
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs


Today I am finally going to let them know that they have everything ready and a fairly large house, let's go to a castle, I will not tell them until they arrive, I want to surprise them, it is a pity that I cannot take anyone with teleportation. I hope you don't mind traveling 15 days here.

Today in the morning I am just resting, I hardly have to do anything anymore, the statistics office is in charge of accounting and managing all monetary and civil affairs, I created another institution that is in charge of dealing with crimes, the office of justice, rectify the sentences a little, to make them harsher, now in addition to the beating they will have to do jobs such as street cleaning, sewage and other jobs that few choose. I have already achieved that more than 98% of the 'population works under the government, leaving out those who have their own businesses, who have to pay a tax with which they are satisfied.

All these works and the payment of salaries have led to the expenditure of almost 25% of the treasury reserves, this led me to give the population ways to spend the money and thus recover, the first thing was to build a spa in some hot springs that I heard of near some mountains. A luxury hotel in the outskirts, apply a modern design in the part that has huge swimming pools, restaurants and others, in addition its price, although it is high, you can pay a week in it with the average salary of a month, expensive, but profitable . The point is that the entire population is happy, we have open trade with the kingdom that is at the forefront in that sector, Augustos arrived recently, he created a gigantic branch which he transformed into the headquarters of his company, bringing with him that we became the center of commerce of half a continent in two weeks.

((2AM, 5 km east of Blacia border, commander's point of view))

Soldier: Commander, we will reach the border with Blacia in a few minutes.

Commander: Well, the king ordered us to finish off the new king and restore order.

I am leading an elite army of 40 thousand soldiers, I take with me the dragon squad, 20 dragons and our secret weapon, a former member of the elite force of king Lordragon, who also holds the title of Lordragon.

I see a member of the reconnaissance troops return.


Commander: what are you talking about, our spies reported that we had a free pass only 10 days ago.

Soldier: You have to see it, I didn't believe my eyes either.

Commander: Come on.

Order the entire army to set up camp and stay alert.

I went out with the explorer on the fastest horses we had, according to him we are two kilometers away, just one after crossing one of the mountains of the Cordillera de Gigantes, nicknamed after the giant monsters that inhabit it.

We passed the mountain and I was left with my mouth open, a wall that shone like polished iron extends as far as the eye can see along the entire border, two kilometers further to the right there seems to be a door through which a dragon could fit. Also, there are lights covering the entire surface of the wall, they look like guards with torches patrolling, there must be thousands.


Commander: hey, is this even possible.

Both the soldier and I just looked at the thick night in which a gigantic wall is seen illuminated by an army.

Soldier: sir, you trusted our strength, but….

I know, this is just, wonderful, and terrifying.

There we were for hours without saying a word looking at the greatest work I have ever seen.

Dawn was visible on the horizon, we returned with our army.

Commander: I really don't want to do this, but it's my duty.'' I whispered as I led the whole army towards the gates''.

The sky is clear, the weather is good, it's a good day to die, for the first time in my career this crossed my mind.

We were marching in formation, we were about 400 meters from the gate, about to cross a line drawn with stones that is in front of the wall at a uniform distance, at that moment a drum sound began to be heard.

Tum, tum, tum, turuturutùn.

We stopped the march, the sound was repeated over and over again at a volume that entered our heads, I turned to see what until now I consider a glorious army, they were nervous, they looked confident, the catapults and battering rams were ready to knock down the door and damage the wall.

Tum, tum, tum, turuturutùn

After we stopped, perfectly synchronized footsteps of soldiers were heard marching along the wall.

The sound stopped, a shower of arrows shot out of the walls that looked like a black blanket that even dimmed the sun, although it would be impossible to hit at this distance I felt worried.

The rain fell in a perfect row of arrows a few cm behind the rocks that made a line, it was a clear warning of what would happen if we passed that line, you could see a little concern on the faces of the soldiers, at that moment of tension and silence, the giant doors opened revealing 10 mounted soldiers who came out in our direction.

Lieutenant: I saw…they're coming to surrender right.

I hope so, although it is unlikely.

They arrived in a few minutes disassembling, they wore steel armor, the metal that began to circulate recently, they had an impressive design adorned by lines of blue and red colors.

Try to act like the commander that I am.

Commander: Why have you come, we only agree to speak if the usurper king surrenders.

I saw a grimace when I called the king like that, what the hell did they do to these soldiers.

Messenger: This is a warning, if you cross the line with an amount that exceeds 100 soldiers, or any of the dragons or siege weapons, you will be breaking the laws of our kingdom and it will be taken as a declaration of war!! .

After saying that he got on his horse and together with the others they returned. I could not withdraw for such an action, they acted as if we were children.


The soldiers run towards the door, the drums began to sound in an accelerated way with each step we took after passing the line.

Turùm, turùm, Turùm, turùm, Turùm, turùm.

With each beat of the drum came showers of arrows.

Commander: SHIELDSSS!!.

The formation became a block covering itself with the shields, the cloud of arrows arrived.

Commander: right?!

All the soldiers who were in the vanguard, 5000 good soldiers were dead in an instant, their shields pierced as if they were nothing, the topas next to me could not believe it just like me, I ordered the passage of the heavy infantry and the dragons , these covered the catapults and the battering ram, again the rain of arrows covered them, but it was different, instead of arrows they were a rain of spears of approximately 2 meters, the dragons flew towards the wall, these have an impenetrable skin for arrows and spears.

I felt something oppress my chest, the dragons fell as fast as the soldiers in the vanguard, there were only 10 thousand men left out of 40 thousand, the bodies were lying like mere flies, their corpses piled up like stones, blood covered the field bringing the stench of death until us, there is no other.

Commander: Send the Lordragon.

After giving the order, our secret weapon appeared from behind the mountains, it was 4 times larger than a normal dragon, not even Mirthir's weapons were able to hurt it, it flew past our heads at full speed, the spears fell on it bouncing Like rocks thrown against a wall, I was about to reach the door when lightning fell from the sky, trapping our dragon's neck with its claw. The most terrifying roar I've ever heard came from the attacker. He appeared out of nowhere, he is.

Hot: heh, heh, hahahahahahahahahaha.

Soldier: Commander!!!!.

((soldier's point))

The commander began to laugh like crazy after seeing that monster appear in the sky, suddenly when he called him he just turned and ran desperately, we all saw him, the man known as the second general of the empire ran desperately, he fled.

((commander point of view))

Coamandte: retreat, run, flee !!!!!!

It can't be, no, what is King Lordragon doing here, it's a nightmare.

I turned around for a second, our Lordragon was lying dead on the floor while King Lordragon kept one of his claws on his neck, he didn't chase us, he enjoyed our desperation. Above his shoulder a figure of a human with a golden crown could be clearly seen, smiling at us.

We ran non-stop for hours until we reached the other side of the mountain, we had lost, no, not only did we lose, they massacred us.

We declare war on a kingdom protected by a being that surpasses human understanding.

((Satou/Magnus POV))

The combat is over, my subordinate told me that an army was coming days ago, I reinforced the entire wall, even the parts that were not necessary with modified spear turrets, from then on I only gave it a bit of drama coordinating everything with the drums , I always wanted to do that ever since I saw it in a movie in my world.

Lordragon: My lord, what did you think?

Magnus: Perfect, they won't forget that entry, this will be enough for them to recognize us.

Do not waste the opportunity, I went to the battlefield and turned all the corpses into soldiers of fire, even the dragon, now I have a dragon engulfed in flames and looking like a zombie, this one scares the hell out of seeing it, good addition.

Although my human soldiers were scared by the spectacle that had passed before their eyes, they only applauded me as I entered the wall with a new army behind, they feared me, but knowing that I was their king showed respect more than fear.

That day I was given a name, a name that would be etched in the minds of all who escaped and even among my ranks.