
I don't need help

But I am only thinking of the Unknown Hero.

Hope I could see his face. I think I am crazy about him. I was thinking of my 'Unknown Hero', and walking simply.

Suddenly, I saw Kevin returning from the hospital. Should I go and ask whether he's ok or not? No, I should not go. Why will I?

He gave me sleeping pills in the form of bread and juice. He's a guy who will never love a girl truly. Today we all are free because of Kevin's accident, as classes are stopped. I went to my room thinking and thinking about him.

How can a guy make me so mad at him? I should thank him for his kindness. The bell rang, and now I should head to the canteen.I will be so happy when I will see his face. Those eyes which looked at me were full of love, care, anger, and respect.

I went to the canteen to see mostly all our couples were sitting there. I also saw Kevin and George sitting withing with what?

George is sitting with Siya and Kevin with Regina?

I don't care about with whom they sit but Regina was telling me that Kevin is refusing her and all but I can't see them quarreling.

Oh! Regina kissed Kevin in front of everyone in the canteen, and there George and Siya started to quarrel.

I asked the quarrelling couple, "What happened guys why you two are quarreling?"

Siya turned at me and remarked, "You know what Cristill, George never loved me. He only wants my body, not my soul."

I could not tell Siya that I already know that George doesn't even like her. So, I questioned Siya instead.

"But, what happened guys? Why do you think so, Siya?", I asked.

Siya: "I love him truly. I never have or had attracted to someone as well as if they ask me out, I refuse as I truly love him.

But George doesn't.

He talks with me when he feels like and that also he wants kisses and forced me many a time to have sex with him, but as I refused him, he stopped talking with me."

Although I thinking to tell Siya about George who also tried forced me, but I didn't. As I don't want her to be sad.

Regina was also sitting and listening to our conversation very seriously, suddenly she whispers something into Ryan's ears.

I wonder what she's whispering to her. Siya is continuously crying in front of me and George is just ignoring all these kinds of stuff happening here.I am feeling so guilty as I cannot tell Siya what George tried to do with me. Should I tell? How can I?

I tried to comfort her, "Siya, please don't cry. There must be a misunderstanding."

Siya answered, "No it's not just a misunderstanding. I now can truly get all these kinds of stuff clear. Why did I love a guy like him? Why did I? What have I done that God punished me like this? I have never done wrong to anyone. Suddenly, George shouts at Siya, which I hated.

I never liked someone bullying others.George shouted so loudly that the whole canteen gathered there.

George asked, "What the hell has happened to you, Siya? Why are you overacting so much? There's nothing to over react."

How can George shout at Siya like this? How could he?Siya is not overacting, she's just telling the truth.

Siya got more puzzled and emotion.

Siya stammered, "I...I am overacting? Cristill, am I overacting? Please Cristill please tell... please. Why do I get this?

After seeing Siya at that stage getting scared and emotional. I really felt very bad. Though she is not a friend of mine but then also, she doesn't deserve this.

George shouts again looking towards Siya, "What the hell has happened with you both? Stop this nonsense, now."

Siya looked down with teary eyes which she was trying her best to control. All of a sudden, she ran out of the canteen. I stood there blind and deaf. I am feeling so bad for her. But hy so?

I thought to run after her. I cannot leave her like this. I ran but cannot catch pace with her.

I am suddenly feeling tired and I cannot even stand. I could not see anything as my vision started to blur. I wanted to shout for help but I couldn't.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the bed in my room. How come I'm here? Who helped me? Why did I passed out suddenly that time? I don't know why I have fainted.

I could feel someone calling my name but who? I couldn't see.

Ouch! My head is hurting so much. What the hell happened to me? My head is paining too much. I was lying in the corridor when I passed so I'm really surprised who helped me.

Was it him? My first love ' My Unknown Hero'?

Who else will it be? I hope I could see his face. Does that mean he picked me up in this arms and brought me here in my room?

I started to smile thinking him helping me.

I asked myself, am I smiling or am I blushing?

I feel like that no one in this whole universe is as happy as me. I think my head has got all the heaviness of this world. Wait a minute!

What's that? Is that a letter? Yes, it is and it's for me? I should see it now. Maybe it's from him, only?

The letter says, "I think that you have not eaten properly these days and haven't take care of yourself, that's only the reason you fainted. I left some pills there for your headache.

Take the pills properly and take care."

Aw! That's so sweet of him. It's really very fascinating that I'm head over heels for him.