
Is it wrong to not having god blessing in dungeon? (Danmachi fanfic)

A boy suddenly awake in the forest running from monsters he meet wandering spirit which save him by giving spirit blessing. At that moment he regain his past life memories along with skills Get creative and LP conversion from hidden dungeon only I can enter. * I don't own danmachi or any other works mentioned in this fanfic. * i dont own this picture. * this story will start by exploring the outside of Orario first and then later he go to Orario

ExtraordinaryMe · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 5 Meeting my first God

In the bustling fantasy city of Norak, the streets were alive with a vibrant mixture of humans, elves, dwarves, and beast humans going about their daily routines. The city's architecture was a mesmerizing blend of ancient and middle-age stone structures. 

Amidst this enchanting atmosphere, a man stepped into the heart of the city. His presence was magnetic, not only due to his striking handsomeness but also because of his unspeakably immense strength, which emanated from every muscle in his powerful frame. He moved with an aura of raw power that turned the heads of everyone in his vicinity.

As he entered the city square, a hushed whisper passed through the crowd. People couldn't help but turn their gaze toward this magnetic newcomer, and their voices fell to a reverent silence.

The air seemed to shimmer with anticipation, and those who had witnessed his arrival would later recount the moment with awe.

The young women of Norak were not immune to his allure, and they couldn't contain their excitement as they glimpsed the extraordinary stranger.

Some, overcome by infatuation, dared to approach him. A group of bold and confident girls, their eyes sparkling with curiosity, giggled and exchanged playful nudges as they strutted toward the man.

One of them, a raven-haired Amazone with an enchanting grace, couldn't resist reaching out to lightly touch his bulging bicep. "Welcome to Norak, are you new in the city? If you mind I would be happy to show you around," she purred, 

It took the Handsome man who is our MC Notcis few seconds to recover as he blushed for a second at actually having pretty girls get closer to him like those popular.

He may have developed both physically and mentally through training but he is still socially underdeveloped. 

Thanks to to his skill Cold-blooded he recovered from his blushed state.

(notice Mc image)

"Thanks, young lady! But I currently have other business but first, could you show me the way to the Guild" he refused gently her purpose.

She may be pretty but I am by no means a cheap man who would lose his virginity to some pretty mob, indeed this time only a high-quality woman can Satelfie me.

She has to be Capable, strong, famous

sure looks are important but being pretty looks isn't enough for me anymore.

"Sure I could show you the way"


Her companions watched with envy as she boldly engaged the newcomer in conversation.

So pretty human girl with brown hair in a ponytail comes closer to Notcis.

"mister what is your name?"

"Norcis Grandworld"

"my name is Jenny ,Notcis-Sama do you have place to stay? My place own one of the best inn in the city"


" what is so funny" Jenny ask the laughing Amazoness.

"one of the best?! You must be joking right? Your family is at most Avernge no below avarange as your mother cooking have gotten worse lately"

"what did you say you dirty bitch!?" she shout at the amazoness holding her in the clothes threating her for a fight.

"Do you want to fight?" the Amazoness push her away.

It maybe enjoyable girls are fighting over me but this become boring Norcis think while stopping them fighting.

"Please stop fighting, Jenny i will maybe come visit later "

The girls imedditaly stopped fighting jenny smiling hearing his answer.

" really then i will go home to preapre for your coming"

her happy face sure is cute he think for himself.

In the crowd, whispers of admiration and envy filled the air.

"Look at those muscles; he must be a warrior of immense strength." says one of the men in the crowd.

"He is So hot, I wish I had half the confidence to approach him!" a frustrated girl on the side says.

Others were not as enthusiastic, their tone tinged with skepticism resulting from the jealousy of the girls paying attention to him:

"What's the big deal? It's just muscles and good looks."

"Is he really as impressive as they say, or is it all show?"

However, the stranger's incredible presence and power left no one indifferent, and whether in admiration or doubt, all eyes were on him as he stepped into the heart of Norak.

Which includes one blonde man with travel clothes.

"Ohh this is interesting," he says before leaving elsewhere.

On the way, he learned a few things -

First, he is in Norak city which exists in The empire one of the strongest nations in the world possesses many high-level people even reached level 5 .

Among the countries, some countries create guilds run by the government to keep people safe from monsters.

Those guilds work fudfimally like Orario guild and have branches in any big city.

When reaches the guild he thanks the Amazones 

"Thank you for showing me the way"

"sure thing you can come to me for help for anything... Include this kind!" She gives him a sign with her hands that suggests sex.

For Notcis this was rather arousing but his mind beg diffrent.

"Sorry but at the moment I do not need that kind of help"

"What a shame, then come to me if you ever need me, I will give you special service," she says while leaving him alone at the guild.

"Amazones are sure open about their sexuality, even though I almost said yes but the skill forced me to calm down," he says to himself.

" this time this was a good thing but I started to think it may extend to the situation I want to happen, so would have edited the skill later," he thought while taking out a bag full of magic stones.

Norcis entered the Mage Guild in Norak with an air of confidence, his striking presence not going unnoticed. He approached the guild's exchange area, where a young and diligent guild worker named Alaric was attending to the day's transactions.

"Good day, sir," Alaric greeted the newcomer with a polite nod. "How may I assist you today?"

The man placed a large bag on the counter, which clinked with the unmistakable sound of magic stones. "I have some magic stones that I'd like to sell," he replied with a charming smile. "Around a thousand of them."

Alaric's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but gasp softly. "A thousand magic stones?? That's a significant amount." Alaric looks at the young man in front of him, he does seem strong but not someone familiar.

"Do you mind if I ask which Familia you belong to? And do you have a guild membership?"

The stranger's smile faltered slightly, and he hesitated. "I'm not affiliated with any Familia, and I'm not a guild member. These stones were acquired during my travels."

Alaric's suspicion deepened as he considered the enormity of the transaction. It was highly unusual for someone unaffiliated with a Familia or a guild member to possess such a large number of magic stones. Something didn't quite add up, and Alaric's instincts told him that he needed to investigate further.

"Okay before receiving the stones I would like to ask you a few questions, what is your name?"

"Noctis Grandworld"


"16 age old"

"Where are you from?"

"Born in Thornhaven village which was destroyed by monsters three years ago, then moved Celestria village living there three years"

"What did you do there?" Alaric continues to ask.

"I trained there for three years" 

This starting to feel like an interaction with Noctis.

"How are you gathering so many magic stones?" Alaric thought no single man could hold so much so he suspected Notcis killed other adventurers and got his magic stones.

Understanding the situation he lies to get out of the situation.

"by killing monsters the past three years" 

"Okay, we will check the legitimacy of the magic stones" Evilus members and supporters are suspected of causing Chaos even outside Orario so he has to take precautions with any suspicious individual.

Notcis not knowing the reason behind the guild member's action boiled with rage almost crushing the inferior man's head for wasting his time.

Just as Alaric contemplated the next step, a blonde-haired figure appeared beside him.

"Alaric dear how are you? How is Carmilla she give birth to safely?" asked the Guild member disturbing the sale.

, causing both the young guild worker and the mysterious seller to be taken back for a moment by this man.

Notcis regains his calm quickly analyzing the man before him the man has blonde hair and orange eyes. He wears a feathered hat. He is slender and of medium height with skinny arms and legs sticking out of his clothes, with orange hair with flowing locks. He also has effeminate looks and an overwhelming charm.

Most importantly strange Aura around him, could he be....