
Is it wrong to be a Pokehero in a dungeon?

Alternate Title: PokeHero:(A tale of a backline mage who wants to be a manly swordman) Jonathan Inferna a man known by many names. The second coming of Salamander by spirits ,Sage of the forgotten age by humans ,Arsonist supreme by the elves. But to him he was just a withered old man long past his time. What happened to the young boy who's soul burn brighter than the sun itself, what happened to that optimistic lad who never gave up even when the world was against them .What has happen to make that boy oh so long ago turn to this. A sad and lonely Wizard hiding from his past and society He was content with this life. Until everything changed when she came into his life. She forced herself into his life by making him take her as a disciple and then forced herself into his heart. Like a raging bull of optimism and positivity she decimated the wall he made in his heart and forced him to realize that life is more than just self pity. Everything changed after her, he joined the hero's party in hopes to finish a dream he long gave up on. He must have not been heroic enough because his story was cut short with no happy ending. But now he's given another chance, in a world where God's walk among us, a world where monsters spew from the earth fangs waiting for a moment of weakness to devour all that come before them. This world was many things: A world where he doesn't have to be a mage anymore was, a world where he could finally be a Hero and have his own happy ending a world where he can live with no regrets. Follow Jonathan now Ike on his journey to find out what being a hero truly means with the last semblance of her legacy.

All_Mighty_Reader · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Becoming an Adventure:(Chapter 002)

"Wake Up! You lazy bum".Naaza said throwing the door to his room open.

"Huh," Ike said snuggling Pidgey and Clover the Honedge harder in this sleep trying to find as much warmth as possible

"Don't huh me, get up. You have things to do" Naaza cried out as she pulled the blanket off Ike causing him to yelp in surprise.

"I'm awake, no need for screaming this early Ms.Naaza" Ike replied still very groggy as he rubbed his eyes

"It's Noon" Naaza told him with a neutral expression.

Hearing this Ike got up and he nudged Pidgy and Clover awake getting the attention of Naaza wondering why was he sleeping with a bird and a sword.

"Where did the bird come from," Naaza asked looking at Pidgy who was slowly starting to fall back asleep.

"Magic," Ike said calmly adjusting his cloak and recalling Pidgey back into its Pokeball while attaching Honedge to his back. He believed she could pass as a normal sword unless she moved. it should be fine leaving her out.

Naaza deadpanned at his answer not getting what she wants. She decides there are better uses of her time than questioning a stranger about their past.

" You need to register with the guild. We already have enough on our plates I don't need a freeloader added on top of that. Lord knows Lord Miach already cuts into our bottom line enough by giving those potions to those vixens." Naaza said with a little bit of venom-leaking from her voice at the second part.

"Understood. May I have any directions to the guild?" Ike asked as he finished fixing his clothes and covered his face with his hood

"When you leave the store, go north from there and take a right on the first intersection and go straight north until you reach Dian Cecht's familia and just continue right from there. You can't miss it's the really big fancy building where all adventurings are going and leaving" Naaza said before grabbing a bag off her hip and handing it to Ike

"And here, this is the money for your registration and basic equipment don't lose it or I'll make you kill those monsters with your fist." She said as she glared at Ike with distrust before turning around and leaving

"I don't think she likes me very much, Clover," Ike said as he then left the room a few seconds after Naaza.

Clover just wiggled in agreement in her sheathe

"Well it's the job of a hero to win maiden's hearts to their cause right?, This challenge will only make me a better hero when it's over," Ike said leaving the store with a proud smile and a new goal of making the cold and distant Naaza like him. How he would do that..well that will be left to future Ike.

Don't expect an Archmage who lived in Isolation with the only human contact he received being the occasional Army trying to take his head for 'glory' or every other bullshit reason in the books, and his not-so-normal disciple and the very much not-so-normal heroes party to have social skills.

Destroying cities, sure he could do that. Heal your missing he could also do that with some difficulty. Talk to women? now you are just asking too much from him.

Why can't it ever be a normal person to climb his mountain, why does it always have to be the weirdos? Ike wondered as he walked through the streets of Orario trying his best to follow Naaza's directions to a tea, all but forgetting that he chose that mountain specifically because its peak was unreachable by normal means.

He swore if normal people just came up the mountain once in a while he would have unlimited Rizz as his disciple would say. Whatever that is


Two hours later

"Can't miss it, she says. Big building with lots of adventures she says." Ike complained walking down the street not even noticing the sea of people splitting around him.

"What did she say again? Clover, do you remember? Something about taking a left and then another left before going south right?" he continued to complain, noticing that his sense of direction and overall situational awareness were worse than a blind toddler

After hundreds of years of using magic to enhance his senses, it feels odd but especially scary without it. Magic was one hell of a drug and getting off it will not be an easy process. This is why kids should never follow old men who tell you they're going to show you their magic wand if you follow them to their house.

"Be prepared world, for the legend of Ike the swordsman and his trusty sword Clover" Ike clenched his face saying to himself losing himself in thought about how cool he would be when he finally became a hero. But first, his first quest on his legendary path will be to find that damn guild

"Now I just need to find that guild" He prepared himself to renew his efforts of finding the Guild all by himself. What kind of Hero asked for directions, that sounds like a weak mage thing and he isn't a weak mage.

Ok scratch that he won't be a weak mage soon probably..hopefully.

"How pellicular," A husky voice filled with seductive undertones said bringing Ike back to reality

"What" Ike questioned looking down at who he pumped into

In Front of him stood a girl who was about 170 cm tall(5'7). She had long silver hair that rain down to her hip, bright purple eyes, and porcelain white skin. She wore a light blue gown that hugged and highlighted her seductive figure attracting the gazes of all bystanders who for some reason have gathered at the edge of the street opening up the middle for her leaving only Ike and her in the middle of the road

"Excuse me Miss but I'm in a bit of a rush, I have to find the guild before I make a little doggy even madder," Ike said as he went past her and began to sprint

"Very particular indeed" The silver head girl repeated as she looked at the back of the man running away

15 minutes later

"Huh finally gasp found gasp it," Ike said leaning on a wall and catching his breath

"Am I this out of shape?" Ike asked himself

Not being able to last fifteen minutes is..disappointing to say the least. He added another goal to the hero's checklist of things to do. He could sense he was going to be adding a lot of things to that list

Getting his stamina up so he can last all day and all night was his top priority

Done catching his breath Ike walked into the building. While the building wasn't the grandest piece of Architecture he had witnessed. He could still tell it was well-built. What caught his attention the most were the lines..holy gods and goddesses were long, especially the ones with the female workers.

Damn simps

Not wanting to become a fossil before he could officially become an adventure. He picked a short line hosted by what he believed to be a dwarf in his mid to late 20s. The line slowly became shorter causing him to look to one of the female-hosted lines that seem to be nowhere near ever finishing. Once again reassuring him of his decision. Sure he got to talk to a pretty girl at the end of it, but he has better things to do than chase after skirts

"Hello, my name is Moras. how can I help you today?" The dwarf asked adjusting his bowtie

"I would like to register as an adventure. How would I go about that?" Ike asked adjusting his hood.

"Understood Sir, give me a moment," Moras said as he got up from his seat and went to the back.

Ike took the chance to scan his surrounding, the Guild was filled with both chaos and tranquillity all coming together to create a unique atmosphere one would struggle to find anywhere else.

Purple stones were being exchanged at some counters for Vali's. Which he learned to be the name of the local currency yesterday. Adventure and Guild workers occasionally argue with one another about the exchange rate.

A pretty human Guild worker with pink hair was teasing a brown-haired elf that worked beside her.

A red werewolf with a resting bitch faces very disinterested in the adventure trying to get into her pants.

Guild workers working on documents, adventures chatting with one another. Some looked a bit bruised up but overall they were mostly fine.

It was calming in its weird way, it reminded him of his time in the Imperial Army. Soldiers goofing away the day knowing any day could be their last. Officers trying to re-enforce order in the camp all with smiles on their faces. The cooks cook boiling bowls of soup to refill the Empire's war machines and the sound of sparing happening in the background.

Oh, how he missed those days..how long has it been since he could enjoy a scene like this 400 maybe 500? Damn, he was old.

"Stop getting sentimental you old goof" like whispered to himself trying to get his mind off what once was and trying to look towards a brighter future. He missed it all but those days are long lost to the pages of history.

"Sorry for the wait" Moras came out from the back carrying a small tower of paper with him before dropping it on the desk

"No worries, I'm ready whenever you are," Ike said trying to clear his mind.

"Ok, What's your name," Moras asked him as he took a quill beside him and prepared to write

"My name is Ike," Ike said as he refocused

"No last name?" The dwarf wrote down something as he asked

"None, I was an orphan," Ike said calmly.

"Ok, how old are you" Moras continued undisturbed as he continued to write down whatever he said

"I'm(600+) 18" He stopped himself from giving his default answer to questions about his age and gave the age on his Falna which was the name of the blessings goods gave in these parts.

The Dwarf didn't notice the hesitation in his voice, or if he did he decided it wasn't important enough to press the subject.

'Yeah 18, I'm a brand new me, me with no reason to continue to be attached to past failures and regrets. A me who can do whatever I want so I can return to the kilim with no regrets' Ike repeated to himself in his head trying to reassure himself of letting go of past baggage

"Where did you come from," Moras asked

"I came from the Empire" Ike answered

"What was your reason for leaving the Empire to come over here"

"I wanted a new life" The dwarf didn't ask more, coming to Orario to get away from it all was a common story next to claiming riches

"What do you hope to do by becoming an adventure," Moras asked

"I've always wanted to become a hero, I want to become an adventure so I can carve out my piece of destiny so I can help people. Even if it's just one person that's enough for me." Ike told Moras truthfully not caring how childish his dream sounds

"Any previous experience with monsters before coming to the city"

Moras asked

"yes, I was a mage before coming here, I would hunt monsters to earn a living with my magic but I decided I wanted to become a swordsman when I left the empire" Ike answered gesturing to the sword on his back

"A mage? I heard those are pretty rare why did you decide to drop it for the blade." Moras asked with a bit of surprise, most people would rather be a mage than a warrior because of the safety involved with standing at the backline.

"I couldn't do what I dreamed of as a mage, how can I be a hero when I'm always sitting in the back having to be protected, I want to be doing the protecting. I want to be the first to stand in the face of danger and the last one to flee. I want to be able to give others hope in the darkest of times and the only way I can do that is by being on the frontline" Ike paused

"I grew up with tales of heroes saving the day and this may sound childish but I want to be just like those heroes I read all about. I will hold this to the day I die no matter how old I get" Ike continued passion burning in his eyes

"Respectable dream. Don't go getting yourself killed in the dungeon Mr.Hero.The dungeon monsters are a lot rougher than the ones on the surface. " Moras joked as he wrote more things down

"I won't." Ike chuckled

Moras began to fire question after question at Ike which he calmly answered and after 5 minutes of questioning he finished registering.

"Thanks, Moras, see you around," Ike said after his interrogation session, oh how nice would it be to be interrogated by a fire maiden instead, but he'll settle for Moras for now. He seemed pretty laid back even with that stern face of his

"Have a good day Ike, come back in two days for your advisor and license " Moras waved goodbye at Ike who just waved back

Quest 1: Done

One step closer to getting an honorary mention in the Book of Hero

Great success

'Now time to return home" Ike thought as he walked out of the guild with a smile on his face only hidden by the cloak that covered his features.

"Where is home exactly" Clover seemed to just shrug at the question surprised that Ike has somehow managed to get lost again


6 hours later

'Those kids are a menace to society' Ike thought as he stood in front of the Blue Pharmacy Miach's potion store.

Somehow he ended up across the city from where he was ending up in an orphanage on Daedalus Street run by Lady Maria. Without her help, he would have been trapped in that labyrinth for all eternity.

She was a great lady, Kind, helpful caring, and especially beautiful…The orphans are another story.

How dare they call him a shady skeleton. He was not shady or a skeleton..just look at him he could easily do 10 push-ups in a row..ok maybe more like 5 but that's a lot.

Just as he entered the store he was greeted by a not-so-happy dog girl. She was tapping her heel on the ground with her hands crossed below her breast.

"Where have you been," Naaza asked glaring at Ike.

Ike looked at her before turning to look at the still-open door and repeating the process trying to decide if he would rather deal with sleeping in an alley where he could be stabbed by the wandering murder hobo or dealing with the angry girl trying to incinerate him with her eyes.

He decided on the latter after signing, he was never a big fan of getting penetrated by a sharp stick. How bad could a woman's anger truly be

"I got lost" He admitted while scratching the back of his head

"I gave you clear directions…" Naaza deadpanned at him

" I have a bad sense of direction" Ike answered truthfully, he's been told he could lost on a one-way street

"Did you at least manage to register as an adventure?" Naaza asked as she stopped abusing the poor wood floors

"Yeah, I did. it was easier than I thought" Ike answered as he unattached the bag of vali from his belt.

"Here's the money you gave me" Ike tossed the bag to Naaza's waiting hands. The second he passed it to her she opened the bag and began to count it.

He waited patiently as she counted it and then recounted it just to make sure nothing was missing

"It's all here" Naaza questioned with a hint of surprise breaking through her cold and distant facade.

"Of course it is? I didn't use any of it" Ike said as if Naaza said the most obvious thing in existence

"You didn't buy the new adventure starter pack," Naaza asked

"I'll be fine without it" Ike dismissed her question. walking past her to go to his room

Naaza said nothing as she furrowed her briefly before her stoic face appeared once again


Walking into his room Ike grabbed the rectangular bag on besides his bed and laid Clover on the bed much to her displeasure. He released the last bit of mana from his shattered core into the bag and magic circles appeared and shattered one by one.

He put his hand into the bag and started prying for anything that could be useful. Book, Book, Camera, May's panties, book, blueprints, magic rings, more of May's panties. Ike stated in his head to keep track of what he was taking out.

Wait what? What are May's panties doing in there, who the hell put them in his pack?

Questions flew through his mind scared of what was going to happen if Miach or Naaza catch him with a bunch of panties in his room.

He examined them before noticing a note attached to a thong garter belt combo. He signed before picking up the note. Preparing himself for all the headaches that his disciple's antics give him

Dear Master,

I thought you would be lonely on your journey to defeat the demon lord, so I put some of my clothes in your travel pack so you could always remember me when you are feeling lonely.

Please use them to your heart's content in any way you find fit..wink wink

And if you find yourself becoming too warm because of my clothes please rush home as soon as possible so I can welcome you with open arms and help you cool down. So make sure to give me lots of your ice cream for being such a good girl ok master?

There's only so long a girl can be kept waiting before she takes action herself you know, I don't want to have to tie you down master so please come quickly.

From your loving apprentice

P.S: Some of them may or not be used, so don't go too crazy unless I'm there then go as crazy as you like


"That girl" Ike whispered under his breath as he held the panties in front of them

"Ow" Ike cried out as he dropped the article of clothing to the ground holding his head in pain

"What was that for Clover" Ike questioned the sword that unsheathed itself to pound its broadside on his head

'You pervert' Clovers Gem glowed sending her thoughts to Ike. before lunging at him to smack him again

"I'm not a pervert damn it," Ike said as he ran away from the jealous sword.

"Clover calm down" Ike begged to cover his head.

His days can never be normal, can they?

If you seem any mistakes please alert me,I will try to fix them. If you have any advice to how i could improve every piece of critism is welcomed.

Airmid> Everyone else

Bye bye for now,I need to go back to feeding my addiction.And don't give me stones I still don't know how to use them

All_Mighty_Readercreators' thoughts