
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · その他
28 Chs

Cap # 15 led a human army for a short time.

(Sorry, as you know I didn't rectify what I write much before publishing, this one is a little more revised, thanks to the readers, remember to leave a star if you like the chapter)

Since I couldn't spend the night with Marci to return home, I explained to them that I couldn't say my name or show my face in what I was working on, so I asked them to call me magnus in public.

After waking up early I got everything ready and left, it was still around 5 am so I went out of town to see my subordinate and his daughter.

Satou: hello, they're here.

Lordragon: Welcome master, if you had warned me I would be waiting for your visit.

What nonsense, I had forgotten about telepathy.

Satou: Leaving that, how is your daughter?

Lordragon: thanks to you she did not suffer any damage, talk to her and accept my decision to be her subordinate.

Satou: I'm glad, hey, I'll be killing time in this city for a while, if you want you can do what you want, as long as you don't attract attention I don't care. One last thing, I heard something about a titan at the bar, what do you know about that?

His face got a little tight, I guess, considering it's covered in scales.

Lordragon: before that I must explain: in this world there are different levels of power represented by creatures, humans and semi-humans, along with common monsters are in the low range, although there are exceptions, then there are dragons, demons, superior demons, Lordragon, Angels and suspenders, the latter being only 4, one in the center of each continent, although they do not usually move.

This guy is in a mine of information.

Satou: something important. In terms of power, what range do you think I'm in?

Lordragon: Although you are far superior to me, you cannot be compared to a Titan, I would say that you are in the rank of the Angels.

Satou: Now that you mention it, what are they like?

Lordragon: Throughout my life I have met only two, they are creatures similar to humans, they had white wings and indescribable physical abilities like you.

Satou: don't flatter me so much, a human almost beat me yesterday.

Lordragon: sir, you are not able to use much of your power because you don't know how to release it correctly, I could teach you.

Satou: That would be great, wait, I don't have to fill out any papers right?

Lordragon: I don't know what you mean, you should only consume blood from an already awakened being.

Satou: Although it sounds gross, if it's to awaken power I wouldn't mind.

Lordragon: In that case.

The dragon with his claw pricked his arm and a drop of blood came out, a drop the size of my head.

Satou: Wait, is there any way to seal the awakened power myself, so I want to break a wall when I accidentally lean on it.

Lordragon: You can seal their power and release them whenever you wish, I observed. [Migderi]

After those words the dragon hit a tree, it didn't do anything to it.

Lordragon: Go, seal 99.9% percent of my power.

Satou: I like it, let's go, this, how much do I take?

Lordragon: Just a Drop.

Satou: I guess a drop regarding my size.

I put my hand in the drop of blood and dropped a little into my mouth, I instantly felt chains inside me break, outside it ran through my entire body, a wave of energy was released from my body.

I quickly cast the spell and seal half of my power.

Satō: ready.

Lordragon: master I think you should seal a little more.

Satou: why do you say that?

Lordragon: His current power would kill me with one touch.

I re-cast the spell until I reduced the power so much that it didn't seem like I woke him up, I had to practice a bit but I got it.

After that I went back to the city, first day of work.

I arrived at the military zone, I was told that the men who would be under my care were waiting outside the city, along with an order from the blood general.

I went out until I reached the outskirts, there was a fairly large camp, there were some soldiers training with the sword, others carrying equipment and other tasks.

Soldier: all sign to receive the Captain General!

They all left their tasks and stood at attention, I ordered them to rest, they took me to a tent where the leaders of each group of soldiers were,

Satou: report.

Elite Soldier1: Captain, we currently have a food supply for a month, the equipment received is of average quality, although the soldiers are below average since they are all rookies. In addition we were given the motion to wipe out such barbarians to the north of here, their tribe has been bothering us for a long time, but both their numbers and warriors are significant.

Satou: well, we will start the training in 1 hour, prepare all the soldiers with the equipment and weapons on.

Elite Soldiers: Yes, Captain!

I like their ways of speaking, military discipline is of good quality.

During this hour I was reviewing the armor and weapons, they are made of iron, they are not good but they do not work. Bows are simple and arrows I don't think can go through a shield.

An hour passed and the thousand soldiers were formed on the plain, once I stood before them I heard some laughter, apparently they do not agree that someone my age is the captain general.

Magnus: I am Captain General Magnus, from today I will be in charge of this battalion. For your doubts, yes, I am young, if anyone has something to say they can step forward, if they want I will let them challenge me, if they win, they will become the new Captain General.

After this almost 100 had stepped forward.

Magnus: I have a special training planned today, so I'm going to face them all at once.

I separated them a little from the others, they unleashed their swords, I activated my aura at minimum power and some moved, others trembled on their knees, some urinated on themselves, the encounter ended before it began.

Magnus: Okay so you're all set, now you're going to give the city an account, if you're not back in less than three hours you're going to have to face me, with that being said, you're going to run with gear on top of that.

I took out some small weights, they all put them on and started the race, I followed them closely, halfway and most of them were about to fall, but noticing my approaching aura they increased the pace, once in front of the finish line their eyes had hopes, ahead of me and wait for them.

Magnus: Congratulations to those who made it, the challenge, get ready, now I'll take care of you.

They were all on the ground.

Magnus: I'm glad they're on the floor, that way they save their way, they'll do 100 push-ups in batches of ten guided by my voice.

They clearly didn't approve but couldn't refuse, mainly out of fear. After that I let them rest, that would be all for today, most of them stayed on the ground without being able to move, the next day I did the same, then I went to the Palace, I was informed that General Merci complied with her motion and would arrive shortly .

I waited for her, she arrived with her usual appearance. After seeing me she told me to follow her, I was taken to a bathroom, I took off my clothes just like her, after that I was able to admire her completely, her sane was beautiful, I washed my sword and so we were in the water for a while, we We changed into simple clothes and I was taken to her room, when we were about to enter I felt something strange and I stretched out my hand towards Marci, I stopped a mirthil dagger a few millimeters from her face, she was surprised.

Magnus: Are you okay?

Marci: yes, thank you, where did she come from.

I activated my perception, we were surrounded, everyone looked like assassins due to the fact that they had capes and used daggers.

Magnus: We are surrounded, stay behind me, I will protect you.

I was focused on the assassins but you can see how she blushed at my words, I was surprised coming from her.

Marci: don't worry I'm not defenseless.

Magnus: I know you're strong, but these guys have mirthil weapons, they're not normal assassins.

One came out of the shadows, tried to cross him with his dagger, but I stopped it and drawing a sword I hit him in the chest counting him in two.

For a moment I saw how the rest fell back, they began to attack uniform after another, they were good, their coordination made me fail to attack them, in the end I managed to finish them off, their equipment was superior to any soldier I've seen so far.

Screams were heard from the throne room, the guards had suffered casualties but still managed to win by their numbers.

Once we cleared the castle of intruders reinforced by the Guard, we received a report that together with this attack they had detonated magical explosions throughout the city, I ran towards the house, it was destroyed, on fire.

Magnus: n-no, please.

I desperately entered the rubble, picked up the rubble and moved everything.


I yelled their names but no one answered, I finished searching, I didn't find their bodies, I calmed down for a few seconds, until I saw Lía's bow. She wouldn't leave without him.

I approached an old man who was shooter on the ground, I healed him with magic.

Magnus: tell me what happened here!?

Old man: some, some men handed over and took the women, I tried to get closer to help but the exploitation made me go back and fall.

Magnus: They are, they are, THEY ARE TRYING TO HURT MY FAMILY!!.

Magnus: LEGION!!

At the sound of the command a thousand golems appeared around the city walls.


The roar of the Lordragon was heard in the skies causing more panic than the explosions.

Then a voice resounded in the head of each of the living beings that were within the walls.


only silence was heard in the city.

(In the basement of an out-of-the-way house.)

???: What are we going to do, the legion of assassins is almost eradicated, no one returned from the Castle.

&&&: that's not the biggest problem, why the hell did you bring so many women.

In the room were a dozen women bound and gagged.

???: You know the boss likes to take away trophies.

&&&: What if you didn't hear that voice, there's also a fucking giant dragon flying over the city.

???: Don't worry, we'll threaten her and we'll see if any of them are one of those three, then we'll use them as hostages.

&&&: yes we go that.

After beating some of them, they found the three, there were only a few minutes left until the step taken by that voice was fulfilled.

???:we go.

They took the three girls to a cart without removing a strange handcuffs.

Arriving at the city gate they saw a group of dead soldiers before 10 giant armored golems.

They approached them, took out the girls and placed a knife on Ilia and Lilian's neck, the golems did not move.

Lordragon: "Sir, they are at the west gate."

I teleported to his location, seeing him my blood poured, the three had bruises and wounds all over their bodies.

Magnus: don't worry girls, I'm here.

???: walk away, we let go and we will release them.

Magnus: Let them go, noo you will be punished for this until your death.

With a quick movement like the law, I approached taking the edge of the dagger with my hand, after applying force I caught them by the neck, I threw their airport bodies by the efficiency towards the Lordragon that had landed, he took them with his claws and I take them up the mountain.

I took the girls and healed them as much as I could.

Leah: thank you.

The three sleeping alley, the mental exhaustion must be terrible, these swords seem to have magic, this explains how they were able to defeat them. After taking them to an inn that was still in operation, I withdrew most of the golems, the rest followed me in two columns, I positioned them at the bottom of a wall around the establishment. I went straight to the mountain.

Magnus: Now couple of trash, tell me who and why they attacked my family.

???: Haaak, I, I don't know anything.

&&&: please, don't do anything to him, I'll tell you everything, the idea of ​​using them as a hostage was his.

Magnus: I guess you're the smart one.

He drew a sword and cut the other in two, falling his broken body next to his partner.

Magnus: Now tell me everything.

&&&: We only follow orders from our King, he wanted to invade Castia to take slaves and resources, women were only a trophy....

That was the last thing he said after being crushed by a giant Lordragon claw.

Magnus: we go west, one was born. She must disappear.