now, remember what my specialty was.

Without waiting for an answer I walked in the direction of the armies in front.


The cry was heard by all the soldiers, between enemies and allies appeared an army of golem dressed in heavy steel armor (mirthil bathing in steel). 1000 Golems formed in front of me, along with 50 arrow turrets and 40 catapults, 600 soldiers with turret shields and Spears wearing newly designed armor that turned them into walking walls. 300 archers and 100 common soldiers.

Let's show off.


All the golems stood at attention, both on shields and helmets they carried an engraved emblem, it was a dragon emerging and burning everything in its path.


The shield-bearing golems formed a 2-meter-high wall and brought their spears to the front, the soldiers stood behind to finish off anyone who came near.

The enemy army was 1 km away, at that moment I raised a mirthil sword with the same emblem.

Satou: fire!!

Archers began firing, catapult turrets following.

The army in front of us watched this scene in amazement, whoever would shoot from so far away is foolish. A few seconds later a rain of arrows fell on them, thousands died when they were crossed without problem, seeing the second wave of shots they tried to cover themselves with their escapes, it was in vain, the mirthil-tipped fleets went through them like sheets of paper.

King of Ruler: where the hell did that golem army come from, how many summoners does it have.

General: my lord our topas fall one after another, the shields cannot stop the arrows.

King of Ruler: bastards, when they asked us for help they never said they had anything like this, it doesn't matter, we will crush them. TO ALL THE TOPAS ATTACK!!!.

Both armies launched their attack, they ran nonstop against the shield wall, the arrows had already decimated 50% of them, the field was full of corpses, some began to flee, others continued to attack to foolishly reach the imposing wall from which spears came out impaling them. The few alive began to flee in fear of the massacre.

King of Ruler: it can't be, shit, shit, shit. The dragons, send the dragons.

The dragons were released, they took flight and headed towards me. Before that they landed before the shield wall, rather they fell, hundreds of arrows were embedded in their body, their wings were just pieces of minced meat, if you give them rest the wall opened and the soldiers came out, who finished off the beasts, counting the heads, which they took and carried before the king of Ruler and then returned.

There was only death on the battlefield, a massacre unprecedented in the history of this world.

I turned to where my allies were, most of them were shocked, the king was trembling along with another half of his army that was still moving in fear.

I do that to them, many recoiled .

Satou: well, there's a dance right?