
Isekai Global System: Rags To Riches

Global Isekai System: Rags to Riches Dio, a disillusioned middle-aged man, finds himself trapped in despair and regret after devastating betrayals. At his lowest point, contemplating suicide, Dio's fate changes when a mysterious voice grants him a second chance. Transported to his childhood with a unique isekai system, Dio keep gaining experience and keeps leveling along the way as he faces challenging problem and with the help of his past life knowledge and isekai system. In this new life, Dio takes on the challenge of building a company from the ground up, starting with a call center. Despite being the driving force behind the business, he hire another as the CEO of his company, as he prefer to work in the field he is best at on the field calling with his team. Publicly, he takes on the role of sales manager instead at just the age of 16 years old. Memories from his past life's failures in stock and crypto markets, Dio vividly remembers key events, such as bull and bear markets, and plans to use this past knowledge to his advantage. His journey begins with just a crisp 50 kroner note bill and a 5 pack of Go Gimon cards and a dream, leveraging his Isekai Global System to create a brand he plans to expand globally and change the world for the better. Perfect for teens and new adults, "Global Isekai System: Rags to Riches" is a gripping tale of determination, growth, and the pursuit of success. Dive into this captivating adventure and be inspired by Dio's incredible transformation!

UndeadSoulUltra · アクション
64 Chs

Act - 35: "Nova Enterprise VII"

Date: June.10.2015

I showed Evelyn around the office, pointing out key areas and introducing her to some of the staff. She took everything in with a calm and professional demeanor, jotting down notes on her tablet as we went along.

"And this," I said, leading her to a desk where Lars was seated, "is Lars, my good friend and our sales champion."

Lars sighed contentedly, standing up from his chair. "Yes! Five sales on my first day!" he cheered, oblivious to our approach.

"Lars," I called out, and he turned to see us, his eyes widening in surprise. The moment his gaze landed on Evelyn, he froze. It was as if time stood still for him. His mind raced with vivid daydreams of him and Evelyn in a happy relationship, sharing laughs and tender moments.

"Lars? Hello, Lars?" I said, waving a hand in front of his face.

He snapped back to reality, his face turning a deep shade of red. "Uh, hi, I'm Lars," he stuttered, trying to maintain his composure but failing miserably.

Evelyn noticed his flustered state and decided to have a little fun. She reached out to shake his hand, looking him directly in the eyes. "Nice to meet you, Lars," she said, her tone playful. "I've heard great things about you."

Lars, completely rattled by her gaze, stammered, "N-nice to meet you too, Evelyn." His hand trembled as he shook hers, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her face.

"Keep up the good work, Lars," I said, chuckling as I patted him on the back.

Evelyn gave him a teasing smile. "I'm looking forward to working with you, Lars," she said, her voice dripping with charm.

Lars nodded vigorously, still blushing furiously. "Y-yeah, same here," he managed to get out, clearly struggling to keep his composure.

As we walked away, I glanced back to see Lars staring after us, his expression a mix of admiration and disbelief. Evelyn laughed softly. "He's adorable," she whispered to me.

I grinned. "He is. And he's one of the best salesmen we've got. You're in good company, Evelyn."

"I'm sure I am," she replied, a mischievous glint in her eye.

By the end of the day, the office buzzed with a palpable sense of achievement. We'd secured multiple sales and hired promising new team members. I gathered everyone in the main office space.

"Everyone, gather around!" I called out. The chatter died down, and faces turned towards me, expectant and excited. "I want to thank each of you for your hard work today. We've had an incredibly successful start, and I think that's worth celebrating!"

A cheer went up from the crowd, and I smiled, feeling the camaraderie and energy.

"Mr. Johan has graciously called in a favor to get us a private room at La Bella Vita," I announced, referring to the fanciest restaurant in town. "And Onio has arranged taxis to take us there. So let's get ready to celebrate!"

The office erupted in cheers and applause. Lars, who was still somewhat flustered from his encounter with Evelyn, gave a loud whoop, and even the usually composed Mr. Johan allowed himself a grin.

As we waited for the taxis to arrive, I stepped aside and dialed Jaken's number. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, Jaken. We're heading to La Bella Vita to celebrate. You should join us," I said.

"Sounds great, Dio. I'll meet you there," Jaken replied.

I hung up the phone just as the taxis pulled up. I ushered everyone into the cars, making sure no one was left behind. The excitement was infectious, and laughter filled the air as we all piled into the taxis. Onio did a quick headcount, ensuring everyone was accounted for.

At La Bella Vita, the staff led us to a beautifully decorated private room. The table was set with fine china, crystal glasses, and elegant floral centerpieces. The ambiance was perfect, with soft music playing in the background and candlelight adding a warm glow to the room. Everyone took their seats, and I felt a swell of pride and joy. This was just the beginning of something great.

Jaken arrived shortly after we did, greeting everyone warmly. "Congratulations on the successful day, Dio," he said, giving me a hearty handshake.

"Thanks, Jaken. I'm glad you could make it," I replied, genuinely happy to see him.

As we all settled in, I raised my glass. "To Nova Enterprise and to all of you. Here's to many more successful days ahead!"

"Cheers!" everyone echoed, clinking glasses and smiling. The sense of unity and accomplishment was palpable.

As I sat down, the familiar chime of my system echoed in my mind: Congratulations! You've leveled up to level 13. Choose stats to upgrade. I smiled inwardly, selecting Intelligence and feeling a rush of clarity and insight as the points were allocated.

The waitstaff began to bring out the first course, an exquisite selection of appetizers that had everyone murmuring in appreciation. The conversation flowed easily, with stories of the day's triumphs being shared. Lars recounted his first sales call success with a grin, while Evelyn and Onio discussed their favorite moments from the interviews.

Mr. Johan leaned over to me during a lull in the conversation. "You did well today, Dio. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Mr. Johan," I replied. "But this is just the start. We have a long way to go."

He nodded, a twinkle in his eye. "Indeed. But if today is any indication, we're on the right path."

The main course arrived, a decadent array of dishes that satisfied even the most discerning palate. Laughter echoed around the room as we enjoyed the meal, and for a moment, all the pressures and challenges of the business world seemed distant.

As dessert was served, a rich chocolate torte that was almost too beautiful to eat, Jaken stood up to make a toast. "To Dio and Nova Enterprise," he began, his voice filled with emotion. "You've built something special here, and I have no doubt that this is just the beginning of your success. Here's to many more victories and celebrations."

"To many more victories and celebrations!" we all echoed, raising our glasses high.

The night continued with more stories, more laughter, and a sense of camaraderie that would serve us well in the challenges to come. As the evening wound down, I took a moment to look around the room, taking in the faces of my team, my friends, and realizing how fortunate I was to have such incredible people by my side.

This was the start of something extraordinary, I knew that my empire will soon flourish with my team members and my isekai system, it just a matter of time until Nova Enterprises will reach the top.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 13

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 6.4millions krone.

Associate - 6

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 10

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 6

Company - 1

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