
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Cap#22 Offers, Offers

CaTwo days have passed since we finished off the small army that the empire sent, it came in quite handy, well, it came to me, now I have 30,000 more soldiers of fire, 10,000 are completing the guards on the wall, that leaves 20,000 to use as a reinforcement to the normal army, I already have 50 thousand soldiers up to my hands in my ranks, the last victory spread like foam throughout the Kingdom, in addition to the fact that the soldiers have the best life insurance, in case he lost his life fulfilling his duty his family will receive what would be the salary of the soldiers for 20 years.

The plains that he believes have been very useful for training soldiers, for practicing military maneuvers and so on.

The girls arrive at the Kingdom tomorrow, I have already arranged a giant-style welcome, it will be spectacular, while I am killing time while practicing putting spells on objects thanks to the advice of a scholar in the city.

I just need to infuse an amount of mana, make the item resist, and then chant the spell, or whatever in my case would be thinking about it.

I have been designing a genius, I put the mana shield spell on a basic shield of my human army, it is similar to the turret shield but smaller, a human does not have the same physical qualities as a golem, I tried throwing some stones at it shield, a few milliseconds before the impact a mana shield materialized, as I have been researching an object like this would be considered a national treasure.

Magnus: woahhahahahahaha, hahahahahaha.

Shit, the maid who brought me breakfast ran out, whatever.


Butler: His Majesty, a letter has arrived.

Magnus: whose is it?

Butlers: It's from the Human Council.

Magnus: Human advice?

Mayordomo: the Human Council is a small country that is among the 5 big ones, this is independent, well, technically it is not a country, in which the Kings of all countries meet annually.

After the explanation I read the letter, they invited me to a competition between nations, the terms are clashes of 5000 soldiers, they will face each other in deadly battles, the winner after the eliminations is crowned the strongest nation, the entry to the competition it's 10 thousand white gold coins, and the winner takes it all.

Magnus: I was going to destroy the empire but this seems fun, I will be able to see the strength of all the human nations, send a letter saying that we accept and that we will arrive in 4 days.

Mayordomo: Sir, Congress is 12 days away on horseback.

Magnus: you send it, better, write it, I send it.

I took the letter, summoned my fire dragon, tied the letter to a ten-foot spear, and bathed it in blood of, of, nothing, blood.

Send the dragon with the messages, it flew away at a speed that seemed like a rocket.

Now that I think about it, that today of the Lordragon's life, and I'm getting bored of saying it like that.

Magnus "hey, what's your name"

Lordragon: "Sir, MY name is not possible for humans to pronounce."

Magnus: "I understand, in that case I'll call you Carrior, if you like."

Lordragon: "I gladly accept the name my master bestows upon me."

Magnus: Hey, and your daughter, I haven't heard from her in a while.

Carrior: "sir, he is going through the transformation phase from dragon to Lordragon, once he completes it, if you don't mind, I would like you to allow him to return to my Kingdom, since I left it has been a long time already."

Magnus: "Sure, don't worry."

We kept talking for a while, just trivial things, then I called the soldiers who were elected as generals, informed them of the changes that would be in the equipment and that they should prepare the best 5000 soldiers to leave at dawn after receiving their new equipment with the which would represent our nation in the human council.

They were quite reluctant to the idea, they preferred that I use the golems or the fire warriors since they are much stronger than them, but since that would take the fun out of it, I rejected them and convinced that they would go.

I did not sleep at all that night, I was creating a maximum warm armor, the shields that I had already designed, swords that launch blades of wind, arrows with penetration and that when fired are divided into 4 with replication magic, which only lasts a few seconds but It's enough to kill a few while it lasts. On the armors I used some gravity magic to make them lighter, just that, but the important thing, create a square kilometer metal platforms, there are hundreds of them, so imagine.

When morning came, the 5,000 men received their new armor. I took them to where the platform was, I made them center, I used gravity magic on the platform, then using giant ropes the Carrier lifted us with ease, it accelerated to the point of looking like a plane, I was using mana shield to protect the soldiers, otherwise they could die.

In just two hours we reached a point where we were one day away from Congress.

When we got down 50% had fainted, 20% urinated, 20% didn't move from their seat and the rest, they wanted to do it again, they belong to me.

Almost 10 hours later everyone was replenished, the platform returned with the Lordragon, I took the supplies and materials for the tents from the inventory, I spent several hours watching the soldiers practice, they looked excited.

After a day's march reaching the border, we were greeted by a gentleman on a Lordragon, ha, mine is bigger.

Knight: What kingdom do you represent?

Magnus: We are representing Blacia.

After a short, very short introduction we were escorted to a large area where we were allowed to set up camp, like this there are several more nearby, stop falling from other countries.

For my part, I left everything in charge of the generals and went to the city, it was relatively small, but a wealthy file, they were only luxurious mansions in which several people with crowns were seen, they must be the residences of the Kings.

They took me to one of the houses, it wasn't the best but it wasn't bad. Two rows of maids greeted me as I entered and gave me an invitation to the ball at the great Palace in the center of the city, the only big one being that the girls are due to arrive today.

I teleported to the Kingdom, I did it without measure, the trumpets sounded announcing the arrival of the queens...

(Two hours ago, Lilian POV)

The only information that Satou gave us was that we would be reduced wine, we had heard that about a month ago the tyrant who ruled Blacia was dethroned, this place has always had a reputation for the poverty of the people and the cruelty of the Army.

On the horizon you could see a giant wall that stayed from left to right, getting lost in the distance, being close to them a soldier on horseback went out to godparents, after asking for our names, he gave us some gold cards which had our engravings on them. names and other information.

Once you see the door handrail, which by the way was huge, we saw something shocking.

Lía: Those are undead.

Elizabeth: but fire, how can they be learned in fire.

Lilian: look, those are...

They were two of Satou's golems, they were acting as guards, we were all confused, there are thousands of undead in armor patrolling on the wall, they pass near human soldiers and don't even look at them, besides, FIRE! , they have the body covered with fire, it is impossible, that element is the natural enemy of the undead.

We hadn't noticed because of the impressive things there were, but the flag that flew on the wall and was on the armor was the same symbol that the golems had when they saved my father's Kingdom.

Concerned from a certain point of view we had an idea of ​​who had killed the King, the carriage stopped in front of the gates of the capital city after a couple of hours, when we crossed the gate the sound of trumpets pressed everywhere, it was a royal presentation , and the feeling of her were, we, the people were screaming.

Long live the queens.

Welcome queens.

We were applauded, it was clear, Satou had become the king of this nation, and apparently in the time he has been in charge he has done impossible things as usual, there did not seem to be anyone poor, even a little, everyone was with respect for quality, the streets are paved perfectly just like in the capital of Cracia, the houses seemed new, there was no garbage in the streets, nothing, except there were Golem patrolling everywhere and nobody said anything.

We arrived at the Palace, the soldiers took us with great delicacy towards the throne room, where there were five thrones, being in the center Satou, dressed, with the same Clothes as always.

(Satou/Magnus POV)

As soon as they saw me the girls rushed towards me to hug me, I did the same, human life doesn't interest me much, however these girls and face are important to me.

We were late for a while, then I told them the whole story and what is happening regarding the competition, part of them didn't like it very much but I convinced them, I had to attend a dance, but I didn't care, I spent the night sleeping with the girls and doing one thing or another.

Also, I made each girl an offer.

We would go to meet each of her parents to ask for the hand of her daughter.

In the case of Lía, her parents are in the melodic continent, she hasn't seen them for more than a hundred years because they had to leave, leaving her daughter in charge of the few that remain on this continent, Boy will have to use a lot self-control in a continent full of elves, Lilian already had the approval of her parents, the only thing missing was Elizabet, who, her father was a coal who sold her and her mother as slaves and her mother, dead. That left as the only objective to travel to see the parents of lia

The truth is I just want to take the opportunity to travel.

The truth is that the important thing is not the wedding itself, but that the girls agreed to practice on the wedding night.