
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Cap # 18 last preparations.

It's been 5 days since I diplomatically took over this city, according to reports 90% of the citizens are working, I opened a center that is dedicated to accounting for differences in sectors, one of its main tasks is to carry out a sensible survey of the entire country, but in a immediately they are intended to keep a record of each, not of the workers who have been hired, seeing 80% of the population, the other 20% are boys and girls under 15, who although many between 4 and 15 have asked for work they were denied, they are assigned to a different area, using a group of more than 3,000 workers, an educational institution was created with the specifications that I gave them, for now it is capable of accommodating 100,000 people, between students and teachers, the latter have It's been a headache, only a small, tiny part of the population is literate, I hadn't noticed that since I arrived, but normally the places were identified with drawings on the signs instead of letters , luckily Spanish is also used here. As a good sum is paid for teachers, it was not difficult to attract everyone with knowledge, today in the afternoon I will make public the law that education is compulsory up to the middle level, which at first glance is more than what many nobles have. This is the best way to guarantee stability and solidity, if a people know you, they will not be deceived, they will not fall because they will be raised on their own ideas.

Today I finished in a short time to cure all those who were seriously wounded or sick, these are stragglers from the first days who had not attended due to mistrust.

I'm taking a walk through the buildings where personal goods and clothes are produced, I'm putting to good use the materials that I have in excess of the labyrinth, be it the skins that monsters dropped, the meat, I even managed to solve the water leaks in Some places, in the dungeon there were elementals of different elements, the low level ones gave small stones, but the high level ones, at least of water, had the ability to generate water nuclei which each one estimated would supply water to the Col city. slow for a week, considering the thousands I have it will not be a problem.

Another matter is the aqueduct and sewage system, almost non-existent concepts, for its development the knowledge of all the connoisseurs on the subject was necessary, in the end it was developed on paper, its construction is underway, but despite a gigantic workforce and materials in absurd amounts does not mean that it is a work of engineering that takes time.

((Somewhere in the city))

We are a criminal organization, until now we have dominated a large part of the city with the support of some nobles, but since the arrival of that king everything has gone down the drain, those golems patrol day and night, ours fall without being able to do nothing against them, many others have deserted our ranks, because we are falling apart, a meeting of the leaders is being held today.

Bandit1: today we must plan a new strategy for our operations, both human trafficking and drug sales are almost in ruins, the smuggling of goods is not sustainable when they are almost free, we have tried extortion, in front of me one one of my lackeys wanted to get money from some children and was beaten by one of the golems.

Bandido2: Regarding future plans, we have something to tell you.

Bandit1: before they say anything, my plan is to attack the castle, I'm sure that if we pay someone from the servants he will give us access to the King's room, with that we will solve everything.

Bandido2: yes well, what we wanted to say is that we leave it.

Bandits: what, they can't leave, what nonsense are you saying.

Bandit2: My wife is working making clothes, her one-day pay is better than what she would get as a thief, besides, I heard that they pay just as well in construction, even better if you have experience.

Bandit3: in my case I would not dare to be against the King, my daughter, she is only four years old, she was born with a disease whose cure cost more than 50 gold coins, impossible for me even if I tried hard, but from the hand of that who you want to overthrow was healed.

Bandit1: they are fools, when this King falls everything will return to the same.

Bandit3: Going back, in addition to curing my little girl, it will now allow her to attend a school, not even the nobles have that privilege, they will also pay her to attend classes. It's the end.

Bandit1: bastards, I will not allow it, I will end everything.

Bandido3: We didn't want to come to this, we hoped you'll understand.

Bandit1: what the hell are you talking about.

He went to the door and opened it. A golem entered and approached me, I know that fighting these monstrosities is absurd, I tried to escape through an exit behind a cabinet, but I was intercepted with a spear that obstructed the way.

Bandido3: We have given ourselves, we were given the opportunity to provide something called public service. We will wear the bracelet with a signage that will allow us to work with half the salary, even with that we will be able to live more comfortably than now. But you, if you had accepted this would not have happened.

The spear went for my neck, this is bullshit.

Bandit2: fool who resists this King.

((Returning with Satou/Magnus))

What a good day, everything stood out, even the criminals give themselves up to each other seeking forgiveness and the opportunity to work. This will solve quite a bit, although crime is unavoidable.

Butler: sir.

Magnus: yes tell me.

My lord: everyone in the castle has something to tell you.

I was taken to the patio, where almost all the staff of the Castle were gathered.

Everyone: THANK YOU!

Mayordomo: all our families were in terrible conditions, although we will work here we were paid a pittance, now we can even put meat on the table, my wife was raped in front of me a year ago, nobody did anything, due to the beatings she was unable to her feet, but you cured her and killed the unfortunates who did it, in the same way happened to the rest, the father of the maids who takes care of preparing her bed has 5 little brothers, her social help allowed him to feed them and now give them an education they never dreamed of.

Magnus: You don't have to thank them, this is only part of it, I still have more to deal with. You sent the letter I asked you to do two days ago, there have been answers.

Butler: Yes sir, a letter has just arrived from Bolmon. Here he has it.

The letter was clear, the king would not officially recognize the Kingdom, until now the relations of this nation have been bordering on non-existence, building an international reputation will be difficult.

Magnus: Prepare a carriage, I'll go on a diplomatic visit.

Butler: But sir, going directly to one of the five is almost a death sentence for a king who took power.

Magnus: Don't worry, besides, because of the many resources I have, I can't sustain the entire country indefinitely, if we don't establish commercial relationships, everything advanced will eventually return.

Butler: I understand, please be careful, you are the best thing that has happened to us.

All the preparations were ready, before I left I left the indicated various orders, first I delivered 600 thousand plates similar to credit cards, using the information from the adventurers guild I was able to develop a way to place the main information on it by magic, it consisted of a fine plate of mirthir covered with steel, on it appeared the name, his address and a unique number with which he could be identified by a stone similar to a crystal ball.

I sent a hundred of the 400 golems that are not currently serving as direct security in the city, one to each existing village with the guidance of some of the early members of the army, although they do not exceed 300, at least I have some confidence in them, al be new to the job. Another 200 were sent to the border, until now there have been border posts guarded by soldiers, according to information they were eliminated but the structures are still standing although in most cases they were nothing more than poorly made wooden huts, in each one I had 2 golems and two soldiers, these will be in charge of checking each person who enters, collecting the toll and granting a card similar to that of the citizens but that is only valid for one month.

It's time.

Magnus: Coachman, we're leaving.

Coachman: Understood sir.

Contrary to the wishes of my butler and the nobles who from one moment to another have won their favor, on the one hand they did not approve of things like free health and education, but they were seduced by the results in structural terms, since thanks to the accounting office, I say office but there are currently about 1000 people working in it, taking everything related to paperwork with a pencil, they save a lot of work.

((Kingdom of Bolmon))

???: my king, what do you think about the change of king in Blacia?

King: I guess he's another idiot, I don't give him much importance.

???: Sir, I have heard that the current king is on his way on a diplomatic mission with the aim of founding commercial ties.

King: I have no idea how it will be, but Blacia is our vassal, as long as he pays us tribute I will not care in the least who directs it or what he does, however I want to be aware of everything that happens, send your best men to inspect as the dominant state.

???: Yes my king.

A few hours later in the barracks.

???: Captain Leoncio.

Leoncio: Minister, how can I help you?

Minister: I have a direct mission from the king, gather your best men, you will go to Blacia as a dominant state visit

Leoncio: Yes, sir, immediately.

Minister, keep in mind that if you see it necessary you will not be reprimanded for using force, currently Blacia does not have an army.

Leoncio: were they dissults?

Minister: No, they were killed.

Leoncio: MURDERED, but how?

Minister: We do not know the details, but taking advantage of the fact that the new king is heading here, there is no better time to investigate.

Leoncio: Understood, we will leave this afternoon.

((Hours later, a road between the kingdom of Blacia and Bolmon.))

Magnus: I'm bored, hey Carlos, tell me something, what does your daughter think of school?

Carlos is the name of my driver, at first he didn't speak almost for fear of the fact that he was a king but now he is like a friend.

Carlos: very good sir, she only attended one day but she came back very happy to have learned something new and to be surrounded by boys her age as well as girls to play with.

Magnus: I'm glad, by the way, you can read and write.?

Carlos: Sir, as a common person I don't know how to read or write.

Magnus: don't worry, when I return I will start to reform the school a bit and expand it, in the morning and afternoon the children will study, while in the afternoon the adults who wish can attend, also in case they feel reluctant to go for losing work, that time in school will count as work and will be paid.

I see Carlos quite happy, but this last one I let him have a party if I give him a bottle.

It's been about two days of travel, we have barely come across some adventurers, some travelers, a couple of merchants and nothing else, also two bandits, but with respect to that, the matter was buried.

I have not abandoned other jobs, during the break I went to see his face, he received me with a big hug and showing me his school notes, he must be a genius, in just the days since we met he already learned to write, come see Augustos and Valmir, I was talking with them for a long time, I filled their warehouses and incidentally I made an extra contract with Augustos where he would buy clothes and other wines made in Blacia, which although he did not like it very much at first, he ended up accepting after seeing the offer .

Then came the difficult part, I arrived at my house in Castia. I thought they would be angry for leaving them with a note but it wasn't that bad, Lia pe slapped, Lilian kicked her crotch and Elizabeth just started crying, after a while they forgave me, I told them that I'm working on Blacia They made scared faces, until now that country was in chaos, but after asking them to trust me, they didn't say anything else.

(( Leoncio's point of view))

We have been on our way to Blacia for two days, I have never come, I have only heard that he is a dunghill, I go with 40 elite soldiers.

Soldier: Captain, he has ever been to Blacia.

Leoncio: No, perhaps you have gone.

Some had already been on other official visits, the stories they have told me seemed sweet compared to what my soldiers recount, extreme poverty, diseases, corrupt noblemen, the army raping girls and so on.

Soldier: Sir, we are about to enter the Blacia border, further on is the toll booth.

Soldier2: There seem to be two soldiers standing guard, it's strange, last time there weren't.

Soldier: Well, the last time you came they couldn't stand up because of how drunk they were.

We arrived in front of the soldiers, we got off the horses, to our surprise two golems came out of the caceta like I had never seen before, they are more than two meters long and they are fully armed with armor and weapons made of some metal other than iron, maybe it is that rumored steel, though unlikely.

Guard: Welcome to Blacia, how can I help you?

Leoncio: I am Captain Leoncio of the Bolmon army, I am in official hearing.

Guard2: or of course, but to pass they must register and receive a citizenship card, this will allow them to reside in Blacia without paying taxes for a month, if they wish to extend their stay they must go to the accounting office and they will be renewed.

I did not understand well but they took out some cards made of a fine metal from inside the booth, they were similar to those of the adventurers, then a crystal ball, they made each of the soldiers take one and place it in the crystal, it It lit up and the name and some data appeared indicating that it was a temporary permit.

These are pretty expensive stuff, and they hand them out to visitors like nothing, besides, those golems would look like they'd take down one of my elite soldiers like he was nothing more than an ant, maybe we should be a little careful.