
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Cap # 28 Heroes, this was not e

((Luckily I managed to do today's chapter, although it's one in the morning, sorry for the thousands of mistakes there must be, let's go as usual😅))

I've been watching the group of heroes fight for about an hour, one of the girls is in charge of giving support and healing with magic, the other is an attack Mage, the other boy who uses a spear and the idiot with a shield and sword remain, I admit that it took me a bit of work the first time I faced that boss, but adding their statuses are well above how I was, although I had the golems, they being a group should have finished this.

By the way, I discovered that after passing level 500, a change in my status occurred.

Name: Satō


-Possessor of all magic.

-conqueror of the primeval labyrinth.

Race: / magical entity / superior human rank E /.






Magic power:??????????????







-Creation of golem: lv90 12th phase

-transmute: lv40 4th phase.(available: iron, copper, aluminum, lead, nickel, mirthir, bronze)(Mass creation)

-pillar of fire: lv1

-souls of eternal fire: lv2

Now my levels are gone and the account is reset again, though it's harder to level up than before, also when I go from 499 to 500 the stats go way up, I don't even bother hiding them because of the mask that already does the job, like this it's easier to keep going.

They're already taking too long, the Mage has something called a mana blessing, but still she started to change color, she must have used up everything she had left. The healers are similar and the rest can't even with their soul.

I don't care about the idiot but the rest don't seem bad. The boss was about to attack them when I appeared telling him the head with a blow, it fell to the ground leaving everyone speechless.

I turned around and walked to the next floor, they tried to keep up with me but just by speeding up a bit I lost them, I kept going down floor after floor, the part where the golems were was empty except for some that appeared. Without worrying about anything, I resumed my task of completing the dungeon on the 20th floor after 6 hours to get here, I could have teleported but it is good for me to take advantage of the monsters on the way.

I spent 12 hours going down until I got stuck, I've had to escape from the 25th floor boss several times using "human" shield golems.

I did not want to come to this but there is no other. I created a fireball and started adding mana to it, while I was doing it compressed with a shield around it, if a normal ball has 50 mana it has 50 million, it kills me for a few seconds just like when I go from one continent to another .

I took a dizziness power stance, positioned myself on the other side of the floor, and tossed the wrapped wait into the boss room.

Championship as the shield fell silent, it was a dull sound, for a second the oxygen disappeared, I went out with teleportation to breathe, wait a few minutes and I went back in, there was nothing, normally there was a small ecosystem, but I only saw the floor of the labyrinth far and wide.

I flew to the boss room, only the walls existed, the door and the rest disappeared. The boss items were in the inventory along with the mob items, I hugged a whole floor, I have to be very careful, this kind of power will only be a last option.

Go down to the next floor, this boss was not that difficult, apparently the difficult ones are every 5 floors.

I went out to rest a bit and eat.

I headed towards a restaurant that seemed to be a good charity, in an alley I changed into a smart suit, without removing the mask and entered the establishment.

Waiter: Welcome sir, what do you want?

Magnus: Bring me the best meat you have and a good drink.

Waiter: to order.

I was half stunned, I don't think it's usually ordered that way in this place, I mean, meat and Ron is ordered at a bar. Does not matter.

They brought me what I ordered, it was delicious, I ordered 10 more servings to take away, I want the girls to eat this.

I finished, picked up, paid and went to the smithy.

Dakor: Boy, you're here, come, I have your armor ready!

I think he screams louder now than before.

We went to the room from before, there were fragments of black iron ingots all over the place. Broken tools on the floor, the oven still on and the work table full of blueprints.

Dakor: Look, look at this work of art!

He opened a cabinet revealing a black armor with red parts, it had a design that perfectly matched the sword.

Magnus: Damn.

Lady: that mouth young man.

Magnus: huh?, a hundred.

I turned my head, she was quite a beautiful lady.

Dakor: this is my wife Margaret, darling this is the guy I told you about.

Why is he talking so low all of a sudden?

Magnus: It's a pleasure miss.

Margaret: hehehe, miss, you flatter me, I came to tell you off because last night my husband did not sleep doing a job for you, but I went to bed well, besides you are wearing the mask that you think, if you later go through my store I may have some things that they interest you.

Magnus: It will be a pleasure.

Margaret: how respectful, I have to go, we'll talk another time.

As soon as he left the room Dakor grabbed me by the shoulders.


???: FIERA? (He whispered)

That came from the door where Margaret left, an hour of sweat pouring down Dakor's face, I can even tell he's shaking.

I called him and he reacted, he kept showing me the armor. He made it with 10 boss cores that I brought him, also using the knowledge of his wife who is an expert in her field of work, he added that the armor be capable of consuming cores, either to prepare or to make you stronger, the limit it's just the cores you can get.

I don't doubt his word, nor the abilities of his wife, she was the one who made the mask after all.

I put it on and he remembered his body, it's really amazing, I feel stronger just by putting it on.

Name: Satō


-Possessor of all magic.

-conqueror of the primeval labyrinth.

Race: / magical entity / superior human rank E /.






Magic power:??????????????







-Creation of golem: lv90 12th phase

-transmute: lv40 4th phase.(available: iron, copper, aluminum, lead, nickel, mirthir, bronze)(Mass creation)

-pillar of fire: lv1

-souls of eternal fire: lv2.

For his grandmother!!

Dakor: You can tell by the look on your face, this armor will give you a portion of the power of the cores as your own as long as you have it on, it's only about 10% but wow, that's cool!

Magnus: To be honest, I don't know what to say.

He gave me a cloak to hide it when I went out, such armor could try to try it and as strong as it is I have heard that the knights of the Kingdom are much stronger, to the point that their training met in finishing an S-class dungeon in one hit. I said it before, better avoid them.

I handed over the materials I've gotten so far to Dakor, this time I didn't give him all the cores, just the repeated ones since it made it clear to me that if they're the same as those that were already consumed, it won't do any good.

It's late now, I should go see the girls, no, right, they must already be on a trip, well, and now what do I do, I don't feel like going to my Kingdom now, nor to the dungeon either.

I ended up wandering the street, they tried to rob me twice, I left them with their heads buried in the ground, they weren't even worth playing with.

I got to a park, it's quite relaxing, with the fountains and everything.

Idiot: today we did a great job, we went up a lot, if we continue like this we will be unstoppable.

It can't be, seriously, this city is gigantic. What is he doing here.

Chica Maga: if we did well it was thanks to that man who helped us, we wouldn't have been able to pass if it weren't for him.

Curandera girl: that's right, you were just trying to show off and that boss almost killed us.

Idiot: come on mate, you do blister me right.

Boy: They're right, it's not just being silly, remember this is not a game, we can die for real.

Magician Girl: Hey, that's not the one who helped us.

Shit, they saw me, I better go, ne ne ne, let them go, I got there first.

Curandera girl: good, we wanted to thank you for saving us and.....

Magician Girl: Yes, we really appreciate what he did.

Boy: if it weren't for you we wouldn't be here.

The idiot won't say anything? I think I'll hit him. Mental note, add to list of future punching bags.

Idiot: I'm the hero Max, if I don't thank you it's because it's your duty to save us, we'll be dedicated to the Demon King, after all we have God's blessing.

Now you make it easier for me.

I took his head and buried it in the ground, now it looks good.

Jessica is the Magician, Carol is the healer and Cristian is the one with the spear, the other one is just the idiot.

Carol: The other thing I wanted to tell you is that he would help us a lot if you let us come with you into the dungeon.

Magnus: I like you three but I can't, it would be too dangerous for you.

Carol: I understand, at least you could give us some advice, the castle knights are much stronger than us and they don't want to help us, they think we are unnecessary and that they can take care of the demon king.

Now that you say it, I agree, with how strong the knights are, the heroes are nothing, and they have only increased 100 thousand in statistics with a whole day in the dungeon.

magnus; I only have one piece of advice, let someone else take the leadership of the group, someone other than this idiot. With this we will go further.

Carol: I understand.

They looked discouraged.

Magnus: Look, if you can get to 3 million in stats I'll help you train, long now.

They left after that carrying the passed out idiot, they were a bit enthusiastic

I feel a bit sorry, well, maybe they'll grow up enough in the future to help out against that demon king.