
Is this the famous Reincarnation? Rewrite

Synopsis Teppei wished to become powerful and get harem life with an anime girl he liked. Unbeknownst, The Goddess sent him to a disastrous world. As he wishes became true, but not as he thought it would be…

consiano · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Teppei - 01

( My name is…. Wait… Who am I again? It has been a long time, I forgot my name... but people around me called me with my code name. )

Teppei remembered that after graduating from college, he had an accident and he was meeting a Goddess. He didn't know how the Goddess looked since all he could see was just a white being floating in front of him.

Goddess gave him a chance to be reincarnated to a different world. He also said to Teppei that he will grant his wish.

Teppei gave her several wishes.

He wanted to be strong.

He wanted to have magic.

He wanted to be great at everything. Like fighting, swordsmanship, etc.

He wanted to have a harem with a cute girl to flock to him.

And for the last and important one, he wishes that his new world has waifu in the anime he knows about.

Goddess nodded, gave a big smile, and thumbed up.

'It was easy,' she said. I can do that, but… you will have a rough start, she said.

It was nightmarish…

In the end, Teppei was reincarnated as a baby and his family had an accident in flight. It was a miracle he could survive from a disastrous accident, maybe because he had a grace from God.

But, he was picked up by a crazy organization who does research to make the perfect soldier with magic. Drugs, training, mock battle, and thrown to the battlefield in poor countries with civil war.

It was a miracle he could survive, maybe because of a grace from Goddess who sent him.

Next, job was Assassination.

After that experiment – experiment – war – war – experiment – experiment –

But, once again…. It was a miracle he could survive, maybe because of grace from Goddess. He has done this since he was a child. He is what people call a Child Soldier.

One day, the experiment went out of control and he successfully ran away. Before he became a Mercenary in the Third World as a soldier who can do anything.


Teppei regretted it.

If he could come back, maybe he would wish for something simple like a happy family or ordinary happiness.

But, he wished he became strong.

He wished he could use magic.

He wished a harem.

And the Goddess fulfilled his wish in a way that he never thought of.

It had been 16 years since He was reincarnated to a new world.

Teppei finished the maintenance of his weapons. There were several guns and knives that have been maintained. Two year after the organization was destroyed, he worked hard as a mercenary.

Teppei didn't have any actual identity so it's hard to leave this country. Sometimes the remnants of organizations come to take revenge on him and attack him from nowhere. They were very annoying, since because of them if he went out, he needed to cover his face.

"Do I need to live like this forever?" Teppei talked to himself while looking at the windows.

This world was really different from his previous world. Since Teppei wished he came to the world where there will be anime characters, this world was more cartoonish. The colors, shapes and atmosphere of this word were more similar to the background from anime and games that he often watched or played in his previous world.

They also had crazy things. Like supernatural beings and other stuff, what people expected from a 2D world.

Teppei saw it several times when he was still in the organization. That was one scary experience. They were really dangerous.

[ Bep - Bep - Bep ]

Teppei heard his device calling. It was usually his agent who sent him a mission. Even working as a mercenary, Teppei usually worked alone and he became famous after destroying his previous organization base. It made it easier to get a mercenary job.

[ Mission : Save a Japanese person who had been captured by Terrorist.The file will be send immediatly prior of you respond. ]

"Hm… what is it?" Teppei looked at the message and when reading it he could feel something. It was a feeling that he always gets time and time again. What people called it… a guts feeling?

It was just like someone told Teppei to do it and this feeling had been forever since he reincarnated. Sometimes it helped Teppei big time. It's like plot armor? He guessed it.

[ I will take it. Please, sent the file. ]

Teppei replied to the message and prepared himself. It wouldn't take time for the file which contained the information that he needed to know about his mission. The profile of terrorist and the Japanese person who had been captured.

Nishikino, a reputable doctor and hospital owner.

"This name… It's like I heard somewhere…" Teppei couldn't help but to feel like that. The most important thing for him right now was to help him fast.

After reading all of the information, Teppei immediately went to the terrorist base.

The location was a building far away from civilization. There were hills around the building and many people guarding it.

What Teppei needed was to go in there and save Nishikino who likely will be in the room somewhere in the base room.

"Well, I'm going in."

Teppei sneaked around the building. Since he could use magic, it would be much easier to sneak without people realizing if there were other magicians in the building it would be more difficult.

It was quite easy for Teppei to jump a wall and enter the backyard without being noticed by a watcher at the tower.

Even though Teppei could say he was a magician. He actually couldn't use flashy magic. Especially when his mana and magic skill comes from experiments. So basically he just has only one skill, but these people love his skill. It was a godly skill by their standard.

Mana Manipulation, the skill that made Teppei, could manipulate mana in his body and around him too. He could manipulate mana to become anything as long he had enough mana for it.

The downside was Teppei needed more mana to manipulate something. For example, he could make a fireball, but it needed three times the amount of mana other magicians usually spend.

Even so, it made Teppei become versatile and could become strong too. One of the problems was that the Teppei mana pool was so small, that these people needed to make his mana pool bigger than ever.

So they used the easiest way to expand Teppei mana pools by doing Mana Transfer. The most efficient method to raise the amount of mana in Teppei bodies is to take it in from the outside by doing sex act. It could be by kissing not all the way, but intercourse is the efficient and fastest way. That's why Teppei's mana pool became bigger than other magicians.

Opening the locked door was easy for Teppei. As long as it's not a digital one. Since Teppei could make a key form with mana.

Teppei was running in the hallway. He killed as many people as he met. It was not that difficult, when he got used to it.

Attacking the neck was very efficient against humans.

The room leading to the basement was filled with guards, Teppei didn't think that he could defeat them all without someone noticing him. The fastest way to kill them was with his magic. Since he was close enough with the target.

Teppei used it. His magic.

"Mana Chain."

Teppei used magic that shaped his mana to become a chain with sharp edges. Ten chains was enough to kill seven people in the room. Some of them looked like they were taking a break.


The chain easily pierced the human body. Teppei usually targeted fatal parts like the heart or head. After the chain pierced the body, he finished them by spinning the chain and ripping apart the body. The room was immediately filled with flesh and blood. This scenery was just like in a monster movie.

Teppei went down to the basement.

No one there.

Teppei entered each room and searched for a man. He found someone in the middle room.

Teppei checked the man who had been captured. He is maybe around 40s years old. He still found it difficult to distinguish the ages of people in this world since they particularly had the same feature face.

"He is fine."

Since it will be easier for Teppei if he awoke. He woke him up by splashing a bit of water on his face.

"Wah.. What happened? Who are you!? I didn't have anything to say." He stared at me. He thought of me as someone who kidnapped him.

Teppei didn't really want to do that. but it can't be helped. He opened his cover face.

"Calm down. Are you Mr. Nishikino? I came to rescue you. Just follow my back and never try to leave me." Teppei spoke with his language while releasing him from being tied.

Mr. Nishikino was surprised and answered.

"Yes… I'm Nishikino. You… so young… Is there anyone with you?"

"No! Just me. So just be quiet and follow me."

Teppei could hear the alarm go off.


Teppei walked out from the room followed by him. With his mana control and skill, he could use his mana as radar.

Teppei easily found a terrorist who tried to ambush me. He used his auto-rifle this time. Fired and killed the terrorist.

There was another reason for Teppei to don't feel afraid of terrorists. Whenever they were shooting, it was not effective to him.

Teppei usually makes some kind of shield in front of him. It was not strong enough to really repel the bullet, but that shield was made in the shape of a triangle so it was enough to alter bullets projection so the bullets didn't hit him or the person behind him. It was a quick trip and mission after Teppei destroyed another terrorist base which was good for him since his fame will be increased.


Teppei took him to the Ambassador, his face was pale after experiencing horrific events.

"Hey… you really did this alone…" He asked Teppei with a trembling voice.

"Yes, of course. It was not that difficult."

"Really… I can't believe it. It was like a movie. Also… are you from rescue?"

"No… I do it alone. After I heard someone from my country had been kidnapped."

"You are doing it alone. You looked the same age as my daughter. Who are you?"

"Me… I am Fourteen."


"Yeah, people around me call me that…"

After that rescue, Teppei's life had a new chapter.



In that big white room, someone was playing a tone while sitting on her throne.

She looked happy.

"I never thought he could live this long."

She was a goddess that usually gave people to be reincarnated to another world. She was in charge of the soul that was a little special.

Recently, her job became annoying, especially when people came from that area called earth.

They always wanted absurd things even though their karma or good deeds were not enough. She was one of the kindness goddesses, so she granted their wish in exchange to cover a shortcoming she needed to sacrifice her power..

For a long time, she did that until her power decreased greatly. She couldn't survive if this kept happening.

Until she found a way to make sure their wishes came true, her power didn't reduce that much, and she slowly recovered her strength.

She would put a reincarnation human especially who wanted many things in harsh conditions, but if they worked hard. They could achieve their wish and be happy.

As a Goddess, she couldn't be directly involved with people in the world after all, especially since her power had diminished and her existence could vanish in a moment's time.

Even so, A Goddess wants to fulfill these human wishes. She loves them after all. You can call it tough love. That's why she needs to put several conditions to make a chance for them?

Putting the reincarnation human in a harsh condition didn't reduce her power that much and she loves to see humans doing their best and past through hard challenges and fulfilling a new destiny.

Even though she couldn't actually be involved with them. She still could give them a signal. Or maybe what these people called Gut Feeling, it will be their choice to follow that Gut Feeling or not. Sometimes, she just gave some absurd warning or signal.

Even so, not all of them followed such vague things. That's why a lot of them failed to fulfill their wishes.

Until that guy came out. He wished something absurd for someone like him. So she put her in a world full of chaos. He wanted to be close with his waifu and harem, after all. There was no other world that could do that except that world.

He wanted to be strong, able to do magic and all fighting skills. But she didn't think he could do it. She meant he was just an average guy in a past life. What audacity he wanted to be like that. If she gave what he wished for, her power would decrease, and there were still many reincarnations she must do.

Oh, how about she do something that became easier for her. In that world, they had a crazy organization. She put him in there to make people in that organization do a job for her to fulfill the wish.


He wanted a harem. That was perfect. Actually that world was made by a wild god who put too much story in one universe but didn't put any power to any protagonist. Which is a disaster!! And the wild god actually doing something unforgivable as a God which he actually tried to enter those worlds, and he collided with something impure and it made him become something like an Evil Being that could became a demon lord or something like that. It was a perfect timing for her to send him so he could save the world and heroine and made a harem for him.

Such perfect timing… It will be difficult, since he would be fighting something like a lower-tier God level of evil-bing, but it's fine, right? He must be loving to become something like a protagonist.

It may be weird, but when the soul wishes something. It was something that truly they wanted. Since in her space, those souls couldn't lie. It was one big reason why she never rejected their wishes.

"Well, I wonder how this person's second life will be." The Goddess while humming in her throne. In the room that slowly crumbled.

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