
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Cap # 27 Meeting with the heroes.

It's been a week since I started going down floors in this dungeon, the first five floors were a bit of a struggle but thanks to the practice I've gotten with the sword it's easier for me to take down the floor bosses.

I am in front of the boss of the 20th floor, he is a red ogre, he has two heads, in one hand he has a cane, as until now I have my golems entertaining him, these are about 10 times stronger than before, their size has increased minimally but both strength and agility is impressive.

I tried to make a risky move, I concentrated a large amount of mana on two 2 meter shields and when the ogre launched a blow with his staff I trapped his arm between both shields, while struggling I launched a cut that detaches his limb.

Contrary to what he expected, he didn't complain of pain, but took his arm and placed it on it, joining it.

Magnus: Well yes, this is not going to be that easy.

The boss's movements sped up and it was almost impossible to dodge him, the golem's mirthil spears barely hit him.

Charge head-on, order the golems that caught him, they covered him throwing themselves to the ground due to the weight, although he tried to free himself it was impossible, each golem equipment was as heavy as the armor I gave Baldur.

I didn't waste the opportunity and stuck the sword using all my strength into his head, I finally managed to defeat him.

I've barely rested this week, I haven't replaced my armor either, after an encounter on the 10th floor it was shattered, the sword is intact but nothing else, and the mirthil gear is just like simple cloth.

Today I will take a break, while I will leave golem on floors 5 to 9, which are the only ones where I have barely seen people, and their difficulty is acceptable.

I'm going to Dakor's store, I want to sell everything I've got and by the way look for something like a bow, some daggers, also a more resistant armor.

Enter the store.

Dakor: Haha, boy, I thought they had already eaten you!

How encouraging.

Magnus: Nice to see you too, I bring more products, but this time also from other floors.

When I said this some of the customers got hit

Dakor: go back through that door

First time he doesn't scream. I followed what he told me, I reached a room where there were ovens, a work table and various tools. After waiting for institutes, Dakor arrived.

Dakor: I'm here, first of all kid, you shouldn't be saying that kind of thing in public, someone could rob you, those materials are very valuable.

Magnus: My mistake.

Dakor: aaaa these kids right now.

He turned and reached for a drawer, he pulled out a completely white mask.

Dakor: look, this is one of my wife's creations, it will be useful to you, if it hits you in the face and only you can remove it, use stealth and concealment magic.

Magnus: I really tell you well.

Dakor: Don't worry, I'll charge you anyway. Now, how many materials are we talking about?

I started taking out a few copies of every material, even the ones on the 20th floor, including the bosses.

Dakor: Have you told anyone about this?

This is kind of weird.

Magnus: Nope.

Dakor: Well, don't tell anyone, if anyone finds out you will be harassed, someone who goes solo and reaches the 20th floor would be the main attraction. Mercenaries and thieves could try to take advantage.

Magnus: I'll take your advice, from now on I'll wear this mask in public, so I won't be recognized if someone finds me without it.

Dakor: ok, now to what you bring, I'll buy everything from you, but you'll have to wait here in the store for a while, I need to find the money.

After saying that he got up and left, I listened as he left the store, about an hour passed, he came back and sat in front of him, two bags came out of his ring, inside each one there are more than 200 coins ombicidian.

Dakor: I had to ask for a loan from the bank, luckily my brother works there, this covers most of the materials, the rest I still can't pay.

Magnus: In addition to this I have more than the simple ones, I offer you that in exchange for the rest you provide me with weapons and equipment of the best quality.

He understood his hand towards me.

Dakor: do we have a deal?.

I took it and accepted, after putting the materials in her ring I explained to her what she wanted, according to what she said she will have it in 24 hours even if she can't sleep.

Taking her word for it I left the shop, I know I practically gave away a lot of the materials but I have money to spare anyway, I went to the potions shop, but not before putting on my mask.

I have been a frequent customer these days

Veatris: Welcome.

Magnus: Well, I want 20 HP potions and 10 energy potions, of the best quality.

She brought them and charged me.

After leaving the store you could say that I am amazed, Veatris has attended me all these days and could not recognize me thanks to the cover-up.

???: Would you mind, you're in the middle.

Magnus: Hey, aa, aa, yes of course.

I ran to the side, I had stayed in the entrance thinking.

The one who spoke to me is a young man, he seems to be between 17 and 20, he has Asian features and wears holy iron armor. He stands out quite a bit.

Just in case it wasn't a problem, I went out and started walking between nearby stalls in order to gather some information.

Magnus: Hey, do you know who that is that came into the store?

Elder: If he is one of the summoned heroes of the Kingdom, they were introduced yesterday in the square.

Magnus - Thanks for the info.

The last thing I wanted was to have anything to do with the heroes, luckily I have the mask.

I keep walking and entered an alley after hearing a scream.

A group of men were assaulting a girl.

Magnus: You're out of luck.

Do not let them react to my words and highlight the sword making a cut that decapitated three of them, the fourth fell to the ground speechless. Just walk scorn and finish him off while he was petrified.

Magnus: Okay ma'am.

???: You, get away from her!

I turned around and saw four people, one of them was the hero I saw in the store, the others were wearing similar armor.

Magnus: It's not what you think, I was...

???: Miserable!

I activate wind magic and launch wind blades at me.

Activate shield, almost hit the girl behind me.

Magnus: You idiot! You almost hit the girl. Are you OK?.

Girl: Thank you very much sir.

She got up, stuck her tongue out at the hero, and left.

???2: I'm sorry for my friend's behavior, we just arrived two days ago, we haven't gotten used to it, my name is Carol, this is Jessica, and these are the sun, Máx and Cristian.

Magnus: Nice to meet you, I can't give you my name but it's a pleasure, now if you'll excuse me.

I left as fast as I could, but not before taking a look at his stats, they were over a million, it's a pity that the skills don't appear.

When I was away I went to my Kingdom, I want to take a look at how things are going.

As soon as he arrived I feel a rumble, I go out and there is smoke on the outside of the city, at the north gate. I fly at full speed and they were cart and Baldur fighting another angel.

Magnus: You can tell what's going on.

Carrion: Sir.

He was interrupted by a wave of energy that launched him against the city gate, I did well to reinforce it with a shield.

???: you are the king, perfect, a challenge.

He attacked me with all his might. I have all my power released although the mask, which I forgot to take off, hides it.

I took his hand and crushed it breaking the bones, then I took it by the head and flew with it, I took it more than 20 kilometers in the air, I threw its body up and created a sphere of blue fire, I threw it at it creating a explosion that dimmed the sunlight for a few minutes to leave the sky clear.

I went down and stood next to Carrior who was looking at me with a scared face.

Magnus: Well, problem turned out, now, how are things going. Any news from the girls.

Carrior: nothing important, 10 nations have allied to overthrow you claiming that you are a heretic and MO I know what else, we put 30 thousand soldiers and we killed half of their troops, about 100 thousand.

Magnus: nothing important, if you can call a meeting, for the leaders in four days, to all this, where was that massacre, I will not ask if we lost men because I doubt it.

Carrior: That's right sir, we didn't lose any soldiers, but about 20 are on medical leave.

Magnus: medical maja?.

Carrior: Yes, they ate some alcohol fences, for me or Baldur they are like a beer but for humans it is like a whole barrel.

What things.

Magnus: Fine or never mind, but then bring me some of those I've never tried.

I said goodbye and went to where the bodies were, it didn't take long, I created 100,000 soldiers of fire, these were much stronger than the first ones, they could be called second generation.

I equipped them with mass production and assigned half to defense and the other 50 thousand to be part of the regular Army.

I came back and Carrión had me a bag full of billboards, I ate a few and went to see Cara.

Face: Dad!

Magnus: darling, beautiful, how are you, I haven't been able to come for a few days, sorry.

Cara: Don't worry dad, Lilian and Elizabeth have taken great care of me. Dad, will you love me less when my little brothers are born?

The girls entered the room.

Magnus: I'm...br...brothers.

They both touched her belly when I said so.

I ran and hugged them.

Lilian: We didn't want to tell you until we'd be back.

Cara: sorry mom, I didn't mean to.

Elizabeth: don't worry face, it's normal that you get excited about having little brothers and sisters.


We didn't want to tell him yet because we didn't know what he would think. But Cara ran away, she was frozen and babbling, she lunged and hugged us.

Magnus: I... They make me very happy, mess, mess too.

Lilian: Yes, she went to pay respects to her ancestors, it's one of their traditions.

It is whiter than paper but she looks happy. When she got married a little bit she ran away, returned shortly after, she knelt down and handed us a ring.

Magnus: They want to marry me.

Both: yes

We did not expect this, it really makes us happy.

(Magnus POV)

I ran out to look for the rings that she had ordered a long time ago, between was I don't even know white gold coins, I came back and declared myself, both of them.

Shortly after I went to Ia's village, when he saw me he was very happy, I made him the same proposal and he also accepted.

The wedding will take place after they return, for now I will take care of protecting them even more, I arranged 15 thousand second generation fire soldiers for each one, using an additional escort, just in case. Although they take time to arrive, they will be useful if an emergency occurs.

I went back to my work on the other continent, that is, to the dungeon, again from floor 1, when I got to the boss there were the three heroes and the idiot fighting with him. what an inconvenience