
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · ファンタジー
20 Chs

The shine of the stars. (3)

In all of existence there are countless stars, each one with a different brightness and size, there are stars that move throughout the universe and those that only stay in their place of origin, even stars that change size and brightness in minutes and minutes. even in seconds.

Void star, that was the name they gave to a star about which nothing was known, when something and even a simple wave passed at a distance where its size could be verified, it disappeared into the void as if it did not exist and in seconds It appeared thousands of light years from its previous position.

The brightness of that star is so much that it is even said that even a god could only look at it for a few thousandths of a second. The temperature it gave off varied every moment, which made it more unique and coveted by unknown beings.

At this moment 5 shadows were found millions of light years from a star. Its brightness reached where they were so you could see the greedy eyes of each of them.

With every step they took in the vacuum of space they appeared thousands of miles away. Getting closer and closer, his attention focused more on the star to the point that the others had disappeared from his sight.

A few minutes later they were close enough to feel the unique temperature of this star. The five leftovers separated and surrounded her, putting their hands into wormholes that appeared on either side of them, each of them took out a token from which came thousands of rays of lights that connected together forming a dome of a abysmal size leaving the star trapped.

One of them entered the dome and instantly appeared in front of the star, his body freezing and burning at the same time. Regardless of the state of his body, the being stretched out his hand to touch the surface of the star.

If one compares the size of the sun of the Earth's solar system with this star, there would be more than a thousand suns missing and now in front of this enormous star was a being 2.10 meters high.

Although he was like dust in front of the star, his hand carried an infinite amount of power that could destroy a planet by the simple pressure it emanated.

The being touched the surface, the star trembled but not because of the power of the being, but because of a power that began to emanate to break the restriction of the barrier that had trapped it. Seeing this, the being put more power to keep the star under control, but the amount of power it made him retreat, spitting a black liquid from his mouth.

Seeing this the other four beings approached the star and helped suppress it. When the star stopped emanating power, everyone sighed thinking that they had already achieved it, but a moment later space and reality itself cracked, forming a black hole that swallowed the star, instantly sawing itself off.

The beings tried to follow the star, but were repelled and expelled by the pressure of the black hole, leaving the 5 seriously injured. Each of the five beings released their murderous intent and power destroying half the galaxy, all the galaxies around them trembled, forming a large number of planets into chaos.


Somewhere in the void of space a large crack appeared that formed a black hole, from which a huge star emerged that little by little became smaller, to the point that it looked like another simple star. The brilliance it once had was replaced by a simple light that could only illuminate its surroundings.


On a bridge a blonde boy was looking at the sky witnessing the stars of that beautiful night, he took out his phone from his uniform pocket and took some photos of the beautiful view in front of him.

With a smile he saw the vast sky for the last time, for a moment he stared at the stars. Seeing the starry sky, he was lost in his thoughts and unconsciously murmured something:

''Is there a heaven above the sky?''

He thought for a moment and looking at the starry sky and answered: ''yes there is''

Without knowing how all those thoughts came to his mind, flooding his mind to the point of causing him pain.

Closing his eyes for a few minutes, he sighed, leaving all that behind. Seeing the time on her phone, he decided to continue on the way home.

When he finally passed the bridge he looked at it one last time and said in a low voice the last doubt that would not leave his mind: ''But what happens if there is a sky above that sky''.

Shaking his head, he began to walk quickly home without realizing that one of all those stars he was looking at before was heading towards him at a speed that far exceeded light.

The star got closer and closer, but it never lost the tiny size as the boy had seen it from the bridge. A few seconds later it collided with his back, a small explosion formed destroying everything around him, but without damaging the boy or his clothes.

The boy only felt pain and fell unconscious without knowing what had happened. The only thing he thought before falling unconscious was how worried his mother would be if he didn't come home.

In the boy's heart an energy and lights of an infinite number of colors appeared, seconds later they began to gather and little by little they formed a tiny, but beautiful multicolored sun.

The boy, unaware of everything that happened around him and in his body, did not know that after tonight his life would take a turn...